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Captain Syrian
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[Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Captain Syrian »

Syrian's Revenge

Event Type: Main Story
Participants: All (Mandatory unless in other Mid Afternoon Events)
Timeslots: Mid Afternoon

Description: Syrian sat down in his command chair and sipped some wine before he said, “Number one, unleash my vengeance.”

The command ship maneuvered and began an orbital bombardment of Echo Base, the base defenses went into effect and blew many of the insertion pods out of the sky but the systems were overwhelmed and soon Zakuul battle droids were massing and firing indiscriminately at anyone putting the refugees right in the line of fire.

Syrian sighed, this vengeance would taste sweeter if his woman was by his side.

Rules: Players must survive and fight back against the overwhelming odds! Player must have one of three initial choices at the start:
  • Run Away!: The player gets out of there in a hurry make an Average Resilience or Coordination check to avoid being harmed or suffer the players Toughness plus four wounds in damage during the escape. Every 2 Advantage can be used to reduce wounds taken by one, 2 Threat increase wounds taken by one, and a Despair means they suffer at least one wound and a Critical Injury. They flee into the wastes and avoid any further harm. Those with Normal morality suffer 2 conflict if they choose this.
  • Kill them All: The player engages in the event and the difficulty for rolls is Average, if two threat are rolled they seriously injure or kill a refugee caught in the crossfire. Players of normal morality suffer 2 Conflict for taking this route.
  • Get Behind Me: The player engages in the event and the difficulty is Hard, players of Dark Side morality suffer 3 conflict if they choose this route as they are more inline with going the selfish route.
Characters can use any skill for the check but can only use a given skill once. Doing so means they suffer their Soak value plus two wounds, with Pierce 3 after they complete the skill. Players can keep acting until they are knocked out, killed, or simply stop of their own volition. Each additional skill check made upgrades the difficulty by one, so for round one at Average starts at 2eD then 1eC+1ed, and then 2eC, and so on and so forth.

If the character makes a combat skill check, which can be done an unlimited amount of times, increase the difficulty by one and the damage taken is their Soak value plus Five, with Pierce 3. Mods do not affect this roll, and do not ask about relevant talents as this is just an approximation of combat. The same rule applies for each additional skill check made with the difficulty upgrading by one step.

Every 2 Advantage can be used to reduce wounds taken by one, 2 Threat increase wounds taken by one, and a Despair means they suffer at least one wound and a Critical Injury.

Keep track of successes rolled, Triumphs are worth 3 successes rolled.

If a character is knocked out, exceeds their wounds, roll 1d100 and on 76 or higher they are killed. This will NOT generate a Heroic moment.

Rewards/Outcome: Players begin with 10 successes due to Base Defenses put in place by Hacha.

Players need to reach 45 successes to drive the enemy back or the base is destroyed, refugees massacred, and many of the base personnel slain including a few random NPCs.

At 46 to 55 successes they save the lower floor and the turbolift, but the upper level is completely destroyed and Engineering is severely damaged with the base running on emergency power.

Netting 56 to 65 successes protect the base but the base suffers a great deal of damage and power is at Critical with only about half the refugees saved.

Achieving 66 or more successes means the base is mostly unharmed and most refugees are saved, besides those potentially killed in the crossfire.
Pirate King | Brilliant Tactician | White Maw | Naval Commander | Chiss

*Played by Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Players can use up to two stimpacks in the event. Order should be Skill check, damage taken, and then stim pack in that order. They can use Force abilities as a skill check or combat skill check, roll Discipline plus Force dice as normal. Same rules as above apply.

I will Flip a Destiny to upgrade the check of the FIRST roll the player makes, one per player.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Zeno Thul
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Zeno Thul »

Zeno steps onto the battlefield with Lady Savagery providing him some cover. But he didn't have his lightsaber's out. No, instead he was looking over the mass of enemies and reaching out through the force to his allies. His mind touches then forces it's way into those that seem most useful to turning the tide as best he can see it. And then he forces his way in, demanding that they fight with agression and violence. This increased sense of urgency an desire to spill blood accidentally results in a friendly fire incident due to a misidentification... but he gives zero kriffs about that when everyone's survival was on the line.

They hear it in their mind. Do it!

Nothing would stop him from getting to his family. No matter if he had to consume other's wills or kill them. His love was too strong and it fed his obsession and rage. It had been a long time since he'd shown the corruption as strongly as it came through now, a complex web-like pattern of black extending from his eyes as he perverts even the light to get what he wants.


Kill them All

D8 MA, Syrian, Battle Meditation, Leadership + Force vs Average, GM destiny Flip, Zash's Talent, Powerbase Death's Shadow Squadron: 1eA+1eP+3eF+3eB+1eC+1eD 3 successes, 2 threat, 4 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

Spending 1 destiny, taking 4 strain for LS pips, taking 4 strain for planetary range, 4 conflict
1 FP Base Power, 1 FP range planetary Long, 1 FP magnitude (10 targets), 2 FP strength (2 auto successes)
Commit 3 force dice to maintain

Take 4 wounds (Soak +2, Threat +1, Pierce 3), then use stimpack, 0 wounds, 8 strain

Next 10 PCs get 2 auto successes on all their rolls for the encounter, but suffer -1 willpower as well

Running total: 13 sucesses
Duke-Consort of House Thul | Father | Imperial Noble | Alderaan Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Human (Sith-blood) | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent

Stuff: Armored clothing, thermal cloak, shoto, guard shoto, stimpaks, tuk'ata helmet, utility belt, datapad

Ship: Umbral Vanguard | Sidekick: Lady Savagery
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Given the source and command, any player utilizing the auto successes from Battle Meditation with normal/light aligned morality will suffer 4 conflict.
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Riss »

Riss, not taking part in the fighting, would not draw the eye of Zeno's gaze through the force.

Sounds of screaming, weapons discharging, the shouts of combat and warriors dealing and receiving killing blows. Metal demons were swarming around the base attacking any and all- it was true and utter chaos. An explosion set Riss' ears ringing as she stumbles against a wall, watching as a few of these very machine-soldiers make their way past. Half fallen to the ground she tries to find the cool she never had found since the chaos began, but it doesn't find her. Panic settling into her heart, the silence of thought disappearing and animal instinct setting in she utterly freezes in the moment. Luckily, the patrol passes her by without conflict but it had come too close...

.. Riss later finds herself a hallway down, a couple turns. A small family of refugee's has taken a moment to hide in one of the barracks bedrooms, but they needed to be falling back somewhere safer. Mother and father were trying their hardest to get their few teens calm enough to move while a visible shaken young woman stood looking over them, the eldest sister. Outside felt unreal in this small space, this room where the chaos was only the sounds they heard outside the wall. Riss carefully makes her way through the space to stand in front of the young woman, offering a little smile, "Hey, we gotta get you moving, think you can help them lead the way?"

