Low and High orbit and the space directly around the planet.
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Captain Syrian
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[Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Captain Syrian »

The Blue Star.jpg
The Blue Star.jpg (25.57 KiB) Viewed 4743 times
Captain Syrian was a confident individual, but he did not like crutches and he felt the upgrades their silent partner had provided and support was a massive crutch. But it was an effective one as he sat back sipping some wine.

It tasted like ashes ever since she had vanished on him.

He could not be certain when they would translate back to real space, but he had kept the fleet at a state of readiness as the droid had assured them that it should be soon, well as much as he could understand of the thing.

The guests arrived.

“Begin the assault, bring the Blue Star into firing range, number one, begin stellar jamming system. Hyperdrives first, deploy shriek wing two and three, and do be quick about it,” he said with mild excitement.

“So we chase them to the surface right, kill em all?” a pirate asked.

“No, we are to corral them for now, the employer was very specific on this, so don't kriff it up,” Syrian ordered.

Meanwhile the Republic and Empire began a delaying action to buy time for their forces.

OOC: Space combat versus three wings of minions and a commander vehicle start at Short range for Round 1, can start at up to speed 3. Up to four ships with crew maximums of four for my sanity.

If able to hold the pirates off for five rounds they succeed at buying time for the extra supplies. Each faction brought extra supplies that will provide a boon if they are brought down to the planet.
Pirate King | Brilliant Tactician | White Maw | Naval Commander | Chiss

*Played by Dapper Dog
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Durasay Mixo
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Durasay Mixo »

Durasay sealed the helmet on his armor as he flipped switches in the co-pilot chair of the Turtle. The HUD readout transmitted into his visor as the chair adjusted to his height.

"All wings report in." He could feel the hum of the sublight engines throughout the ship, his visions clear with what must be done.

He looked to Nudimsu, and trusted in the rest of the crew.

"Just like old times." There was a hint of excitement.

EM1 - Delaying Action - Initiative (Presence 4, Cool 1, Foresee Control): 1eP+3eA+2eF 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

Converting the Light Side Pip to success.

Final Initiative Outcome: 2 successes, 3 advantage
Last edited by Durasay Mixo on Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pantoran | Peacekeeper | Commanding Presence | Field Commander | Tough | Enhanced Leader | Strong in the Force | Confident
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Hacha Tsuko
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Hacha Tsuko »

"This is Blue 4, I am at my post." Hacha sits up in the rear gunner seat, the spot closest to the engines in case he is needed to run for damage control. A small screen alerts him to how the ships electronics are holding up.

"I guess there really isn't such a thing as too paranoid, is there?" Being yanked out of hyper had been unexpected, but the idea of immediate pirate contact hadn't been written off. "This is gutsy of them...trying to knock a whole carrier ship out? And there were two of them?"
Duros | Faction: The Turtle (ok, so Unaligned) | Schmott Guy (or so he likes to think) | Bankor Vet
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Nudimsu »

He grabbed his flying suit on and strapped himself into his seat and flipped on the local ship comms. "Lana, Songbird, strap yourself in. Everyone else, report when you are at your stations.." He gave a deep sigh. "I knew they'd prepare a trap for our arrival; just never expected they were going to be intelligent about it."

A small smile did appear on his face while looking at Durasay. Safe to say, he was feeling that excitement as well; it was a rare moment he got to display his natural talents. "Hopefully it won't be like that old time on Bankor." He flipped a few more switches and pushes more buttons.

Hacha then nodded. "I appreciate their ambition, Hacha; getting greedy may be able to give us an advantage."

Cool Starship, Bro!: 1eP 2 successes
Last edited by Nudimsu on Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Prirnu'dim'suazzo| Chiss | Pilot | Neutral | Sneaky Sneaky | Not a Hugger | Pilot of the Turtle | Judging You

Equipment: Concealed Weapons, Commlink, Stimpack, May Be Wearing a Sneak Suit
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Jan Melmoar
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Jan Melmoar »

As chaos breaks out in orbit a light cruiser slips quietly from the hanger of the Empress' Spear, her systems slowly flickering to life.
Gozanti_30.jpg (31.16 KiB) Viewed 4751 times
It was hardly a remarkable ship, the sort of vessel that was outfitted by poorer planetary governments to hunt privateers on rim worlds. Dull and utilitarian. But as it raises a formidable weapons system and slowly turns towards the inbound wings The Bottom Line found itself in just the sort of situation it had been designed for.

And naturally inside the ship was a different matter entirely. Clean white lines, fresh paint, faint but pleasing floral scents changed regularly and a world class kitchen. Jan had spent much of the last decade flying from system to system in the cruiser and so Czerka had spent accordingly on its outfit.

