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Dapper Dog
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[Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Dapper Dog »

Event Type: Side Story
Participants: All Players
Timeslots: Mid Afternoon

Description: Jawas have come to Echo Base

Rules: No Force Powers, Jawas know about them tricksy wizards and if they try their tricksy tricks they are banned for life! No junk for you. Banned. For. Life.

Or until they need your stuff.

Players can do some shopping with the Jawas, they must do their own shopping, Jawas don't deal with middle men, they are the middle men. They isolate and sell you hydro spoons and junk droids and sometimes things of treasure.

Or complete junk. Also these jawas are a divergent culture to Tattooine Jawas so no, you don’t know them. Everyone knows that.

Stay thy Tongue: Jawa language is well known and yet always shifting, it’s a tricksy language with lots of loopholes and traps and triple meanings. Plus Jawas talk really, really fast.

Players need to make a Cool or Discipline check at Hard to keep up with the jawas, if you succeed you suffer no penalties but if you fail increase the difficulty of all following rolls by one.

Just browsing: This is an optional step, players can try and browse their goods for something interesting, this is a Daunting check using Perception or Vigilance and if successful there is a chance they found something that could be considered Superior equipment.

Mighty Jawa, I come to Bargain: The General and Senator have brought out a lot of junk found from all the cleaning and base renewals that the Jawa would love to get their hands on, but it’s up to you to make the deal.

This is a Negotiation check versus 2eC+1eD+1eS, if successful they find an item up to 2500 credits they can utilize. If one wishes to go big or go home, they can roll versus 3eC+1eD+1eS and net up to a 6000 credit item. No bulk purchases.

If the roll is successful the item is damaged and will need Minor repairs, but if they get 3 advantages the item is old but completely usable with no damage. Every 2 threat increases the damage by one step as per the damaged item rules. A triumph means the Item is superior, two or more Triumphs means it is a one of a kind find work with the GM on that, and a Despair means the item is the best thing ever. Trust a jawa.

Two Despairs and more means it is a one of a kind treasure you should keep.

If the Just Browsing step was completed successfully, then the item could be Superior for just 2 advantage. These items have no modifications.

Objectives: Get some cool stuff, maybe.

Jawas bring their own amenities, so Power does not apply for this event. They are not savages.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Jan Melmoar
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Jan Melmoar »

Day 6 MA, Mighty Jawa, Stay Thy Tongue Roll, Hard Cool: 1eP+2eA+3eD 1 failure, 2 threat, 1 Triumph

Jan tries her best, but at the 60th mention of 'discounts' she briefly loses her cool and threatens the Jawa with up to 100% off their body.

Day 6 MA, Mighty Jawa, just browsing, daunting perception, difficulty increase from previous failed roll, setback from previous roll, ability upgrade from previous roll triump, spending a destiny: 3eP+1eA+5eD+1eS 4 successes, 2 threat

She thinks she spots something very shiny buried in the junk.

Day 6 MA, Mighy Jawa I come to bargain, negotiation with difficulty increase from failed roll, setback from previous roll, greased palms, destiny, go big or go home: 3eP+3eC+2eD+2eS 2 failures, 1 advantage

But meets her match the second the Jawas realise it's not actually broken.
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Omandri Rist
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandribwas a big fan of jawas. Sure they were rambunctious little thieves and probably got a decent amount of stuff by sneakily stripping it from the base or their crashed ships but it was such a random assortment of stuff you could find almost anything.

His Jawa was a little rusty but when he applied enough thought he got the right words and was haggling with the best of them.

He eventually found an incredible piece usually goes for way more but he could tell it was damaged and got the jawas to settle on a reasonable price.

D6 jawas stim app presence average medicine check: 3eP+2eA+2eD 5 successes
Presence +1 4 strain

D6 jawas cool check: 1eP+3eA+3eD 2 successes, 1 threat

D6 jawas bargains go big negotiation cascader destiny: 3eP+1eA+3eC+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 advantage

Damaged item up to 6000 credits acquired.
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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Katarzyna Panteer
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Katarzyna Panteer »

Might as well see what the Jawas have to offer, Kat thought as she went to take a look. And maybe she could get rid of some of the junk from the base that they didn't really need.