"H-h-h-how, aren't you scared?"

Riss shakes her head with that easy confidence, "Nah. Heroes don't die in the story right," she says, looking over her shoulder at the rest of the womans family. Putting a hand to her own chest, and then placing it also on the other woman, "And that's me and you. Come on," she says, tapping the woman on the shoulder. Something in that interaction sparked the young woman, rekindling by accident or purpose the little fire in her heart. Borrowing one of Riss' blasters, she'd lead her family while Riss took up the rear to a safer location of the base.

Once there, the girl thanks her and settles in with her family. Riss having her hold onto her Nova Viper for the remainder of the time to help Riss, and the others present, keep a watch and ready to make their break for safety when they might need and the way was clear. Leaving a rather sizeable group of refugee's tucked away in a little storage room off of one of the throughways of Echo Base. With the sound of worried speaking, sobbing, and the occasional scream. Slowly, but surely, Riss personally makes a trip to each and everyone one of them to listen to their tales, their concerns. Imparting her charm, her reassurance, and simply her presence in hearing what they had to say- it may not seem like much on the outside, but these little moments can oft shift tides by bringing peoples hearts and minds into the right place.


Riss: Brawn 2 Soak 2. [Base damage from rolls = 4]

Wound Threshold: 0/12
Strain Threshold: 0/15

Day 8, MA | Syrian's Revenge: Cool vs Hard, Broken Cascader: 3eP+1eA+3eD 1 success, 2 advantage

Day 8, MA | Syrian's Revenge: Re-rolling for GM Destiny, First Roll Difficulty: 1eC+2eD 1 failure, 4 threat

Roll Failure: +4 Wounds.

WT: 3/12
ST: 0/15

Day 8, MA | Syrian's Revenge: Deception, Plausible Deniability, Cascader vs Hard, Broken Cascader, Second Roll: 4eP+1eC+2eD 2 successes, 4 advantage, 1 Despair

+2 Success, + 2 Wounds, +1 Despair (Cancelled)

Riss uses Just Kidding! (Once per round may spend a Destiny point to turn a Despair into a singular Failure on any Social Check)

WT: 5/12
ST: 0/15

Day 8, MA | Syrian's Revenge: Charm, Cascader, Kill With Kindness, CongenialX2 vs Hard, Broken Cascader, Third Roll: 5eP+3eD 2 successes, 4 advantage

+2 Success' +2 Wounds!

WT: 7/12
ST: 2/15

Stimpack to heal 6 wounds!

WT: 2/12
ST: 2/15

Total: +4 Success' toward the goal!
Running Total: 17 Success'
Alderaanian Nobility | Human | Countess Lanar | Socialite | Diplomat | Disarming Smile | Bisaster | Bo's Favorite Sister
Description | Theme

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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: It was asked and sidekicks can assist, but if two threat or despair is rolled they die. They do not get a heroic moment.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Darth Bellious
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Darth Bellious »

It didn't take a mastermind to conclude that something like this would happen, so Darth Bellious had prepared. She had mustered whatever members of or fresh recruits to her organisation could be arrayed and, with Razzya's strategic forecasting, had placed them in various outlets of the base for a concerted effort to craft the proverbial and literal fog of war. Smoke explosives, mobile missile decoys, blinding flashes, confusing coating of vents and doors, weird installations that looked like targets... and more once the ground troops deployed.

The expertise had been there. Darth Bellious' Directorate for Intelligent Xeno Integration and Transformation, or DIXIT for short, a very obscure institution within the Imperial Ministry of Intelligence, had operated unnoticed and untracked for years now. It had been infamous for fomenting revolutions throughout the galaxy for years now. She had educated so many a stray xenos into anarchistic freedom fighters, giving them purpose she had once acquired herself to forge their own destiny, and had schooled them in secret facilities in the art of provocation, subversion, and sabotage.

If war was theatre, she had prepared a very unpredictable scenography that would awe the impartial audience and frustrate Syrian. And fill the Echo defenders with battle frenzy as they would stand a better chance against the Zakuul tide, with the inflection toward the Dark Side Zeno Thul's battle-making had imbued them with.

Moyr couldn't deny Razzya a prominent part, danger or not. She had been brooding over how their meeting with Syrian had gone, a chink in her credentials, and now was the time for an unexpected comeuppance. The duel of the minds between the Chiss. And the mind of Chaf'razz'yatee'waz, the proud member of the aristocratic House Chaf, proved superior over that renegade scoundrel, and she would make him know.


MA8. Knowledge: Warfare for Improved Researcher.: 1eP+4eA+3eD 1 success, 4 advantage

[4 Advantage to add a personal touch to the plan so that Syrian would know it was Razzya's.]
[3 Advantage to the following roll: 2 from Improved Researcher, 1 from Supporting Evidence.]


[My approach.]

The execution of the plan, however, as everything, required sacrifices, and Darth Bellious wasn't going to stay her hand just because someone would get in the way. Or so she was telling herself as in the end she did rush out two of her trusted agents out of the harm's way, taking the explosive impact on herself, not looking at is of course.


[Soak 5]
[0/14 Wounds]
[0/13 Strain]

[Destiny flip to use Light Pips, 2 Conflict.]
[Taking 7 Wounds with Pierce 3, Nets 5. Mitigating 3 from Advantages]

[2/14 Wounds]
[0/13 Strain]


MA6. Event Roll. Deception. Influence. 2 Boost from Powerbase. 1 Boost & 3 Advantages from Razzya. 2 Successes from Zeno.: 2eP+2eA+3eB+2eF+1eC+1eD 4 successes, 4 advantage, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

[4 Successes + 2 Zeno's Successes + 3 from Pips = 9 Successes]
[7 Advantages for use, using 6 for Wound mitigation]


As the fog of war above the Echo Base was thickening, Darth Bellious was about to enact the next stage of her plan. Timing was instrumental as the overwhelming force would inadvertently overpower their anti-air defences and to come to a ground assault. Their own ships had to escape before the hangar would be bombed into smithereens or overrun. The Bitch would not be smashed sitting, but Moyr didn't plan on being on board. She would let Razzya and her most trusted agents to crew it and find their battle fortune up there. Though she had programmed a truly erratic flight path for them until far in orbit so pirates couldn't dog them into a trap of their own design. She had espected Syrian to have offset a special force to hunt down the escapees. It would either work or it wouldn't...