The Director herself is all energy as she stalks the ship, excitement visible in the slightly too fast stride she takes to the bridge and the sharper smile she aims towards the incoming enemy craft. A perfectly manicured hand extends to take the comms so she can address the skeleton crew aboard.

"Men and women of Czerka...and of course Luci, dear. We are faced with a brutal foe who will show no mercy. I expect you to do the same."
There's a pause, N'zzi coughs.
"Oh yes, and I believe in you. You're the best crew I've ever served with and after we give these scum hell drinks are on me."
She rolls her eyes at the Chiss as she puts the comms down.

"Don't get a single scratch on her."
And then she's off to man the biggest turret with the most dakka.

Ship stats:

Armor: 5
Hull Trauma: 55
System Strain: 40
Forward shields: 3, side shields 2, rear shields 1
Silhouette 5, Speed 3, Handling -3

(1) Dorsal-Mounted Retractable Quad Laser Cannon (Fire Arc: All; Damage: 5; Critical: ωωω; Range: Close; Qualities: Accurate 1, Linked 3)
(1) Ventral-Mounted Retractable Quad Laser Cannon (Fire Arc: All; Damage: 5; Critical: ωωω; Range: Close; Qualities: Accurate 1, Linked 3)
(2) Port-Mounted Retractable Twin Heavy Laser Cannon (Fire Arc: Port; Damage: 6; Critical: ωωω; Range: Short; Qualities: Linked 1)
(2) Starboard-Mounted Retractable Twin Heavy Laser Cannon (Fire Arc: Starboard; Damage: 6; Critical: ωωω; Range: Short; Qualities: Linked 1)

((Ghost instructions in PF, also I believe Lucinia will be aboard.))
Czerka Corp Director | Human | Strictly Neutral | Decorated Veteran| Got What's Hers | Sharpshooter | Has a deputy |
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

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Several wings broke off to engage the delaying action; the ship design was not familiar to the Imperials or Republic, it seemed somewhat alien to what was being developed. They were fast and nimble, beyond them command ship of the pirates amidst the pirate fleet of junk ships.

OOC: To speed things up you can roll initiative.

Shriek Wings 1 to 3: 3#2eP+1eA 2 successes, 2 advantage 3 successes, 2 advantage 3 successes

Shriek Wings Commander: 2eA+2eP 5 successes, 2 advantage
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Everyone is alert so Cool for initiative.
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Hacha Tsuko
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Hacha Tsuko »

Initiative: Delaying Action-Initiative Roll-Charisma/Cool (untrained): 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage
Duros | Faction: The Turtle (ok, so Unaligned) | Schmott Guy (or so he likes to think) | Bankor Vet
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: I will give this till 1 PM EST to fill before throwing in NPCs.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Pipka »

Pipka was vibrating with excitement as he took his station and strapped on his targeting goggles. If another Chadra-Fan or anyone with a sensitive sense of smell were nearby, the pheromones he was giving off would be intoxicating.

Across the comms comes a shrill, "Pipka ready and waiting. "

D1, EM, Cool Initiative: 1eP+1eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
Chadra-Fan | Turtle Crewmate | Former Slave | Big Bangs in a Small Package | Goat Dad
Carries: FC-1 Flechette Gun, Gundark Scav-Suit, Pack full of the essentials
Speaks: Basic, Binary, Chadra-Fan, Cheunh(rudimentary), Durese, Gamorrese, Huttese, Pantoran, Rodese, Sith, Twi'Leki
I didn't choose the blue life, the blue life chose me.
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Garth Thul
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Garth Thul »


Out of the hangar darted a blur of blue as the Sparrow entered the fray.

"Now remember dear, we're not trying to out run them. We need them to stay engaged to but time for the other ships."
Small Miyi.jpg
Small Miyi.jpg (25.16 KiB) Viewed 4715 times
"Yes dear, ah'll do mah best...but 'gaged with the atmos' counts yeah?"

Delaying action initiative: 2eA 0 successes, 3 advantage

Delaying action initiative: 2eA+1eP 3 successes, 1 advantage

"Orosini Sparrow"
Silhouette 3
Speed 4
Handling +2
Forward Defense 1
Port Defense 0
Starboard Defense 0
Aft Defense 0
Armor 3
Hull Trauma Threshold 15
System Strain Threshold 11

Garth Strain: 12
Miyi Strain: 7
Naval Officer * Human * Pilot * Force User * Blissful Betrothal * Massive Dork

Languages: Basic, Aznuri, Binary
Gear: Racing suit, DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, Aznuri Necklace, Lightsaber, Thermal Cloak
Vehicles: Orosini Sparrow, Tallulah

Often seen with Major Miyi Thul.
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Captain Syrian
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Captain Syrian »

Back on the Blue Star

“Is that the Turtle…” he said frowning and then and hissed, “Durasay Mixo.”

