The majority of Hoth is frozen glaciers, jagged rocks, and frozen landscapes.
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Garth Thul
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Garth Thul »

"Necessity bein' the mother of 'vention...them fowl look pretty nec'ssary."

Garth jokes as he starts moving around into position.
Naval Officer * Human * Pilot * Force User * Blissful Betrothal * Massive Dork

Languages: Basic, Aznuri, Binary
Gear: Racing suit, DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, Aznuri Necklace, Lightsaber, Thermal Cloak
Vehicles: Orosini Sparrow, Tallulah

Often seen with Major Miyi Thul.
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Galen Panteer
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Galen Panteer »

"We do need something to corral them into." Galen said. "Otherwise, it should be doable."
Alderaan Nobility | Paladin | Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Veteran | Dad

Wears: Cargo Clothing, Second Skin, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Lightsaber, Sharpshooter's Rifle, Explorer's Knife, Datapad, Comlink, Hunters Goggles, 5 Stimpacks
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Baesal Zyn
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Baesal Zyn »

''I can position my truck in the entrance of a crevasse that we can use as a funnel.'' she proposed
Jedi Master - Togruta - Student of Master Raji Xen and former Sith Apprentice - Mistress of Artifices - Maverick of the Order - Killik?
Notable: Sleek alien cyberarm (left), Jedi robes, Silver coils around her lekkus
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Galen Panteer
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Galen Panteer »

"How many do you think the truck can hold?"
Alderaan Nobility | Paladin | Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Veteran | Dad

Wears: Cargo Clothing, Second Skin, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
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Garth Thul
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Garth Thul »

Garth chirps back over the communicator.
"If they need t' get inta th' Sparrow y'all can 'splain the smell t' Miyi."
Naval Officer * Human * Pilot * Force User * Blissful Betrothal * Massive Dork

Languages: Basic, Aznuri, Binary
Gear: Racing suit, DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, Aznuri Necklace, Lightsaber, Thermal Cloak
Vehicles: Orosini Sparrow, Tallulah

Often seen with Major Miyi Thul.
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Baesal Zyn
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Baesal Zyn »

''My truck can hold much cargo...I think we can squeeze a dozen in tight''
Jedi Master - Togruta - Student of Master Raji Xen and former Sith Apprentice - Mistress of Artifices - Maverick of the Order - Killik?
Notable: Sleek alien cyberarm (left), Jedi robes, Silver coils around her lekkus
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Galen Panteer
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Galen Panteer »

"Then let's give it a try." Galen nodded and moved toward the creatures.
Alderaan Nobility | Paladin | Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Veteran | Dad

Wears: Cargo Clothing, Second Skin, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Lightsaber, Sharpshooter's Rifle, Explorer's Knife, Datapad, Comlink, Hunters Goggles, 5 Stimpacks
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Garth Thul
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Garth Thul »

Garth approached from the rear jumping around and flapping his arms like a giant loon, relying on his size and big movements to shoo the penguins along.
Naval Officer * Human * Pilot * Force User * Blissful Betrothal * Massive Dork

Languages: Basic, Aznuri, Binary
Gear: Racing suit, DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, Aznuri Necklace, Lightsaber, Thermal Cloak
Vehicles: Orosini Sparrow, Tallulah

Often seen with Major Miyi Thul.
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Baesal Zyn
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Baesal Zyn »

Some things you never think you'll see

But then nature finds a these mole penguins running into her truck.

''One more...'' before they could turn back she shut the back door ''I am full of penguins! Great job guys!''
Jedi Master - Togruta - Student of Master Raji Xen and former Sith Apprentice - Mistress of Artifices - Maverick of the Order - Killik?
Notable: Sleek alien cyberarm (left), Jedi robes, Silver coils around her lekkus
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Galen Panteer
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Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Post by Galen Panteer »

"We had best get them back while we can." he advised. "Then, we'll have to figure out where to keep them."
Alderaan Nobility | Paladin | Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Veteran | Dad

Wears: Cargo Clothing, Second Skin, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Lightsaber, Sharpshooter's Rifle, Explorer's Knife, Datapad, Comlink, Hunters Goggles, 5 Stimpacks
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