MA6. Event Roll. Piloting (Space). Enhance. 1 Boost from Razzya. 2 Successes from Zeno.: 1eP+2eA+1eB+2eF+1eC+1eD 1 success, 3 advantage, 2 Dark Side

[1 Success + 2 from Pips + 2 from Zeno = 5 Successes]
[2 of 3 Advantages to Wounds mitigation.]
[Taking 7 Wounds with Pierce 3, Nets 5. Mitigating 1 from Advantage, Nets 4.]
[Stimpack for -5 Wounds]


And it did. The Bitch had pierced through, gaining the fighting chance; now it was up to Razzya and the team if they were to survive the battle. This time Moyr was hit harder by the concussion bomb that tore the hangar in belated retaliation, but it didn't really stop her. The impromptu camouflage and decoys of the base would be gone soon, now was the time to prepare for the true showdown in the icy bellies of Echo. She would invite the uninvited guests with a lot of... fanfare.

Rushing through the base she kept activating various booby traps and creating cul-de-sacs of death from blocked passageways, turning the base's wiring against the Zakuul. That had been her hidden purpose when she had tinkered with the security systems of the command centre and the lower passageways throughout their confinement at Echo, since Day One. Now it was about to bear fruit in an orchestral performance composed by the Master of Shadows.

Like fruits of mayhem, like flowers of carnage, the base bloomed as the Zakuul forces entered it.


MA8. Event. Skulduggery. Master of Shadows. +2 Zeno Successes.: 2eP+2eA+1eC 2 successes, 3 advantage

[2 Success + 2 Zeno's = 4 Successes]
[2 Advantage for Wound mitigation]
[Taking 7 Wounds with Pierce 3, Nets 5. Mitigating 1 from Advantage, Nets 4.]
[2 Strain for Master of Shadows]
[Stimpack for -4 Wounds]

[1/14 Wounds]
[2/13 Strain]


"I hope you're having fun, Syrian, because I, Darth Bellious, sure am." Moyr sent the message into the ether for the nearest comm point, chirping with sweet mockery. "It may not be too late for you to reconsider and to take the better deal."

She didn't count on the pirate changing his mind, rather on provoking him. And it looked like it worked, as the battle droids started closing on her, some of them firing successful shots, and not all of them got parried...


MA8. Event. Charm. Influence. Zeno's Meditation.: 1eP+2eA+2eF+2eC+1eD 1 success, 2 Dark Side

[1 Success + 2 from Pips +2 from Zeno = 5 Successes]
[Taking 7 Wounds with Pierce 3, Nets 5.]
[6/14 Wounds]
[2/13 Strain]


Now it turned to the most difficult part. She'd goaded them into following her, so it was up to her to bring them to all the death pits while escaping them herself. She recalled her conversation with Luth about mice, and her recollection of desert mice on Ryloth, outsmarting predators and making them look like fools. This was her tactics for the moment, to play cat and mouse where curiosity kills the cat and the mouse feeds on its carcass.
Either way, she'd done her job. She wouldn't mind if it were Layne who did the executions. At least it would bring her closer to the Dark Side again?


MA8. Event. Stealth. Master of Shadows. Zeno's Meditation.: 4eP+1eB+2eC 4 successes, 2 advantage

[4 Successes + 2 Zeno's = 6 Successes]
[2 Advantage for Wound mitigation.]
[2 Strain for Master of Shadows]

[Taking 7 Wounds with Pierce 3, Nets 5. Mitigating 1 from Advantage, Nets 4.]
[10/14 Wounds]
[4/13 Strain]


Darth Bellious contributes 29 Successes.

Running total is 46.
Sith Lord | Lethan Twi'lek | Imperial Officer of Hidden Rank | Shadow Magus | Mother of Revolutions | Has Already Won

lightsabre, pistol, full armour, thermal cloak, some supplies and gadgets

"Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Layne Hoshin
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Layne Hoshin »

Layne had hoped to be elsewhere right now; but when duty calls...

...ugh. So annoying.

Well, people *did* need help she supposed. And this was one of those 'letting go' moments, and 'redemption' moments, and whatever other labels one might apply to it. Let go of your personal shit and just *help*. So there she was; in the thick of it, a black armored colossus taking the lead to try and protect as many people as she could. She would take the brunt of the blows and fire directed their way. A group of refugees behind her; there might even have been a few people mixed in there who recognized her as that Jedi who went around liberating slaves from the empire and resettling them in the Republic. Was she a murderer? Sure; but she'd done *some* good out there, in the galaxy, and that mattered to some people.

There was a temptation to give in to the dark side, drawing on its power to help save people. She *did*, at one point. A brief little extra push as debris from a blast filled her lungs and threatened to overwhelm her before she could get people out. She *could* have leaned on it more, though. She could feel what Zeno was attempting to do; and while she recognized it was useful and while her views on the Force had certainly changed in the past month or so...

...she decided not to draw on that aid. It wasn't *all* on her, here, after all. There were other people rendering aid. She could afford to simply do her part, and rely on others to pull their weight. Couldn't she?

Even with her decision to do just that though, she still pushed herself to the brink. But it did feel good to be able to *do* something.

Athletics (Enhance), DD upgrade, Hard Route: 2eP+3eA+2eF+1eC+2eD 3 failures, 4 advantage, 3 Light Side

11 wounds taken, with Pierce 3 and soak 9, that ends up being 5 wounds taken, reduced by 2 from advantages for a total of 3

Soak: 9
Wounds: 3/23

Resilience (Enhance), upgraded difficulty from second roll: 1eP+4eA+2eF+1eC+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Dark Side

11 wounds taken, with Pierce 3 and soak 9, that ends up being 5 wounds taken, reduced by 1 from advantages for a total of 4.
ds pips converted into 2 success (2 conflict)

Success tally: 4

Soak: 9
Wounds: 7/23

Stimpack used for -5 wounds, leaving her with 2 wounds taken.

Lightsaber, 2 boosts from Powerbase, increased difficulty from combat check, upgraded difficulty from being 3rd roll: 5eP+2eB+2eC+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

14 wounds taken, with Pierce 3 and soak 9, that ends up being 8 wounds taken,
Success tally: 6

Soak: 9
Wounds: 10/23

Stimpack used for -4 wounds, leaving her with 6 wounds taken.

Lightsaber, increased difficulty from combat check, upgraded difficulty from being 4th roll: 5eP+3eC+1eD 1 failure, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

14 wounds taken, with Pierce 3 and soak 9, that ends up being 8 wounds taken, reduced to 7 by advantage, failure but triumph contributes +3 successes?

