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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

Jo'ren Rath wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 5:37 pm
"I guess you know what you're doing Zeno, but man." He smirked. "Twins you say? Hands full then. My girls are with Shaisha, although by now the eldest probably got shipped off to my family. She takes after her mother..."
"Yeah, my hands are extra full since I am insistent on starting them off with force training myself. They are the future of my families. How has Shaisha been?"
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

"Makes sense, if you want it done right. Shaisha's doing fine. Pretty busy helping to run the Empire, but doing what she does best." He smiled and wondered what she would make of this impromptu reunion. "Good to see you again, and I'm glad you're doing well. I'm sure you've been getting in plenty of trouble too though, right?" Couldn't keep a good Sith down.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

"Not as much as you, but definitely a bit here and there. I've been working on building and expanding the family influence. Helped fight off a coup where they tried to assassinate my family. A rough couple of days of anger."

Zeno looks to the larger man, then around at their surroundings.

"It's nothing like I used to envision. Nothing at all. Convinced me that there's no right or wrong path. It's all just a scramble for power."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

"Didn't think you'd let your life get too boring Zeno. Fighting a coup sounds right up your street." He smirked a little at the reflections on life, the universe, and everything

"I never spent too much time worrying about all that kriff. I make my own path. Sometimes I think the force puts me where I need to be, but I try not to dwell on it too much." He tapped his chest. "I guess I like to think the last few years I've been bringing some balance to this crazy galaxy. Sometimes, things just need to be brought to an end."

He was good at it too.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

A woman lingered at the entrance of the first aid area, she was obviously distressed but also seemed reluctant to enter. She favored her leg and finally scowled and entered and said, “I… need assistance.”

The words were like a knife to admit her weakness.

OOC: She currently has an Average Critical Injury.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

Zeno moves to the Sith and props her up under one arm. "Let's get some one to look you over."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

Zeno Thul wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 10:29 pm
Zeno moves to the Sith and props her up under one arm. "Let's get some one to look you over."
She frowned at his charity but it did feel better to have assistance. She muttered, "What is the price of this aid?"
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

"The price will be that you have to give a public reading from Jerri Organa's latest book," Zeno said in a serious voice. If the fact that it was so ridiculous didn't make it obvious, his face wouldn't.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

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"I have no idea who that is," she responded. "Is this a Jedi treatise, because reading that would be torture."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

"It's a spicy romance novel revolving around the life of a Jedi. Like most of them," Zeno explains. "Very popular back home. If you're into that sort of thing at least."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Riss »

Riss walks from near Omandri's side over toward Zeno and this stranger whom came seeking aid. At least in ear shot enough she casts a pleasant smile first to the woman and then shifts it over to Zeno himself. Half-way toward giving the man a nudge she stops and just looks at him a bit sternly, "You know, it might be best to actually see to her injuries rather than go on about this.." she pauses a moment, flashing back across all she knew of Jerri Organa, ".. utter nonsense."

Looking to the woman more directly now, "Omandri Rist over there is the best doctor we have. All it will cost you is the pride to accept charity, mm?" Riss looks back to Zeno, "Right, Duke-consort Thul?"
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

"Charity is the first step to bondage," she muttered. "If that is the cost then, kriff, whatever, I need to be at my best. Bring this doctor me."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Riss »

"Don't threaten me with a good time," she quips, flashes a smile to Zeno and then gives the woman a little wave to follow her. Not even bothering to stop and inform her it was going to have to be the other way around in this case, considering all the walking she seemed capable of doing to get this far.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

"These Republic types and their mercy. As long as you owe someone you don't truly own your own power, right?" he says in a melodramatic manner, focusing on helping her to Omandri.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

Zeno Thul wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:35 pm
"These Republic types and their mercy. As long as you owe someone you don't truly own your own power, right?" he says in a melodramatic manner, focusing on helping her to Omandri.
"Are you mocking me? Just because you are many years my elder do not patronize me!" she said confused by the man as she walked.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri of course followed Riss with his eyes and saw the interaction with the newcomer and heard most of it he stood and looked in his backpack fishing out his medical bag. Luckily due to the nullcaine he couldn't feel any pain in his arm so doing work will be much easier.

He waved her over as well pointing to a spot in front of a box he could sit on to examine her "you're not the only one injured. you walked all the way here, a few more feet won't kill you." He said as the trio approached

"What happened?" He asked more business like.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

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"I had a fight, but the leg got wrecked in the escape pod," she admitted. "I would usually have my medi-slave handle it, but I foolishly did not bring her. Slaves, never around when you bloody need them."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

"I am many years older, and will probably live many years longer too," he says with a smirk.

He continues providing support despite the jabs and jokes.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Omandri Rist »

He stood stood and motioned for her to sit while he set the bag down and opened it. He looked at the wound and up to her "A fight with who? Pirates?"

He glossed over the talk of slaves though he couldn't hide the disapproval in his eyes.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Riss »

Talk of slaves brought a sour look across Riss' expression. Though, the woman had the decency and sense to just walk away from this one. Instead of sticking around she quickly made her exit as unceremoniously as possible.

/exit Riss!
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

Omandri Rist wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:55 pm
He stood stood and motioned for her to sit while he set the bag down and opened it. He looked at the wound and up to her "A fight with who? Pirates?"

He glossed over the talk of slaves though he couldn't hide the disapproval in his eyes.
"I guess so, they fired first and I cut them down. Once they knew they were beaten they tried to hide, cowards. As father says, a beaten tu'kata is only truly beaten when dead," she said confidently.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

As the one called Riss departed Jo'ren walked over to assess the situation. They seemed to have things under control. The woman seemed vaguely familiar.

"What's your name?" He gave her a questioning look. "And how many pirates?"
Last edited by Jo'ren Rath on Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

"My Lord, Viyuti Diti, Viyuti if it please you," she offered to Jo'ren. "I killed four for sure, they ran to their escape pod like cowards but I killed them all."

"Nothing better than pleas of mercy, they kriffed around and found out."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

"Viyuti it is then. Four pirates is a start, would have liked to find some myself." He gave her a nod. "Anything useful on them? Datapads, comlinks? Something that might have some Intel?"

He looked at the injury. He'd seen worse. Still sucked to have to drag yourself across the ice like that. Maybe she was tougher than she looked.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

"Did not seem important at the time, my Lord," she replied.
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