The name was more a curse than a name. It boiled on his tongue as he barked a command, “Destroy that ship. 10,000 credits to the pilot that ends that meddlesome cur.”

Syrian sipped more wine, “This is absolutely thrilling, now.”
Pirate King | Brilliant Tactician | White Maw | Naval Commander | Chiss

*Played by Dapper Dog
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: One ship slot left.
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Lucinia Malveaux
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Lucinia Malveaux »

Jan Melmoar wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:51 am
((Ghost instructions in PF, also I believe Lucinia will be aboard.))
"I do hate this part." Lucinia murmured as she took her position.

Still, she cast Jan a quick smile.


D1 Ship Combat, cool init: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 advantage
Force Sensitive | Sith | Human | Noble | One of Those Malveauxs
Oooohohoho count: 13
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

Drascovina had been touring the fighters when the assault began, there was really no time to consider anything as she found her way to her personal vehicle. She had donned a crimson jumpsuit that matched her red fighter.

Never get off the rack, even space fighters.

Checks panned out, she was out and noticed the Turtle… and others forming a defense. She opened her comms, “This is Red-1, Turtle… Melmoar… Miscellaneous, follow my lead. And please don’t step up if you cannot keep up.”

“Weapons free.”

OOC: Convert the dark pips to successes.

Drascovina Inits: 2eP+2eA+2eF 4 successes, 1 advantage, 2 Dark Side
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Garth Thul
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Garth Thul »

Small Miyi.jpg
Small Miyi.jpg (25.16 KiB) Viewed 4625 times
"Misce..." MIyi almost choked. "Did she just?"

Leaning in closer to Garth she whispered sweetly, as she nibbled his ear. "You know up here, in the heat of battle, no one would notice where the shot came from."
Naval Officer * Human * Pilot * Force User * Blissful Betrothal * Massive Dork

Languages: Basic, Aznuri, Binary
Gear: Racing suit, DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, Aznuri Necklace, Lightsaber, Thermal Cloak
Vehicles: Orosini Sparrow, Tallulah

Often seen with Major Miyi Thul.
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

The commander smirked and said, "You erd' the captain, Kill the Turtle... then cripple the rest."

OOC: Commander is Adversary 2, the Minions are groups of four, they are at Short. Moving at Speed 3. All have Defense 1 from shields.

Round 1

Heroes 6 successes, 1 advantage
Pirates 5 successes, 2 advantage
Pirates 3 successes, 2 advantage
Heroes 3 successes, 1 advantage
Pirates 3 successes
Heroes 2 successes, 3 advantage
Pirates 2 successes, 2 advantage
Heroes 2 successes
Heroes 1 success, 1 advantage
Heroes 1 success, 1 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 3 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 2 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 0 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 0 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 0 advantage
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Destiny spent to upgrade difficulty for first player action.
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Durasay Mixo
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Durasay Mixo »

EM1 - Delaying Action - Round 1, Turn 1 - Fire Discipline (Presence 4, Leadership 1, Upgrade from Cascader, +2eB Leadership 2, Enhanced Leader, Hard Difficulty, Dapper Upgrade from Destiny): 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+2eD+2eF 4 successes, 1 threat, 2 Dark Side

1 Threat to Dapper. Success. Pipka and Nudimsu gain the benefit of Fire Discipline (they add +1eB to their Gunnery checks for the round). Not using the Dark Side.

Durasay sprung into action, beginning to analyze the tactics of the incoming fighters. Relaying that data to the firing computers of the ship. "There's something... familiar..." he mutterd as he observed the tactics being displayed... and then wide eyed.

"Syrian!" He cursed as well, recognizing the lethality in the approach.
Pantoran | Peacekeeper | Commanding Presence | Field Commander | Tough | Enhanced Leader | Strong in the Force | Confident
Carries: Lightsaber, Modded Heavy Battle Armor, Cascader, Utility Belt
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Hacha Tsuko
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Hacha Tsuko »

Turtle basic stats

Name: The Turtle
Hull Type/Class: Freighter/Dynamic-class
Hyperdrive: Class 3/Secondary: None
Navicomputer: Yes
Sensor Range: Medium

- Front Mounted Auto Blaster (Fire Arc Forward); Range Close, Dam 3, Crit 5, Autofire (Pilot Controlled)
-Turret Mounted Blaster Cannon (Fire Arc All) Range Close, Dam 4, Crit 4 (Gunner Controlled)
-Rear Mounted Auto Blaster (Fire Arc, Aft); Range Close, Dam 3, Crit 5, Autofire (Gunner Controlled)
-Prototype Sabot Cannon: Damage: 7 Crit: 2 Range: Short Qualities: Breach 2, Slow Firing 1, Limited Ammo 4, Vicious 3
Silhouette: 4
Speed: 3
Handling: 0
Defense (Fore/Port/Starboard/Aft): 1-/-/1
Armor: 3
Hull Trauma Threshold: 26
System Strain Threshold: 16
Duros | Faction: The Turtle (ok, so Unaligned) | Schmott Guy (or so he likes to think) | Bankor Vet
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

"Like shootin' children in a barrel," the commander chortled. The other fighters follow suit wanting that sweet money!

