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[D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:48 am
by Jo'ren Rath
Unaware of the new moniker that was about to be bestowed upon him by their friendly blue friends, Jo'ren had sought out Avi for a return trip to visit the ortolans. Hopefully they would have set up his ship to be Hoth-proof. Hell he might even go for some more stew!

"So, that was some incredible art you made this morning Avi. Quite the smell too..." He chuckled and set off towards the ortolan cave.

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:13 am
by Dapper Dog
The ortolans have finished their work and are pleased to see their customer return.

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:57 am
by Avieri Ciamber
"I was inspired. My Great Aunt, Sepultra, would have been impressed I'm sure. She always liked that kind of thing."

He carefully flicked away a small piece of sludge from the front of his armour . . . apparently not caring about all the rest of it.

"She may have complained about the smell though. She would definitely have complained about having to work with Republic frauds."

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:27 pm
by Jo'ren Rath
Joren smiled at the enthusiasm. "I guess your family goes way back like mine huh? Old nobility? I've got a few ancestors who liked art, but most of us were warriors and seekers."

As they approached the cave it was clear the ortolans were fast workers and true to their word. He nodded at the handiwork.

"At least it's only a short term thing, working with the Republic. And hey, if they give us any problems we can always go and kick over their next temple." He shrugged. "What do you think? Looks like Bizi Wiz did a damn good job."

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:43 pm
by Avieri Ciamber
"All the way back to when Dromund Kaas was in short pants . . . "

He whistled at the ship.

"Looks good. Pity these ortolans had to be blue. Don't usually like blue things. Too Republicy. Red is better."

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:12 am
by Jo'ren Rath
"Hah, that's a good one!"

The ortolans really were true to their word. Joren didn't mind killing a bunch of pirates for them...or for anyone, or just because.

"Yeah I know what you mean. Blue just isn't as, well, Trustworthy. But hey, Bizi Wiz was as good as his word. We can explore the planet now."

He called out: "Hey, Bizi! You here? She looks great!"

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:00 am
by Avieri Ciamber
"Maybe we can get them to wear red outfits . . . ?"

He stalked off around the ship in search of smol blue elephants.

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:27 am
by Jo'ren Rath
Laughter spilled out. He had missed Avi's comments. "They should make a holoshow about that."

The ship seemed a little bit uglier than before, and some of the cold-adaptations had covered the maneuvering surfaces, but it was ready to deal with whatever Hoth threw at it. Even a blizzard wouldn't slow them down now.

"Let's go take a closer look!"

Re: [D2, MM-LM] Return of the King

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:37 am
by Avieri Ciamber
"Yo, Bizi!!!!!"

For a small Sith he could shout loudly.