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Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:46 pm
by Galen Panteer
"How far out do you want to go." Galen asked. "The further away we get from the base, the more we're likely to find. And, we do have vehicles that are adapted to the cold now."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:06 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth wasn't intending on a hunt, he had brought the Sparrow out to test the Ortolan plating.

"Galen, out fer a ev'nin stroll?"

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:15 pm
by Galen Panteer
"Baesal and I are testing the modifications the Ortolan made." he explained. "But, I was thinking we could do some hunting while we're out here. Give our new kitchen staff more to work with."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:16 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''Greetings Lord Thul''

She greeted as she exited her truck before turning to Galen

''This is your wheel house. I'll trust your judgement.'' looking at the horizon she continued ''My speeder truck is fully winter proofed on top of being submersible so I can go a long way.''

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:29 pm
by Garth Thul
"Just Garth thanks Master Zyn. An' submersible? Tha' sounds lahk a neat trick." He agrees with a low whistle.

"Mind if ah come along t' watch?"

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:33 pm
by Baesal Zyn
She could not help but smile. The Thul's conviviality was quit refreshing today

''Very well Garth. Call me Baesal then''

She then taps on the side of her truck

''She does'nt look like much but she's durable...and I'll gladly have you with us if Galen is okay with it''

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:37 pm
by Garth Thul
"Belie' me Baesal, if anyone knows 'bout 'ppearances bein' deceivin' it's me." He replies with a laugh. "Although wi' us smellin' like las' weeks rancid lefovers, we better stay th' hell downwind...or upwind? Y'all know whut ah mean ah'm sure."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:38 pm
by Galen Panteer
"Absolutely. Between the three of us, I'm sure we can find something." he smiled. "Let's ride a bit further out and see what's out there."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:39 pm
by Garth Thul
"Sounds good. Y'all lead the way an' I'll provide some aerial recon."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:14 pm
by Baesal Zyn
She nods

''Allright. Ready when you are boys.''

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:40 pm
by Galen Panteer
Galen sped ahead leading the way on his bike. The green glowing ribbon in the sky above gave some light, but it was his hunting instincts that led him to a game trail.

"Here. This looks promising."

- - -
Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting), Survival, Inadequate Power, Explorer's Knife Knife,: 3eP+1eB+4eD 0 successes, 1 Triumph

Triumph to find a particularly good food source.

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:14 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth landed the Sparrow a little ways away and jogged over to the others.

"Lemme clear away some o' that debris Galen." He offers before settling into some good old fashioned blood pumping manual labour.

D2 Hunting opportunity LE Athletics: 3eA+3eF+4eD 2 threat, 5 Light Side

LS used for 1 success, 4 advantages.
Final resul 1 success 2 advantages (1 boost to next roller)

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:49 am
by Baesal Zyn
Observing the trails Baesal passed a hand on the amber the adorned her head ornament. The piece seemed to glow with it's on light

''I am not quite sure of what you found but judging by the size of the tracks and the current climate you might have found a variant of the Spheniscidae family''

She opened her datapad

"Might be a burrowing sub-species. We should look for mounds or something similar"

Preying at dusk, Knowledge (education), Neural Amulet (+3 strains for +3 boosts), Imperial probes (+1 boost): 1eP+4eA+4eD+5eB 2 successes, 4 advantage

+2 boosts for next roller

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:48 am
by Galen Panteer
Galen looked around for what Baesal described. "I don't see anything. We may need a better vantage point or a bit more information about these birds."

- - -
Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting), Perception, Inadequate Power, Uncanny Senses,: 1eA+1eP+1eB+4eD 3 failures, 2 threat
Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting), Perception, Inadequate Power, Uncanny Senses, Missed Die: 1eP 1 success, 1 advantage
2 Failures, 1 Threat

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:31 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth looks around at the suggestion of higher ground and tries to nimbly climb a scraggly tree.

Halfway up he took a bad choice and a branch broke. He lashed out, inspired by fear, and caught a stronger branch, eventually hauling himself up to a useful vantage point.

"It looks like there's a...small group of targets to the SouthWest." He calls down over the communicator as he tightens his cloak around his shoulders.

D2 LE Hunting opportunity - coordination: 4eA+3eF+4eD 1 failure, 1 advantage, 3 Dark Side

3 conflict, 3 strain
Final result 1 success, 2 advantage (used for boost to next player)

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:52 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''Roger that'' Baesal replied, getting her micro binoculars out to look at the location Garth indicated

''Oh, yes. Mole-penguins. Not native to the planet, I think, but they adapted quickly and they taste just like poultry.''

Preying at dusk, Knowledge (xenology), Neural Amulet (+2 strains for +2 boosts), Imperial probes (+1 boost), Garth's boost: 1eP+4eA+4eD+4eB 2 successes, 6 advantage

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:17 pm
by Galen Panteer
Once they were closer, Galen spotted them.

"Wow, there are a lot more than I would have thought. Maybe we can take some back for livestock."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:20 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''That would be good. Their eggs are also nutritious and very large.'' she adjusted the sights, passing them to Galen

''Damn, I am hungry now''

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:29 pm
by Garth Thul
"Ah've bin hungry fer days." Garth agreed, his stomach choosing that time to voice its own agreement.

"Some fresh food that ain't been vaccuum sealed sounds...well there ain't words t' describe it."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:36 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''I can already hear the sizzling sound of an omelette the size of a pizza...topped with goat cheese and onions'' she added

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:44 pm
by Garth Thul
"An' ah'm sure Countess Riss can use all this ice to make one helluva margarita!"

It takes all of Garth's self control not to start drooling on the spot.

"But how we gonna get them back t' base? Ah got no 'sperience herdin' animals."

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:10 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''This species buries itself as a defense mechanism'' She explained ''It works fine for most predators but most predators don't have industrial tools and nets.''

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:22 pm
by Galen Panteer
"I've never herded anything like these before, but I think we can figure it out." He was still intently watching the creatures.

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:24 pm
by Garth Thul
"Ah, c'n probly sneak round th' other side and scare em t'ward y'all?" Garth whispered.

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:37 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''It might take us a few tries but...damn...we will succeed.''