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Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:59 pm
by Dapper Dog
Tiss was drinking, but at a measured pace. She liked to be just aware enough when things really got good.

Next to Tiss with a bottle in hand, Viyuti brooded. She was here to cut loose, and put stupid arguments out of her head.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:35 pm
by Zeno Thul
Zeno, having more than enough of his family's own small whiskey reserve, went with the blood wine. And downed the first drink without hesitation or worry.

"I was 16 I think, and having a party for one of my sisters. Congratulating her for finishing flight school. We all got way too drunk and ended up playing some dangerous knife throwing games. Two people lost fingers, one person lost an eye, and I caught 2 knives in my right arm. Little while later we played hot potato with a stun grenade. And then I woke up the next day in the medical unit on the space station with some stitches in the back of my head, several others in there with me with various injuries. Good night."

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:07 pm
by Layne Hoshin
Zeno Thul wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:27 am
Taking the flask back with no fuss, he shook his head. "You say, as you sink into the darkness and do who knows what to *protect* people. Because I'm sure you are doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify this. I want you to keep in mind that I have not killed anyone since the coup, and even then it was in self defense. So next time you kill someone you really will be more lost than I am. Would suck if you sank lower than me eh?"

He then walks away with a salute and a smile.
"Yes, I'm sure you must be going through some serious withdrawal by now."

He was poking the soft spots in her armor. Though he was only poking after she had poked first, she supposed. Hypocrit that she was. Still, she was feeling angry and petty right now. Who wouldn't, under the circumstances? So she had to get in a last word.

When Moyr spoke, well... it was polite at least. She wasn't sure if she liked that the woman knew about the whole ancestor thing, but it wasn't as if she hadn't told a lot of people about that by now so again... her own hypocrisy threatened to dominate. She decided to push it away instead, and did go for some wine.

Remmington... well, he was barely offered a nod. It was strange really; he had always annoyed her. That happy optimistic fool's aura he had going on. As a Sith, she hated it because they did not deserve that sort of thing being what they were. As a Jedi... well, she hadn't met as a Jedi. And now. Now she was a Sith once more. And he annoyed her more than ever, after having given up the light.

Then in walked the girl she'd saved from the cold outside the first day on Hoth. She had not known what the girl had spoken of to others, so she could not fathom there was anything of note to the girl's thoughts, beyond the fact there was an apparent jedi master at a Sith party. Awkward, perhaps?

And then... then it was story time.

"My first time... Hmmm... Kristal, Sylvain, and Shaisha invited me to drink with them them at that terrible cantina at the Academy. Don't know if it's still around. Ah, the Zabrak was there too. Anyway, we all ended up being petty. The terrible noble trio versus the uncivilized slave. They were pretty perplexed when every glass in the cantina broke as the force rippled out, I remember."

Wasn't Layne herself, of course. But she knew how to take advantage of it to make it seem as if it had been.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 7:27 pm
by Darth Bellious
"If it was blown up they must have rebuilt it. #66 is too legendary a place." Darth Bellious chuckled. "Neither of the trio is here to question your version of those events, so let's take it as canonical. And since visions seem to be the main point of behind-the-scenes conversations of late, I am wondering if any of you remembers your most spectacular drunken dream."

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:06 pm
by Dapper Dog
“I thought we were here to plumb the depths of the Dark Side?” she said aloud to the group.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:52 pm
by Darth Bellious
"If you all find yourself ready to cut to the chase."

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:36 pm
by Dapper Dog
Darth Bellious wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:52 pm
"If you all find yourself ready to cut to the chase."
"I would prefer it, instead of wasting my time," she said with annoyance.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:43 pm
by Zeno Thul
"Someone doesn't want to party," Zeno said as he took a swig from his second drink, smirking at Viyuti. Then he looks at Moyr, "Maybe we should get started so the folks who have an early bedtime can get tucked in Darth Bellious?"

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:54 pm
by Dapper Dog
"Mockery and debauchery, is this what the Sith have become," she hissed. "This is why we have yet to crush our enemies."

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:58 pm
by Darth Bellious
"Very well. Somewhere on this world there is a predatory inheritor of the late Emperor's power. By a concerted effort we may as well try to find her before she finds us, or at the very least level the field. Since many of us have been given shards of visions on this or related issues, we may as well seek a common picture. And inducing deeper trance via psychoactive substances well-calibrated with the Dark Side is a time-honoured Sith tradition reaching back to the First Sith Empire." She raised a glass again. "Who's ready and willing?"

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:02 pm
by Dapper Dog
"You speak blasphemy, the false Emperor was destroyed by the Empress to imply otherwise is to betray the throne," she responded.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:04 pm
by Lord Draahg
Lord Draahg added, "Darth Bellious I think you forget yourself, if you imply the enemy of the Empire survived his destruction let alone someone inherited his power."