She was pretty good at not getting overwhelmed by the pushy Jawa merchants, a good show of her Jedi training to remain unflappable. But she didn't really know what she was looking for, except for something that didn't look broken. And for some reason she ended up trading some stuff for a bunch of hydro-spoons.

Wait, did they even need hydro-spoons?

But who cares, she had the finest collection of Hydro-dinglehoppers on this side of the galaxy now!


D6 MA. Mighty Jawa. Stay Thy Tongue. Discipline/Willpower vs Hard difficulty: 2eP+1eA+3eD 1 success

D6 MA. Mighty Jawa. Just Browsing. Vigilance/Willpower vs Daunting: 1eP+2eA+4eD 1 failure, 2 advantage

D6 MA. Mighty Jawa. I Come To Bargain. Negotation/Presence. Player Destiny. Boost from previous roll (2 advantages): 1eP+1eA+1eB+2eC+1eD+1eS 2 failures, 1 advantage, 2 Despair
Alderaanian Royal | Human | Jedi | Master | Paladin | Noble Protector | Hero | Heightened Awareness
Description | Theme | Art

Has: Lightsaber, Ulgo-pin (Cascader), belt with pouches (with stuff), thermal cloak, Jedi battle armor, medical gear, breathmask, goggles, explorer's knife.
"Let there be truth between your heart and the Force. All else is transitory."
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Dapper Dog »

Katarzyna Panteer wrote:
Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:20 am
Might as well see what the Jawas have to offer, Kat thought as she went to take a look. And maybe she could get rid of some of the junk from the base that they didn't really need.

She was pretty good at not getting overwhelmed by the pushy Jawa merchants, a good show of her Jedi training to remain unflappable. But she didn't really know what she was looking for, except for something that didn't look broken. And for some reason she ended up trading some stuff for a bunch of hydro-spoons.

Wait, did they even need hydro-spoons?

But who cares, she had the finest collection of Hydro-dinglehoppers on this side of the galaxy now!


D6 MA. Mighty Jawa. Stay Thy Tongue. Discipline/Willpower vs Hard difficulty: 2eP+1eA+3eD 1 success

D6 MA. Mighty Jawa. Just Browsing. Vigilance/Willpower vs Daunting: 1eP+2eA+4eD 1 failure, 2 advantage

D6 MA. Mighty Jawa. I Come To Bargain. Negotation/Presence. Player Destiny. Boost from previous roll (2 advantages): 1eP+1eA+1eB+2eC+1eD+1eS 2 failures, 1 advantage, 2 Despair
Jawa-noble.jpg (90.14 KiB) Viewed 5756 times
Little did she know those dinglehoppers were a true treasure, a sign that she had the true friendship of the jawa and they would come to Alderaan and just for her set up shop right in the palace. It’s officially binding, read the small print.

The world would soon be introduced to Blizzy Blizz’tik Mitcell Ooozi Bliz’Blizz Panteer, the newest member of the royal family.

Again legally binding.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Darth Bellious
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Darth Bellious »

Moyr kept up with the Jawas speaking, though it drew some sweat to follow.

MA6. Stay the Tongue.: 3eA+3eD 3 successes, 1 threat

And it became even more stressful after that as the Jawas were putting pressure on her not to browse too deeply. But she insisted and persevered... and found something.

MA6. Just Browsing.: 1eP+3eA+4eD 1 success, 3 threat

But in the end, there could be no deal. Moyr was stubborn, and the Jawas were Jawas.

MA6. I come to bargain. Flip.: 1eP+2eA+3eC+1eD+1eS 0 successes, 1 advantage
Sith Lord | Lethan Twi'lek | Imperial Officer of Hidden Rank | Shadow Magus | Mother of Revolutions | Has Already Won

lightsabre, pistol, full armour, thermal cloak, some supplies and gadgets

"Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Galen Panteer
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Galen Panteer »

Galen came by and looked around. A few things caught his eye, but nothing remarkable. Blizzy Blizzy did show him something very nice, though.