Success tally: 9
Soak: 9
Wounds: 13/23

Coercion (Intimidating downgrades difficulty), upgraded difficulty from multiple rolls: 1eP+2eA+3eC 2 successes, 1 threat, 1 Despair

11 wounds taken, with Pierce 3 and soak 9, that ends up being 5 wounds taken, increased by 1 from despair
Critical Injury: 1d100 82, reduced by 40 from durable: knocked prone and suffer 1 strain

Success tally: 11
Soak: 9
Wounds: 18/23
1 critical injury

Layne adds +11 successes, for a total of 57.
Jedi Master | Human | Elevated Slave | Former Sith | Intimidating | Fearsome | Shii-Cho | Natural Bladeswoman | War Hero
equipment: Jedi Battle Armor, Lightsaber(Black), Lightsaber(Blue), assorted other stuff
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Durasay Mixo
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Durasay Mixo »

It wasn't the Senator, or the Smuggler that would help the refugees, help keep the base protected. It was the War Hero. Captain Durasay Mixo. His lightsaber gripped in his hand, the yellow blade hissing wickedly. Still he wasn't using it as a weapon of war, but to guide the refugees to safety, and keep them shielded from harm.

"Behind me!" He cried out, his voice sonorous as he presented himself a target to the approaching droids. "Keep the lines moving, deeper into the base! Hold hands with your children, stay together, no shoving, no shoving!" He smiled as the Force flowed through his words, putting the civilians at ease.

"You there, merchants!" He then moved on to a group of orotolan. Promising good trade deals in exchange for using their wares as anti-droid terrain. Sealing the deal as he shrugged off Blaster fire.

Then his voice turned dark, seductive and rich. Trying to soothe some of the refugees as he held off the droids, the sweet words having a certain edge that did speak to the fear in the air.

With a flourish of his saber, he presented a deception to the oncoming foes, having them follow him away from the civilians who wete fleeing.

MA8 - Syrian's Sweet Revenge - Get Behind Me! - Roll 1 (Presence 4, Leadership 1, Cascader, Command 2 +2eB, Enhanced Leader FR3, Hard, Destiny Upgrade): 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+2eD+3eF 1 success, 3 advantage, 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side

Converting Light Side Pips to Advantages
Final Result: 1 success, 5 advantages, 4 advantages used to reduce wounds taken by 2.

Wounds: 0/23
Strain: 0/12
Soak 8, Cortosis
MA8 - Syrian's Sweet Revenge - Get Behind Me! - Roll 2 (Presence 4, Negotiation 1, Influence Skill Control 3FR, Hard, Multi-roll upgrade once): 1eP+3eA+1eC+2eD+3eF 1 success, 2 advantage, 4 Dark Side

Not using the Dark Side
Converting 2 advantages to reduce wounds taken
Running Total: 2 successes (59)

Wounds: 1/23
Strain 0/12

MA8 - Syrian's Sweet Revenge - Get Behind Me! - Roll 3 (Presence 4, Charm 0, Cascader, Influence Control FR3, Hard, Roll 3 Upgrade): 1eP+3eA+2eC+1eD+3eF 1 failure, 2 advantage, 5 Dark Side

Flipping a Destiny Point to Use the Dark Side
Converting all 5 Dark Side Points to successes, generating 5 conflict, and taking 5 strain. 2 advantages to reduce wounds taken

FInal Result: 4 successes, 2 advantage. Advantages to reduce wounds taken

Wounds: 2/23
Strain: 5/12
Soak 8, Cortosis
Success Train: 6 (63)

MA8 - Syrian's Sweet Revenge - Get Behind Me! - Roll 3l4 (Cunning 3, Deception 0 0, Cascader, Influence Control FR3, Hard, Roll 4 Upgrade): 1eP+2eD+3eC+3eF 1 failure, 3 threat, 5 Light Side

Accidentally rolled 2eD instead of 2eA: 2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
ImageImage replacing the 2eD, since I am Cunning 3

Converting 5 Light Side Pips to 5 successes
+1 additional wound from threat
Final Outcome: 5 successes, 1 threat

Wounds: 4/23
Strain: 5/12
Soak 8, Cortosis

Running Total: 11 successes (68) total. Never used the Battle Meditation successes
Pantoran | Peacekeeper | Commanding Presence | Field Commander | Tough | Enhanced Leader | Strong in the Force | Confident
Carries: Lightsaber, Modded Heavy Battle Armor, Cascader, Utility Belt
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Nudimsu »

Even if they were ingrates, they refugees were too stupid to understand things and did not deserve to be harmed. He wasn't much of a combatant, but he could at least ensure that they were safe, regardlss. He did what he was trained to do, ambush the contatants, hit with extreme force, climp up to high areas and drop down and ambush them. When it was clear, he took the refugees he could in a vehicle and drove off, but was shot up in the process. It was about all he could do, but at least the ingrates would be safe for now.

And hopefully not ambush him in rage while he stood there bleeding out a little, he got to the Turtle and flew off who he could manage to put on there, being shot at once more. This time it was a little bit better, but he could fight the pain to them to safety. It was getting very bright...just needed to land somewhere safe...

Get Behind Me! (Using Battle Meditation)
Fake Chiss Assault! (Stealth) [D8 Syrian's Sweet Revenge]: 4eP+1eA+1eB+1eC+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

7 suxx with Battle Med
(5 wounds)
Jabbing a stimpack

Fake Chiss Assault! (Coordination) Reroll (Made it too hard) [D8 Syrian's Sweet Revenge]: 2eP+3eA+1eB+1eC+2eD 3 successes, 1 Triumph

8 suxx with Battle Med
5 Wounds,
Jabbing a Stim (5 wounds back)

Fake Chiss Assault! (Piloting: Planetary) [D8 Syrian's Sweet Revenge]: 3eP+2eA+2eC+1eD 2 failures, 2 advantage

Using Battle Meditation here to make 0 successes. Using Advantages to reduce damage by 1, 4 damage.

Fake Chiss Assault! (Piloting: Space) [D8 Syrian's Sweet Revenge]: 3eP+2eA+3eC 1 success, 5 advantage, 1 Despair

3 suxx, spending 4 advantages to reduce 2 wounds.
4 Wounds taken

8 Wounds total
1 Crit
Crit TIme: 1d100 52
♦♦ Fearsome Wound: +♦ to Presence / Willpower checks until end of encounter

+18 points.
86 total
Prirnu'dim'suazzo| Chiss | Pilot | Neutral | Sneaky Sneaky | Not a Hugger | Pilot of the Turtle | Judging You

Equipment: Concealed Weapons, Commlink, Stimpack, May Be Wearing a Sneak Suit
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Aurilie Alde
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Aurilie Alde »

When the fighting started, Aurilie charged out there with her rifle and got into position. She would wave whatever refugees to move behind her as she called out, "All, right you bastards! I've got a slug for every one of you! Send out your best!"

...Unfortunately for her, her heroic intentions didn't work out in the way she wanted and she merely got the attention of the enemy at her. They wouldn't let the opportunity of firing back at the sniper when she exposed herself so openly and Aurilie was met with a barrage of fire that unfortunately cut down some of the people she was trying to save! She took her share of injuries for her troubles as insult to injury and only managed to soften their blows with the coverfire she was able to return as she made her escape.