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:10 pm
by Zeno Thul
"He is dead, but his raw power survived. It is not him, but a conscious wound in the dark side created by his death. We have someone here who has helped create such a wound," he points to himself, "and someone who has healed such a wound," he says, pointing to Layne.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:16 pm
by Dapper Dog
“The enemy of the Empire is dead, wound or not, it wasn't a wound that defeated us in space but mere pirates. How low we have fallen if such loathsome scum to defeat the might of the Empire. In failure we now turn to blasphemy and debauchery?”

She looked at Layne, “Now we break bread with Republic scum and Jedi… there is no truth here.”

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:28 pm
by Darth Bellious
"I stand by my wording, which is no departure from the fact of destruction of the False Emperor. Do not misconstrue it." And suddenly, Sith politics were there back again. "If you choose to ignore the threat the Dark Side of the Force speaks to us about, it is your choice." Bellious thought about wording it more strongly, but as the host she decided to ignore petulant indignation.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:29 pm
by Lucinia Malveaux
Lucinia rolled her eyes. Right, this was why she tended to avoid gatherings of Sith. Or military. Or family. People, basically.

"Perhaps we should attempt to commune with the Dark Side, then? Even if it fails to answer any of these questions, well, it will hardly be time ill-spent." She looked around, eyebrow raised, looking for contradiction.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:32 pm
by Darth Bellious
Moyr nodded in agreement with her.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:34 pm
by Dapper Dog
"Heresy aside, I see no fault in this, Lord Malveaux," the woman agreed.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:39 pm
by Zeno Thul
"Sounds good to me, lets get this part over with so the party poopers that don't know how to let loose and have fun can do their party pooper thing," Zeno replies with a shrug.

He was going to say something about the state of the Empire being a reflection of the type of people that complain about the state of the empire. But he was getting bored with the perpetually dismal responses from her. So instead, he drank and welcomed the sensation of the blood wine in his belly.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:44 pm
by Dapper Dog
Zeno Thul wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:39 pm
"Sounds good to me, lets get this part over with so the party poopers that don't know how to let loose and have fun can do their party pooper thing," Zeno replies with a shrug.

He was going to say something about the state of the Empire being a reflection of the type of people that complain about the state of the empire. But he was getting bored with the perpetually dismal responses from her. So instead, he drank and welcomed the sensation of the blood wine in his belly.
"I like him, grandpa came to party," she said moving forward. "So we hold hands... stab each other? I already finished my bottle."

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:51 pm
by Zeno Thul
"Grandpa loves a good party. Why do you think I moved to Alderaan where the nobles are always throwing them?" he replies with a chuckle.

"Up to Darth Bellious if she wants this to be a blood sacrifice too. I'm a fan of communal bloodletting and consumption of the result, personally. Always felt like it created the strongest connection to me."

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 1:41 am
by Remmington Balmung
"May as well get started." Remmington comments are the Sith bickering began.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:21 am
by Nudimsu
Nudimsu had just managed to make his way over from the hangar after parking the Rabbit into the hangar near his ship. Took some time to prepare himself for this, but he did say he would at least attempt to make a appearence. Also that he would give a update about what he did today to Razzya and the Darth.

This also did require him to be in a social setting. Among Sith. Both literal ones and of titles. Just a means to likely learn something he could use in this endeavour. If not, it was a chance to watch a bunch of people act drunk and stupid while they sacrificed themselves in some dark ritual. He entered the ship and looked at those who were there.

Ahh, Zeno is here. That's...someone else I know. Hm. And, uh, Layne. Yes. I remember Layne. Hard to forget that one. He just made a awkward motion sliding into the slightly crowded ship while tensions were upping themselves between the Sith, the lone Jedi, and it seemed like everyone in between; the heat coming off their faces would be obvious enough to a half-blind Chiss.

In the meantime, he saw that the host was rather busy, so he chose to instead stand near the exit, just in case the lightsabers started to come out.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:54 am
by Aphr Ahaya
Aphr had managed to resist a sigh at the bloodwine discussion. Thankfully someone she didn't know had brought things back on topic, but then on the Sith Emperor.

You're looking the wrong way... she thought to herself, and while she considered speaking up she stopped. She had hoped Moyr would have taken the info from the previous day - she'd have been given the plaudits and they would have a real focus. Still, it was her sisters party and she knew Moyr always had a plan.

The Chiss arriving had Aphrs attention. She didn't take him for a Force user, and the little Twi'lek stepped quietly to the back of the room. Nearer to Nudimsu, who was giving a nod of greeting.

Re: Red Soiree [LE3]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 4:11 am
by Nudimsu
Nudimsu nodded back in acknowledgement to Aphr and continued to watch the fire leap from their faces, ensuring that his back was not turned to any one of them for any reason. Though, he did sidestep his way over to Aphr and lowered his head a little. "What did I miss?