- - -
[Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain, Stay thy Tongue, Hard Discipline: 1eA+1eP+3eD 2 successes, 1 threat

[Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain, Just browsing, Daunting Perception, Uncanny Senses: 1eA+2eP+1eB+4eD 2 failures, 4 advantage

[Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain, Hard Negotiation: 2eA+3eC+1eD+1eS 3 failures, 1 threat, 1 Despair
Alderaan Nobility | Paladin | Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Veteran | Dad

Wears: Cargo Clothing, Second Skin, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Lightsaber, Sharpshooter's Rifle, Explorer's Knife, Datapad, Comlink, Hunters Goggles, 5 Stimpacks
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Pipka »

Pipka showed up to the pop-up Jawa market with high expectations and a carafe of Hoth Chocolate.

He tried to chat them up a bit before looking around, but as soon as he had a grasp of the language, they seemed to change it up on him. He began to think it was an intentional strategy of theirs.

Stepping aside from the Jawas, Pipka decides to browse the merchandise on his own and see what he could see. He thought there might be something there, but he wasn't certain. Better call in an expert.

He waved over a Jawa, but several came. They surrounded him and started talking in circles, pushing him to buy, and asking him if they could run his credit. Enough was enough, "NO! And you're all banned from Hoth Chocolate!" he shouts angrily, pulling away his carafe and storming off.

A few steps away, he stops and turns back. "I'm sorry, I don't like being pressured, here, one on the house, but you definitely have to pay next time." He hands over the carafe and returns to the base.

D6, MA, Jawa, Cool language bro: 1eP+1eA+3eD 0 successes, 3 threat

D6, MA, Jawa, Perception, armor boosts: 2eP+1eA+2eB+5eD 0 successes, 1 Triumph

D6, MA, Jawa, Negotiation, Triumph upgrade and destiny flip: 2eP+3eC+2eD+1eS 2 failures, 3 threat
Chadra-Fan | Turtle Crewmate | Former Slave | Big Bangs in a Small Package | Goat Dad
Carries: FC-1 Flechette Gun, Gundark Scav-Suit, Pack full of the essentials
Speaks: Basic, Binary, Chadra-Fan, Cheunh(rudimentary), Durese, Gamorrese, Huttese, Pantoran, Rodese, Sith, Twi'Leki
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Layne Hoshin
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Layne Hoshin »

Some of the best deals Layne had ever gotten had come to her from Jawas. Of course, so had some of the *worst* ones.

Well, whatever, right? Might as well see if there was *something* useful to find here?

Discipline Hard: 1eP+2eA+3eD 1 failure, 1 threat

Vigilance, Daunting (+ increased difficulty): 3eA+5eD 1 failure, 1 threat

Negotiation (go big or go home, yolo), upgraded difficulty, Destiny, Queen Commendation: 2eP+3eC+2eD+1eS 1 failure, 2 threat, 1 Triumph

4 strain taken.

Not sure what ends up happening with the triumph on the failed roll, maybe I end up getting *something* interesting after all somehow?
Jedi Master | Human | Elevated Slave | Former Sith | Intimidating | Fearsome | Shii-Cho | Natural Bladeswoman | War Hero
equipment: Jedi Battle Armor, Lightsaber(Black), Lightsaber(Blue), assorted other stuff
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Dapper Dog »

Layne Hoshin wrote:
Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:17 pm
Some of the best deals Layne had ever gotten had come to her from Jawas. Of course, so had some of the *worst* ones.

Well, whatever, right? Might as well see if there was *something* useful to find here?

Discipline Hard: 1eP+2eA+3eD 1 failure, 1 threat

Vigilance, Daunting (+ increased difficulty): 3eA+5eD 1 failure, 1 threat

Negotiation (go big or go home, yolo), upgraded difficulty, Destiny, Queen Commendation: 2eP+3eC+2eD+1eS 1 failure, 2 threat, 1 Triumph

4 strain taken.

Not sure what ends up happening with the triumph on the failed roll, maybe I end up getting *something* interesting after all somehow?
A Jawa child gave her his masterpiece.
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Spending 7 more Destiny for the first roll of each player in this event, upgrade difficulty by one.
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Jo'ren Rath
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

Jo'ren had a go at talking with the Jawas. He could understand them well enough but they seemed uninterested in trading with him. It was a shame because he still had a shiny rock that he had picked up from a Jawa on Nar Shaddaa.