Day 8, Early Afternoon, Syrian's Sweet Revenge: Get behind me with Range Heavy!: 4eP+1eA+2eD+1eC 0 successes, 6 advantage

8 wounds taken, minus 3 from Advantages, 5 wounds instead!
Alderaanian | Human | House Alde | Prince of Mount Joral | Hunter | Aristocrat | Also the Mother
Description | Art by MasterArsenic

Typical Gear: Cascader headpiece, Nice Coat, Big Gun, Utility Belt, Stims x2, Explorer’s Knife, Commlink
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Garth Thul
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Garth Thul »

Garth was away from base when it happened, when the bombardment came out of nowhere and unleashed vengeance upon Echo Base. He felt his cousin reach out across the planet, but despite Garth’s association with the Thul ways, he could not align himself with the hatred and vitriol behind the message. Against the ideological differences though, Zeno and Garth had one thing in common, they would do anything for their family, and Miyi was back at base, helping with the planning as one of the higher-ranking officers still alive.

Garth could see the drop pods coming and landing even this far out to try and cut off escape routes and especially in his unarmoured civilian clothes, he knew he would be under fire so he tried to sneak his way to the speeder they had brought out on patrol. He managed to thin the number of battle droids and felt no qualms or guilt about turning the metallic constructs into slag, but one managed to catch him in the side with a blaster bolt just as he got into the gunnery seat and turned to the soldier who found their way into the driver seat.

“Punch it kid.” He roared out as he unleashed a withering hail of fire to cover their escape. Unfortunately, his position on the mounted laser cannon was too exposed and Garth copped a bit of a beating, slumping into the vehicles interior where Simpkins jabbed a couple of stimpacks into his chest to rouse him back to functionality.

“Nuff o’ this shit.” Garth snarled as he took over the driver’s seat just as a salvo of missiles blew out the section of road in front of them. It was enough to cause a lesser driver to crash into the crater left behind, but in Garth’s mind, everyone was a lesser driver.
“Hold ont’ sumthin’.” He warned as he diverted all shield power into the thrusters and accelerated beyond the normal specs of the machine to get enough speed to get airborne over the crevice and barrel roll through the air. Landing safely, if a little bruised on the other side they Republic patrol were finally within sight of the base and they skidded to a stop just inside the gates.

Garth ran to the hangar to spot Miyi already running pre-flight checks on the Sparrow.
Small Miyi.jpg
Small Miyi.jpg (25.16 KiB) Viewed 12477 times
“All hands on deck soldier.” She called out as he skidded into view. “Any later and I would have had to write you up for dereliction of duty.”
“Dereliction of…” Garth just shakes his head and smiles before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers before settling into the pilot’s seat. “Shall we show these pirates how it’s really done m’lady.” He asks as he offers a hand to help Miyi into the co-pilot seat.
“You dork.” Miyi teases as she rests her hand on Garth’s thigh stroking it comfortingly with her thumb as they launch into the sky, ready to take the fight to Syrian.

D8 Get Behind Me (Stealth) DD upgrade: 1eP+4eA+1eC+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
2 successes, 1 advantage, 5 wounds
2 successes, 5 wounds
Running tally: 2 points, 5 wounds

D8 Get Behind Me (Gunnery - increased difficulty): 2eP+3eA+3eF+1eC+3eD 3 successes, 1 Triumph, 3 Dark Side
3 successes, 1 Triumph
6 points, 8 wounds
Running tally: 8 points, 13 wounds
STIM APPLICATION x2 (-9 wounds)

D8 Get Behind Me (Pilot Planet): 2eP+3eA+3eF+2eC+1eD 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
Flip a Destiny to activate Superhuman Reflexes, converting the Despair into 2 successes. Flip LS into 1 success, 1 advantage.
5 successes, 2 advantages to reduce wounds
5 points, 4 wounds
Running total: 13 points, 8 wounds

D8 Get Behind Me (Pilot Space): 3eP+2eA+3eF+3eC 3 successes, 2 threat, 4 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
Flip LS for 2 advantage, 2 success
5 successes, 5 wounds
Running Total: 18 points, 13 wounds
Last edited by Garth Thul on Sat Sep 03, 2022 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Naval Officer * Human * Pilot * Force User * Blissful Betrothal * Massive Dork

Languages: Basic, Aznuri, Binary
Gear: Racing suit, DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, Aznuri Necklace, Lightsaber, Thermal Cloak
Vehicles: Orosini Sparrow, Tallulah

Often seen with Major Miyi Thul.
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Katarzyna Panteer
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Katarzyna Panteer »

Kat had just left the medical bay as the attack happened. A stack of crates threatened to fall over some of the refugees, but she was swift enough on her feet to run in and catch most of them. Her anger at the pirates and Zakuul threatened to beckon her over to the dark, especially as she felt Zeno's commands through the battle meditation, but she chose to ignore it.

No, she wasn't going to be like Layne, or Lucinia. She wouldn't allow herself to go down to that level. If she... if they lost their ways... then all would be lost.

"Quick, over there!" she directed the refugees to a passageway nearby. It was one that led to a more restricted area, as it was for military personel, but without hesitation Kat manually overrode the security measures, forcing the door open though she would be unable to close it the same way given her brute force approach, allowing a safe passageway for the non-combatants. "I got your back, hurry!" At least her armor absorbed some of the shots, but she was certainly feeling the volley that she shielded for those fleeing.

How much she wished she had her lightsaber now, but... it was as if she felt Syo and Thesmi both with her now, reminding her that a Jedi did not need weapons or armor to be a Jedi. "Remember why we spend time here in the lower levels of Coruscant," Syo's words echoed to her from a time long ago, "to us, it is a menial even a lowly task some might say, but remember this my padawan; even the smallest acts of kindness can bring light and hope to an otherwise hopeless existence."

It was only a split second that she was lost in her thoughts, and what called her back into the moment was the sound of someone crying in pain. Someone, an Imperial soldier from what she could see, called out for help as they lay wounded on the ground - a particular nasty leg injury preventing them from moving easily. "Hang on, I'm coming!" She weaved through the chaos of flight and battle, rushing to the side of the wounded man. There was no time to properly tend his wound now, but Kat pulled him to safety and applied a numbing bandage that was wrapped in a hurry before she helped him limp to safety to the passage she had opened. A few more shots tore at her, and she was able to apply a stim to her to keep herself going just a little bit more.

With the Imperial soldier leaning on her for support, Kat glanced back, taking a quick assessment of the pirate's attack patterns, numbers, weaponry. It wasn't something that would help right in this moment, but if there would be a chance to push back in the future... well, the information could be useful for some. Another grunt from her was suppressed as another blaster bolt hit her, and with the last of her strength she got to safety with the wounded man.