OOC: Commander uses Fly Maneuver to Close of the Turtle. Action to fire. Commander hits for 8 system strain and passes the advantage to next ally as a boost. Minions 1 fly to Close and hit for 7 system strain and a Triumph for Critical Hit. 2 advantage to add a setback to next Piloting or Gunnery check and 1 advantage to grant next ally a boost die.

All pirates are silhouette 3.

Commander Pirate shoots at Turtle + Destiny upgrade + Player Destiny used: 3eP+1eA+1eD+1eC+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage

White Maw Pirate shoots at Turtle + Player Destiny: 3eP+1eD+1eC+1eS+1eB 2 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Despair

White Maw Pirate shoots at Turtle + Player Destiny: 1d100 22 - Lost Power to Front Shields.
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

Round 1

Heroes 6 successes, 1 advantage
Pirates 5 successes, 2 advantage
Pirates 3 successes, 2 advantage
Heroes 3 successes, 1 advantage
Pirates 3 successes
Heroes 2 successes, 3 advantage
Pirates 2 successes, 2 advantage
Heroes 2 successes
Heroes 1 success, 1 advantage
Heroes 1 success, 1 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 3 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 2 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 0 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 0 advantage
Heroes 0 successes, 0 advantage

OOC: GM Destiny used if enemies are targeted for Fire, or other ship rolls.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Dapper Dog »

Hoth had a healthy debris field nearly forming scattered rings around the frozen world. Many ships have seen their end here.
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Hacha Tsuko
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Hacha Tsuko »

Dapper Dog wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:22 pm
"Like shootin' children in a barrel," the commander chortled. The other fighters follow suit wanting that sweet money!

OOC: Commander uses Fly Maneuver to Close of the Turtle. Action to fire. Commander hits for 8 system strain and passes the advantage to next ally as a boost. Minions 1 fly to Close and hit for 7 system strain and a Triumph for Critical Hit. 2 advantage to add a setback to next Piloting or Gunnery check and 1 advantage to grant next ally a boost die.

Commander Pirate shoots at Turtle + Destiny upgrade + Player Destiny used: 3eP+1eA+1eD+1eC+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage

White Maw Pirate shoots at Turtle + Player Destiny: 3eP+1eD+1eC+1eS+1eB 2 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Despair

White Maw Pirate shoots at Turtle + Player Destiny: 1d100 22 - Lost Power to Front Shields.
The Turtle jerks as the ion(?) weaponry crackles through the system, Hacha's control panel flashing from green to yellow in a single pass.

"Nudie, we need to get at range stat!"

(Armor reduced damage by 3 from each strike for 5 and 4 System Strain)
System Strain: 9/16
Duros | Faction: The Turtle (ok, so Unaligned) | Schmott Guy (or so he likes to think) | Bankor Vet
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Delaying Action

Post by Nudimsu »

"Of course they have ions. Damn pirates." He stared at them flying as they blasted their hull and their electrical parts were starting to blink. "Why didn't the Republic tell us they had financial backers?! Those ships are not standard anywhere I've seen! Why is the Empire here?! And who in the hell is Syrian?! "

He flipped the switch on the thrusters "Can NOBODY do proper recon in this BLASTED REPUBLIC?!" He was clearly annoyed at this point and would be getting some answers later, if they managed to survive all this.

"Just...just hold on." And with that, he hit it the thrusters and the ship jumped in quickly to speed, moving quick enough to make the enemy leader get sloppy and run into some debris.

D1 EM Delaying Action (Full Throttle Action): 3eP+1eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 Triumph

[[Enemy Leader gets into a minor collision]]
(Punch it! 2 system strain)

System Strain: 11/16
Speed 5 for 3 rounds.

NATTY CRIT!: 1d100 29
Knocked Off Course: On next turn, pilot cannot execute any maneuvers and must make Piloting check to regain control (d = speed)
Last edited by Nudimsu on Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Prirnu'dim'suazzo| Chiss | Pilot | Neutral | Sneaky Sneaky | Not a Hugger | Pilot of the Turtle | Judging You

Equipment: Concealed Weapons, Commlink, Stimpack, May Be Wearing a Sneak Suit
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