D6. MA. Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain. Stay thy Tongue: Discipline check at Hard. GM upgrade.: 3eP+2eA+1eB+1eC+2eD 1 success, 5 advantage
Success! +2 boosts to next roll.

D6. MA. Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain. Negotiation check versus 2eC+1eD+1eS. +2 boosts. Cascader. Player flip: 2eP+2eB+2eC+1eD+1eS 0 successes, 3 threat
Fail. Nothing for me!
True Sith • Colossal • Nobody's Fool • Rath of the Empress • Big Damn Hero • Humble • Saviour of the Galaxy

Stuff: Armour of the First Wrath, Universal door openers, Thermal cloak.
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Cynella Alde
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Cynella Alde »

Extremely uneventfully, Cynella went into the junk pile and saw absolutely nothing of value. Seemed like things were the same regardless of where you went in the galaxy. And so, she left. No cute present for a certain somebody after all.


D6 MA Event Roll 1: Cool at Hard: 1eP+3eA+3eD 1 failure, 3 advantage

D6 MA Event Roll 2: Vigilance at Formidable: 3eA+5eD 2 failures, 1 threat

D6 MA Event Roll 3: Negotiation at Formidable (YOLO), Player Destiny: 3eP+1eA+3eC+2eD+1eS 3 failures, 2 advantage
Kuati Human | Princess of Mount Joral | Many Names, Many Interests | Motherly XO or Commanding Mother?

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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Riss »

Proving herself a cool head when she needs to be at least the process of keeping up with the Jawa didn't go so poorly. Despite not quite understanding their dialect she was rather confident she was piecing together their language rather well enough to understand.

Unfortunately.. somewhere in the middle of the negotiation they started switching it up a little and she was pretty sure that a phrase she said before meant something else but then it almost certainly didn't. She wasn't.. quite sure what happened, but at least she was chased out with angry sticks?
Day 6, MA | Stay thy Tongue: Cool, vs Hard, GM Destiny: 2eP+2eA+3eD 2 successes, 1 Triumph

Forgotten Upgrade:: 1eC+2eD 0 successes, 5 threat

Appropriate total: 3 success' 1 Triumph, 2 Threat. (I can add the threat onto the setback onto the final roll if you need, but I figure since it failed anyway it may not matter much!)

Day 6, MA | MJICTB - GBoGH: Negotiation vs Daunting, 1 Setback: 4eA+3eC+1eD+1eS 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Despair
Alderaanian Nobility | Human | Countess Lanar | Socialite | Diplomat | Disarming Smile | Bisaster | Bo's Favorite Sister
Description | Theme

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Remmington Balmung
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Remmington Balmung »

Remmington comes out to the makeshift junkpi... market that the Jawas set up. He tries talking with them but they talk so fast that he completely loses them with what they are saying to him. He decides to take a look over some of the goods until something catches his eyes with his goggles. He calls upon the power of the space goat chalice to aid him as he attempts to negotiate with the cloaked fuzzball. He thinks he gets a good deal for the scrap that had been dug up from around the base.

/ Stay thy Tongue. Cool/Presence@ Hard. DD flip. 1eP+1eA+1eC+2eD =
2 failures, 1 threat
+1 Difficulty to rest of rolls

Just Browsing. Perception @ Daunting to find Superior equipment. Tongue fail. Goggles. 1eP+1eA+1eB+5eD =
2 successes, 3 threat
Superior Item get?

Reroll, forgot failed Tongue first time.
Mighty Jawa, I come to Bargain. Negotiation/Presence @ going big. Reroll, forgot Tongue fail. Chalice used -1eC. Destiny. Meal. Power Base. Zash. 1eP+1eA+4eB+2eC+2eD+1eS =
1 success, 3 advantage
Superior Item get!
Sith | Human | Duelist | Mechanic | Slicer | Scar | Exp 3
"My life for the Empire."

Carries: Backpack, Datapad, Glow Rod, ARC Trooper Armour, Lightsaber - Gram (White-Red), Lightsaber [Disguised] - Hrotti (White), Load-Bearing Gear, Respirator, Scanner Goggles, Thermal Cloak, Utility Belt

Ship: Skidbladnir. Ally - Hild Godslayer
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Zayne Rist
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Zayne Rist »

Stay thy Tongue:

Zayne was in his (other) element haggling with Jawas. His cover was as an arbiter after all. He had a little trouble, but was cool under pressure.

[Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain - Cool 0 + Pr 3 + DD flip + Hard Check: 3eA+1eC+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

2 successes, 1 threat

Just browsing:

He perused the area for a bit, and found a few things of interest to him. They looked a bit worse for wear, but salvageable.

Just browsing: Perc 1 + Cun 3 + Daunting check: 1eP+2eA+5eD 1 success, 2 threat

1 success, 2 threat

Mighty Jawa, I come to Bargain:

Zayne tried to get a few onlookers and a Jawa or two see his point about the damaged items, but was unsuccessful. He was happy enough getting through the whole ordeal with the chance to get a Superior equipment worth upwards of 6,000 credits.

Mighty Jawa, I come to Bargain: Improved Savvy negotiator: Nego 2 + Pr 3 + Savvy negotiator + hard check: 2eP+1eA+3eD 0 successes

0 successes

Mighty Jawa, I come to Bargain: Nego 2 + Pr 3 + Savvy negotiator + 3eC+1eD: 2eP+1eA+3eC+1eD 4 successes, 1 threat

MDD-12 "Mercantiler" Datapad - +1 Boost: 1eB 0 successes

4 successes, 1 threat

6000 credit damaged Superior item
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
Battle Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Rist Ancient Battle Armor, Stimpack, Thermal Cloak, Hunting Goggles
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Lucinia Malveaux
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Lucinia Malveaux »

Of course Lucinia could keep her mind steady around Jawas. She was used to delving into the mysteries of the Dark Side! What was a few chattering munchkins? Lucinia dealt with it by fantasizing about Force Moving them into a giant ball and then launching them into space. It brought a smile to her red lips.

Unfortunately, she wasn't able to actually get a deal out of them. "Ugh!" She stamped her foot on the ground. Storming back inside, she considered what she might do to make her fantasy a reality...


D6MA, Jawas! Hold tongue, Discipline, forgot Dapper flip: 1eP+3eA+1eC+2eD 1 success

D6MA, Jawas! Negotiate: 2eA+2eC+1eD+1eS 2 failures
Force Sensitive | Sith | Human | Noble | One of Those Malveauxs
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Tethys Carrack
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Re: [Day 6 - MA] Mighty Jawa, I Come to Bargain

Post by Tethys Carrack »

Tethys can't make head or tail of the Jawas' chatter... maybe she's been spending too much time here talking to C5-PT, filling her head with colors and angles, and facility with more ordinary alien languages has atrophied?

However, she still manages to find something that might be worth using... with a *lot* of repairs

D6 MA Mighty Jawa--Stay thy Tongue, Hard discipline + GM destiny: 2eA+2eP+1eC+2eD 1 failure, 2 advantage
Fail, increased difficulty on future rolls, but carry forward 1 boost.

D6 MA Mighty Jawa-- Just browsing, Daunting Vigilance +1 difficulty for fail. Boost self with adv.: 4eA+1eB+5eD 2 successes, 3 threat
Passed, carry forward 1 setback (and 1 strain?)

D6 MA Mighty Jawa-- I Come to Bargain, basic difficutly, +1 difficulty for roll 1 fail. Setback from Threat. Congenial downgrade. YOLO?: 2eA+1eC+3eD+1eS 1 success, 4 threat
D6 MA Mighty Jawa-- I Come to Bargain, forgotten extra setback: 1eS 0 successes

I think this comes out to.... one 2500 credit item with Major damage, with no effect from the Just Browsing roll? Or something like that!
Light Side ○ Jedi ○ Human ○ Tall ○ Wanderer ○ Calming Aura ○ Nobody's Fool* ○ Profile Link
(*If shading the truth or socially manipulating, let's roll dice and see what happens.)

Notable kit: Robes, utility belt, lightsaber, comlink, cuff bracelet (energy buckler); backpack and/or Jedi armor when called for; faint but distinct scent of sea air.
"Jedi are peaceful, not idiots."
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