D8 MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me! Athletics/Brawn. +2F Enhance. GM Destiny: 3eA+2eF+1eC+2eD 3 successes, 4 threat, 2 Dark Side
+3 Successes. 7 damage suffered.

D8 MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me! Mechanics/Intellect. One upgrade (second roll): 1eP+4eA+1eC+2eD 0 successes
+0 Success. 5 damage suffered.

D8 MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me! Medicine/Intellect. Two upgrades (third roll). Player destiny: 2eP+3eA+2eC+1eD 2 successes, 4 advantage
+2 Successes. 3 damage suffered. Stimpack applied at the end of this round (+2 Wounds recovered thanks to Stimpack specialization)

D8 MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me! Education/Intellect. Three upgrades (fourth roll).: 1eP+4eA+3eC 1 success
+1 Successes. 5 damage suffered. Ending now at 18/19 Wounds.

Total contributed: +6 Successes.
Alderaanian Royal | Human | Jedi | Master | Paladin | Noble Protector | Hero | Heightened Awareness
Description | Theme | Art

Has: Lightsaber, Ulgo-pin (Cascader), belt with pouches (with stuff), thermal cloak, Jedi battle armor, medical gear, breathmask, goggles, explorer's knife.
"Let there be truth between your heart and the Force. All else is transitory."
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Cynella Alde
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Cynella Alde »

At the first sign of trouble, Cynella rushed out of the medbay. "You of wicked heart!" Noncombatants... They too weren't safe. "They will take no more lives. Soldiers of the Republic, you know your duty." Well, nobody could really quite hear her giving our orders. Her outright commitment to her ideals, though, inspired her people to resist.

Once under suitable covering fire, Cynella ran out to grab onto a fallen comrade. She heaved him up and over onto her shoulders and sprinted back towards the medbay. Only once outside did she realize that he was already dead.

But she couldn't let sorrow overtake her. She squatted by people more fortunate to survive, their injuries not requiring nearly as much attention as others. Her smile, her hope, things Aurilie had come to adore... Well, Cynella could be the sun for more people.

"Wait for me back here," she concluded before heading back out there. If she could save one more person after that earlier failure, then she could prove to herself that she could live up to her ideals.

A blaster bolt seared past her cheek. She slid her finger over it, blinked, then dove into cover. No useless sacrifices... No useless sacrifices. She crawled back towards the medbay in hopes that she had done enough.


For the record, Cynella didn't accept the Battle Meditation.

D8 MA Event Roll 1 (Get Behind Me) Leadership, Player/GM Destiny: 4eP+1eA+1eC+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Success Tally: 3
Wound Tally: 5/21

D8 MA Event Roll 2 (Get Behind Me) Athletics, Physical Training: 1eP+3eA+2eB+1eC+2eD 0 successes, 3 advantage

Success Tally: 3
Wound Tally: 3/21 (1 Stimpack Used with Specialization/2 Advantage to Reduce)

D8 MA Event Roll 3 (Get Behind Me) Charm, Player Destiny: 4eP+1eA+2eC+1eA 5 successes, 2 advantage

Success Tally: 8
Wound Tally: 7/21 (1 Stimpack Used with Specialization/2 Advantage to Reduce)

D8 MA Event Roll 4 (Get Behind Me) Resilience, Physical Training: 4eA+3eC+2eB 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Despair

Success Tally: 9
Wound Tally: 11/21 (2 Advantage to Reduce)
D8 MA Event Critical Injury: 1d100 1

Total Successes in Event: 118
Kuati Human | Princess of Mount Joral | Many Names, Many Interests | Motherly XO or Commanding Mother?

"You really mustn't overexert yourself. Building up a sweat in this cold will be the death of you, darling."
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Hacha Tsuko
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Hacha Tsuko »

Hacha looks over his handiwork of the base defenses with the satisfaction of a job well done. He had constructed the defenses with the expectation that the base would be attacked with fighters, nimble craft that could use that maneuverability to evade air defenses. Instead, the pirates had sent drop pods, fragile devices without must steering or protection. The clouds of shrapnel had scuttered a wide percentage even before they had reached the surface, and with only a single thruster malfunction each pod could act as a rain of death on its compatriots. "

"The only downside is that the stuck up jerk Syrian got to drop his pods from the safety of orbit." Hacha pauses and thinks it over. "Wait..."

In theory, you could drop pods like this from anywhere in orbit. Hacha hadn't made any defenses plans for that because there were simply too many places to plan for, especially when fighters could maneuver their way in. But drop pods...drop mods had limited mobility, and after launch followed a basic gravity well path.

Of course, space was big. Capital "B" BIIIIIIIIG. But each drop pod was a data point, and Syrian had been kind enough to provide them. Many of them.

Hacha begins on his station, furiously calculating.

"Now, if I was a betting Duros..." He sends a ping on the scanners to look over the region of space that seemed most likely to house the enemy. He get a big, fat ding, causing him to grin.


Hacha runs to his ion cannon, to the confusion of others. "Quick, target these coordinates!" Hacha rips out some wiring. "All we need the capacitor down for one pulse. It's perfectly-" The Duros is cut off as he is electrocuted, falling to the floor.


Syrian's Revenge-Kill them All-Roll 1, Average Astrogation with 1 upgrade from DD-: 1eP+5eA+1eC+1eD 6 successes, 2 advantage
6 suxx, 3 damage
WT: 3/14
Syrian's Revenge-Kill them All-Roll 1, Average Computers-1 upgrade: 2eP+4eA+1eC+1eD 7 successes, 1 advantage
13 running suxx, 4 damage. Using stim pack to reduce damage
WT: 2/14
Syrian's Revenge-Kill them All-Roll 3, Average Mechanics upgraded 2: 4eP+2eA+1eB+2eC 2 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
18 running suxx, 2 sdvantage to reduce damage
WT: 5/14

+28 successes
136 running successes
Duros | Faction: The Turtle (ok, so Unaligned) | Schmott Guy (or so he likes to think) | Bankor Vet
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Pipka »

It had been an awkward talk with Gibzy Wizy Tik. There was such an abundance of guilt and shame coming from Pipka that even a non-Chadra-Fan could detect it in the air.

He had failed the Ortolans at the Power Station.

Over the last month and a half on Hoth, Pipka had become complacent and overconfident, frolicking around with his goats and passing out mugs of Hoth Chocolate. It was a hard learned lesson, one that Pipka wasn't ready to forgive himself for bringing about. Later, after all was said and done, he would build a memorial to those lost, as he always did. They may not have been his victims in a traditional sense, but he bore the responsibility.

It was in the midst of these lamentations that the bombardment started. Fear quickly turned to anger. Was this more of the Zakuul, their contingent at the power station had been wiped out, so now they were moving on Echo Base? His anger was soon magnified by some unknown Force. He grabbed up his Flechette Launcher and called out to Gibzy and his goat tribe to follow him. He was not going to stand by while they hurt others.

