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Dapper Dog
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Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:04 pm


Post by Dapper Dog »

sosparrow.png (251.96 KiB) Viewed 2785 times
The Orosini Sparrow appears to be a fairly standard Firespray Class 31 patrol ship painted in a brilliant royal blue. It has clearly been thrashed out multiple times but is immaculately maintained. It is the personal combat vessel of Captain Garth Thul and has been modified to his individual specifications. With an upgraded hyperdrive, there are few vehicles in the galaxy that can match the Sparrow for long distance speed, and with Garth behind the wheel of the vehicle that his wife has improved upon, there are even fewer that can match its speed or maneuverability in combat situations either.

The Sparrow has been flying since the liberation of Bankor, but only recently have Garth and Miyi made it a home away from home, with the galactic co-ordinates of the Thul Estates permanently programmed in the Navcomputer.
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