The majority of Hoth is frozen glaciers, jagged rocks, and frozen landscapes.
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[D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri was feeling ready to go and follow up on a secondary objective here on the planet. He geared up in envirosuit to keep the cold out and shouldered a pack with everything he might need, even his cortosis shield though he hoped that wouldn't be necesarry.

He set off into the wastes heading toward the coordinates he was given.
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Zayne Rist »

Wandered over to the man who shared a name with. Zayne was in P-14 Industry Suit with Heating System and tracking system. Weapons and shield holstered.

"As a member of the house, I can't have the Duke of Rist go without at least one armed guard, you know?" Zayne said with a smile, though it was hidden by his mask. But, the tone was enough to convey it. He looked the swirling snow as far as his eyes could see.
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

They quickly reach the destination, there is nothing there at first glance.

OOC: Computers check at Average please.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri nodded to Zayne with a smile of his own only partially obscured by the cold weather gear. Well hopefully the need for armed guard won't be necesarry. We're going to see my sister." He said without any clarification.

-travel time-

"Well it seems the coordinates lead here." He tapped around on his communicator and looked about.

D2 family matters Computers average check: 5eA+2eD 4 successes
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

Sensors pick up a structure under the snow and ice, but that means digging.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri turned to Zayne "Well looks like we have to go down." He pulled out his plasma torch and knelt down to start melting the ice below them
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

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After about twenty minutes of work he strikes a hull frame, looks like a ship buried under the snow and ice.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri wasn't sweating at first, too cold for that but as they got deeper and were shielded from the wind the heat from the torch plus the insulation had him cooking a bit.

"Never thought I might overheat on an ice planet. That'd be one for the medical journals." He joked with his cousin between heavy breaths.

"Well let's start looking for the entrance." He said melting snow around them looking for some way in."
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

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The duo find an entrance and with some strength and melting they get it open. The interior is quiet and dark.

Looks like a small freighter.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri turned on a light and walked in tentatively looking around "what do you think the odds are anyone is alive down here?" He asked Zayne
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Zayne Rist »

"I've say slim to none. But, we can hope for the best and prepare for the worst." Zayne turned on his lightsaber on practice setting for more illumination.
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

The ship is not large a sleeping area, small common area with adjacent refresher and a short access to the cockpit.

The craft is at an angle so walking was difficult as it was dipped down towards the nose of the craft so going to the cockpit was easy but getting out meant some climbing.

Strangely there seem to be no personal affects or objects.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri looked about "I'll head to the cockpit see if there's anything to get power on to look at Ship's logs or something. Check around out here and see if you can find anything."

He then began the careful slow walk down the tilted floor to the cockpit
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Does he have anything to generate power, otherwise it's a Daunting Mechanics check to squeeze out any juice.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Zayne Rist »

"Very well. I will see what I can find. Time to hunt..." He said as a Jedi Seeker he is.

He cautiously starting walking slowly and looking for clues of the ship.
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Perception check at Hard, Destiny flip for 2eD+1eC
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Zayne Rist »

"Yeah, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary, right now." He called back to Omandri. "But, I will keep searching."

[D2 LA-EE] Family Matters - Perc Check - Perc 1 + Cun 3 + (Hard Dif + Upgrade): 1eP+2eA+1eC+2eD 0 successes

0 successes
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Dapper Dog wrote:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:19 pm
OOC: Does he have anything to generate power, otherwise it's a Daunting Mechanics check to squeeze out any juice.
"Alright keep me posted." He called back setting his pack down and scrounging around for his tool kit.

He went to the consol getting to the wiring underneath and started seeing what he could do. There seemed to be a decent amount of power left actually and maybe he saw something else while he was working.

D2 family matters Daunting mechanics boost from tools destiny: 2eP+3eA+1eB+4eD 4 successes, 3 advantage

Success spend advantage for there to be a decent amount of power and/or turn up something interesting in the cockpit?
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

He gets power running and the emergency lighting comes on, he aso finds an old family photo of the children of the current Rist family.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri sits and stares at the photo for a moment. Life was a lot simpler back then, sure he didn't always get along with them but they had all been closer in those days before politics and secret organizations he gave the photo a once over making sure it was just a memento and not the invitation that had been referenced.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

With power back a holo message plays from a woman:

“Welcome, I assume this will be the Duke but if it’s not, well color me surprised. I will keep this short, I have abandoned this ship and my old life. Again. There is a settlement here run by pirates, I will pose as a doctor, new face… possibly new body.”

“Be like the old days playing hide and punch, better run little Oma*.”

She finished, “I am ready to come in from the Cold, but I have stipulations, amnesty… I won’t speak of where I have been or what I have done. I don’t want anything, but a simple retirement. If you can’t offer that, don’t follow me. But if you have kept listening to all of this, then goodbye, the reactor was primed to melt down at power-up. Enjoy your tomb.”

OOC: Omandri would recognize better run little Oma as code to GTFO so they have an Easy check for Coordination, Cool, or Vigilance to get out safely or suffer possibly fatal damage. This applies to both of them assuming Omandri warns his friend.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Omandri Rist »

He heard the coded message and immediately packed his bag "Zayne! Out! Now!" He shouted as he started calmly placing his feet and hands to get out going quick but careful to not miss any.

D2 family matters east gtfo cool: 1eP+2eA+1eD 2 successes, 2 advantage

Spend advantage to pass Zayne a boost on his attempt to get out.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Zayne Rist »

Zayne started running out the door, but tripped on a wire. But, kept his balance moving toward the door.

OCC: should have rolled Coordination, 6 dice is better than 2 yellow dice.

[D2 LA-EE] Family Matters - Vigi Check - Vigi 2 + Will 2 + easy dif: 2eP+1eD 1 failure, 2 advantage

[D2 LA-EE] Family Matters - boost die: 1eB 0 successes, 1 advantage

1 failure, 3 advantage = a 2nd movement
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Zayne suffers 15 wounds from the explosion, soak applies.
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Re: [D2 LA-EE] Family Matters

Post by Zayne Rist »

"Wow, that was close..." He flipped his mask up to get some flesh air. He padded down some firing debris on he suit. The suit was fire resistant though. Then grabbed ahold of a stimpack in his backpack.

6 soak
taking 9 damage
1 stimpack - heals 5 damage
14/18 wounds
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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