Leaving the Goatery, they found battle droids in the halls of Echo Base and chaos broke loose. Finding a target rich environment, Pipka fired four times, reloaded, fired four times, reloaded, rinse and repeat. As droids were knocked over, maimed, or disabled, they were immediately swarmed by goats, biting and tearing through droid components like cloven hoofed piranha. Gibzy was there, following the shepherd and his flock, finishing off droids in his own, righteous rage.

It ended as quickly as it started, as these types of battles often do. The others of the base had swiftly rallied and routed the invaders.

Pipka was left exhausted, sitting among his bleating goats with Gibzy.

D8, MA, Syrian's Revenge - Kill them All #1, GM Flip: 4eP+2eA+1eC+2eD 3 successes, 3 advantage
+2 auto success from Battle Meditation
1 wound reduced from advantages

Wounds 7/13

+5 successes
141 Running Successes
Chadra-Fan | Turtle Crewmate | Former Slave | Big Bangs in a Small Package | Goat Dad
Carries: FC-1 Flechette Gun, Gundark Scav-Suit, Pack full of the essentials
Speaks: Basic, Binary, Chadra-Fan, Cheunh(rudimentary), Durese, Gamorrese, Huttese, Pantoran, Rodese, Sith, Twi'Leki
I didn't choose the blue life, the blue life chose me.
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Jo'ren Rath
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

Word had eventually reached Jo'ren that the Ortolans at the Power Station had been wiped out, all of them. Perhaps there was a time when he wouldn't have cared, but for some reason this really got to him. As the droids began to assault the Base and all hell seemed to break loose, Jo'ren took a stand. His raised voice and addressed the refugees.

"Stay behind me if you want to live."

Twin blades of crackling scarlet energy emerged from his saber and the carnage began. Everywhere the enemy attacked, there was Rath fending them off, taking them apart, turning them into scrap.

Piles and piles of Zakuul Battle droids surrounded him. Still they could not break through. The relentless assaults barely seemed to touch him. Jo'ren seemed completely focused on the destruction of every last droid. It was like some sort of horribly well-choreographed ballet.

When they were all defeated he stood on a smoking pile of their remains and stared upwards at the unseen pirate fleet. "Come back you cowards! I can do this all day!"

Afterwards survivors would recount how the Wrath of the Empress had gone out of his way to save their lives...


D8. MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me. Combat roll 1: Lightsaber (Brawn). 2 Sense upgrades. Base diff hard. Difficulty increase. GM flip. +2 suxx from Battle Meditation.: 6eP+1eA+1eC+3eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
4 successes. 2 advantage.
4 Wounds taken. 1 Stim used for 4 Wounds back.

WT 0/22

D8. MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me. Combat roll 2: Lightsaber (Brawn). 2 Sense upgrades. Base diff hard. Difficulty increase. Roll 2 = 1 Difficulty upgrade. +2 suxx from Battle Meditation.: 6eP+1eA+1eC+3eD 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
5 successes. Triumph adds +3 successes.
5 Wounds taken. 1 stim for 3 Wounds back.

WT 2/22

D8. MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me. Combat roll 3: Lightsaber (Brawn). 2 Sense upgrades. Base diff hard. Difficulty increase. Roll 3 = 2 Difficulty upgrades. +2 suxx from Battle Meditation.: 6eP+1eA+2eC+2eD 7 successes, 2 threat
9 successes.
6 Wounds taken.

WT 8/22

D8. MA. Syrian's Sweet Revenge. Get Behind Me. Combat roll 4: Lightsaber (Brawn). 2 Sense upgrades. Base diff hard. Difficulty increase. Roll 4 = 3 Difficulty upgrades. +2 suxx from Battle Meditation.: 6eP+1eA+3eC+1eD 3 successes, 5 advantage, 1 Triumph
5 successes. Triumph adds +3 successes.
5 advantages reduces damage by 2. 3 Wounds taken.

WT 11/22

Jo'ren total = +29 successes; +3 Conflict gained.
Running event total = 170
True Sith • Colossal • Nobody's Fool • Rath of the Empress • Big Damn Hero • Humble • Saviour of the Galaxy

Stuff: Armour of the First Wrath, Universal door openers, Thermal cloak.
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Aphr Ahaya
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Aphr Ahaya »

Aphr knew today was going to be a long day. What she wasn't prepared for was the attack hitting so soon, and so hard. The bombardment had knocked her off her feet, and she was sitting there slightly dazed as droids started to attack! She almost immediately considered fleeing; this wasn't her fight. Then in all the confusion and chaos, she heard a voice through the force.

Do it!


There was a nod, and Aphr was quick to her feet. She didn't draw a weapon though, she rushed to the refugees, who were panicking and crying and dying. "Quick, follow me!" she called out to those near her, motioning ahead "the path is clear, get out now! Fast!"

It was working, and some were funnelling out, but there were a few straggling. "It's safe out there, if you stay here you'll die" she told a group who huddled together in the corner. It was a lie, she had no idea if they'd actually be safe, but it had to be better than being in here right?

Guiding that group away she was knocked onto her back by a sudden barrage of gunfire. Winded and bleeding, the group she had been guiding panicked. Aphr pulled herself up to a sitting position, and stimmed twice.

"You're not dying today. Come...on...with me!" She finally stood, and with conviction worked with others to guide that group as well as others away. Ignoring the ringing in her ears as best she could. Getting herself and as many out as she could.

(ooc: rolls. Taking the 'get behind me!' route, taking 3 conflict
Roll 1: D8 MA Syrian event - Get Behind Me! Perception vs hard. Dapper flips: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eF+1eC+2eD 4 successes, 4 Light Side
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage Spending destiny (and taking 4 strain+conflict) to flip light. 4 success+2 from Zeno+4 light side flipped for 10 successes. 4 wounds taken

Wounds 4/14
Strain 4/14

Running total on Successes: 10
Running total on Conflict: 7

Roll 2: D8 MA Syrian event - Get Behind Me! Deception vs hard upgraded as roll 2.: 1eA+3eP+2eF+1eC+2eD 3 advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage - Using Dark side as advantage, Zeno Battle Meditation successes makes this 1 success. Triumph adds 3 more. 4 Adv used to reduce wounds taken by 2. 4 wounds taken with pierce 3,reduced by 2 from adv so 2 taken

Wounds 6/14
Strain 4/14

Running total on Successes: 14
Running total on Conflict: 7

Roll 3: D8 MA Syrian event - Get Behind Me! Coordination vs hard upgraded twice as roll 3: 2eA+1eP+2eF+2eC+1eD 2 threat, 4 Light Side
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage spending destiny gaining 4 strain and conflict to use Light Side pips. Battle Meditation+light side pips for 6 successes. 2 Threat increases damage by 1 so 5 wounds taken. Stim twice to heal 9

Wounds 11/14 reduced to 2/11 by stims
Strain 8/14

Running total on Successes: 20
Running total on Conflict: 11
(End here)

Aphr total: +20 Successes
Running event total: 190
Sith * Twi'lek * Pretty and Charming * Little sister * Force-Sensitive * Profile
Equipment: At least one thermal cloak, Blaster Pistol, Pretty Clothes(Average Perception check detects plating),comlink, stimpacks, Hidden Pink Sapith Gem Necklace, Hidden Lightsaber (sometimes), Utility belt
Speaks: Common, Twi'lek, Hutt
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Baesal Zyn
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Baesal Zyn »

She heard Hacha's defense fire and she knew thing where going to get bad really soon.

That would have been an understatement, to be sure.

As the shelling began she knew they had at least some time before the ground assault would descend on them so she pillaged her reserves of reagents to craft some last minute healing draughts for the wounded.

She had made a slight miscalculation, however, and she was hit by debris from the bombardement as she was making her way to the refugees.
SSR, get behind me, Lore, gm upgrade, neural amulet+3 Strain: 4eP+2eA+2eD+1eC+3eB 6 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
(6 damage Taken, Will stim for 5, 12hp left )

She had gotten there just in time to see the Zakuul Battle droids begin the attack. A cowardly move and one they would regret...she was not a fighter but against droids she was something worse. Her raised lightsheild let shots pass but allowed her to slice the uncoming force and turn them against each other!

SSR, get behind me, computer, upgrade, rakatan slicer: 3eP+3eA+2eD+1eC+1eB 4 successes, 1 Triumph
(5 damage Taken, stim for 4, 11 HP)

Seeing the base starting to give in, she would spend the rest of the encounter trying to make sure it would hold for as long as possible.

SSR, get behind me, mechanics, upgrade twice, downgrade once for 2 Strain, manipulate: 4eP+2eA+2eD+1eC+2eF 4 successes, 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
(5 damage taken, 6 HP left)

21 successes from Baesal

211 running total
Jedi Master - Togruta - Student of Master Raji Xen and former Sith Apprentice - Mistress of Artifices - Maverick of the Order - Killik?
Notable: Sleek alien cyberarm (left), Jedi robes, Silver coils around her lekkus
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Lucinia Malveaux
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Lucinia Malveaux »

Sure, the invading forces were scary, overwhelming force, existential threat and all that.

But Lucinia was a Sith at the height of her power. She would show them the true meaning of fear.

With most of her allies (such as they were) doing the actual fighting, Luci just had to storm around, often levitating herself, crackling with Dark energy and laughing, and those same allies would just be thankful that she was on their side...


D8MA, Kill them All, Coercion, Dapper Destiny: 1eP+3eA+4eF+1eC+1eD 3 successes, 1 advantage, 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

1DS to advantage, 4 damage taken,

214 running total
Force Sensitive | Sith | Human | Noble | One of Those Malveauxs
Oooohohoho count: 13
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Jub'Lub »

Jub'lub had been enjoying a nice and hot bowl of soup in the cafeteria when he heard ruckus commotion coming fron the commons. He slurped a last gulp, the juices dripping down his chin and onto his robes as he dropped the bowl, which teetered and wobbled. He was in the commons before the bowl had settled into place on the table.

Droids! The pirates were finally making their assault!

Jub'lub had been spending his days recuperating from his time in the work camps. Soup, Echo juice, drunken nights leading to questionable decisions with less than savory individuals. Throughout it all, one thing had always remained; the light. Now, it was his time to put his body on the line once more. He ignited his lightsaber, the duel blades twirling in spectacular fashion as he deflected bolt after bolt. Occasionally a bolt would get through, searing his armor, causing his teeth to grit, but Jub'lub was a tough son of a Twi'lek. He held his own and stood his ground.

The pain from the blasts was momentary, and with a stimpack jabbed in his arm, he was as good as new. Apparently, he had been into his soup in a somewhat meditative trance, as he had arrived just in time to twirl his blade for a few moments before the dust settled.

He couldn't wait to tell Breela the news of the battle, if only she was here to see how cool he looked.

D8 MA Syrian Get Behind Me! Resilience vs hard +GM flip: 2eP+1eA+1eC+2eD 0 successes, 1 advantage

6 strain + 2 damage, 3 soak = 5 wounds.
Stim pack recovers all wounds.
Jub'lub | Twi'lek | Jedi | Republic | Jovial | Hungry | Got Soup? | Blue Chungus

Gear: Armored Robes | Heavy Cloak | Double-bladed Saber | Various survival gear | Dehydrated fish rations
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Zayne Rist
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Zayne Rist »

After the fight at the power plant, Zayne was hoping to relax for awhile, but that was not to be. He was at the stating of a healing meditation session when everything went pear shaped. The base was under attack it sounding like.

Zayne's lightsaber had been eviscerated at the power plant, so he was forced to use an ancient sword he'd found haggling with the Jawas. He'd bought it for a mantelpiece or something, not for using in battle.

He run to help get the non-combatants out of the line of fire. He destroyed a few droids and moved to get them out.

[Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge: Get Behind Me: Lightsaber 3/Brawn 4 + Force 3 + Dif 3 + DD Upgrade: 3eP+1eA+3eF+2eD+1eC+1eS 1 threat, 3 Dark Side

3 dark side turns to 1 Triumph = 3 successes

Wounds: 6/18
Strain: 3/13
Soak 6
3 conflict

[Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge: Get Behind Me: Lightsaber 3/Brawn 4 + Force 3 + Dif 3 + Upgrade 1: 3eP+1eA+3eF+2eD+1eC+1eS 3 successes, 1 threat, 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side

2 light side turns to 2 advantage
3 successes

Wounds: 12/18
Strain: 6/13
Soak 6
3 conflict

10 successes base + 6 successes = 16 successes
240 running total
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Dapper Dog »

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Captain Syrian
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Re: [Day 8 - MA] Syrian's Sweet Revenge

Post by Captain Syrian »

Syrian swirled his drink and then threw it across the bridge and said, “How did that fall apart, someone answer me?”

He rose to his feet and said, “That’s it, we need to…”

But he never got to finish as members of the bridge clobbered him and stuffed him in a pod and shot him down Hoth. The new captain watched the pod descend to the planet and he said, “Nothing personal, but we like living.”

By that evening the ship had left the system, not willing to wait around for the counter attack.

OOC: Get a bonus on Day 9 a free upgrade to a single roll due to morale being high and a boost die in any event rolls.
Pirate King | Brilliant Tactician | White Maw | Naval Commander | Chiss

*Played by Dapper Dog