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If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:56 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
All geared up and with her thranta-mount ready to fly, Kat waited at the entrance of the base for the Alderaan Girl Team to assemble. It would be nice to get out, maybe away from the smell of the hangar... and do something useful at the same time.

"I do wonder what the creatures here eat. Maybe there's some moss or lichen in caves?"


OOC: Hunting/Gathering Foodstuff.

Team: Katarzyna, Riss, Cynella, Aurilie

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:06 pm
by Riss
"Or people!" Riss shouts, jumping around a small stacked bit of snowdrift. Hands up as if to pretend she were some kind of monster but immediately losing her footing in the snow and tumbling to the white fluff covering this forsaken planet. Groaning following her rather rapid decent.

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:11 pm
by Aurilie Alde
After some much-needed pep-talk with her wife yesterday, Aurilie was ready to venture off into the waste to do some good once more! However, this time scaled back her self-imposed high expectations. It should prove to be a mostly good time with her wife and friends. At the very least, find herself in a better headspace. She was ready to do some old-fashioned hunting!

She nodded at Kat's question, "Most of the planet's warmth is found underground and you'd be surprised to find how rich it is with various fungi and rudimentary organisms that give much sustenance to the smaller creatures of the planet."

With that, she made her way over to help Riss back to her feet. "You need to be careful, Riss. This isn't like winter tobogganing on Mount Joral."

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 10:54 pm
by Cynella Alde
Rhia kept supplies close to heart. Even if her children were light-years away, she still acted like she needed to look after them here too. "I can't imagine that cave growth will do well for morale. Meat, however, will be hard to come by." She patted her stomach, wondering if that ortolan food offerings were going to compare.

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:13 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
"Meat would be good," she agreed with the Mother Bear. Turning around to see Riss fooling about, Kat sighed as she placed her hand on her hip. "Maybe the locals have something to trade, make up for what we might not be able to forage or hunt ourselves?"


OOC: feel free to start rolls, I'll roll when I wake up.

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:17 am
by Aurilie Alde
"I'm not too keen on the locals, to be honest," she frowned on that note. "I get the feeling that everything seems to be connected to the pirates by a few degrees. The local pirates seem to have something a seat of power in a settlement not too far from here. There's a good chance we could bump into each other without even trying. Let's keep our footprint minimal, shall we?"

With that, Aurilie laid down the foundation for their hunt and got a sense of their territory. She did get a good feel of the lands on where they can find their prey but might have overlooked some of the difficulties of the terrain.

Day 2, Late Afternoon, Opportunity - Hunting: Survival with +1 Boost from Hunting Knife!: 3eP+1eB+4eD 2 successes, 2 threat

Success! But 1 Setback to the next person!

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:47 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
Kat let Aurilie take lead. Her armor sealed up as they ventured into the frozen hellscape, protecting her from the cold with its inbuildt heating.

"No doubt any sentient here has some connection to the White Maw. As victims or affiliates." Kat's voice could be heard through the commlink keeping them connected. "Those that are victims could be potential allies for us... and others might be opportunistic too if we seem capable of winning."


OOC: anyone with Setback-negating talent wanna go next?

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:59 pm
by Cynella Alde
"My parents always liked to say that there's a buyer everywhere you look," Rhia said, followed by a laugh. "Which is exactly how I got roped in myself!" She raised her foot and wobbled; there wasn't enough dang time in the day for stretching anymore. "Anti-slip tread oil! Feels like it's actually working to me!" As a far more sensible course of action, she pulled out the bottle for free use among the group. "I tested it out at Mount Joral actually. Was meaning for it to be, well, a surprise gift." She waved to her beloved. "Surprise!"

With that bit of excitement out of the way, she turned her attention back towards the base. "But yes, there's always an interested person. I've got trades lined up already for when we get back!" Her shoulders deflated. "They are expecting some premium stuff though. Sorry, darlings, I did extol the abilities of our little group here."


D2 LA Negotiation at Daunting (Inadequate Power), Ignore Setback with Leverage: 2eP+2eA+4eD 4 successes, 2 threat

Well, still giving us a Setback anyways...

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:27 am
by Riss
Riss, when helped to her feet earlier just gave a simple sheepish smile in response. Rubbing the back of her head as she glances around those present, taking up closer with whoever stayed the furthest back from the actual hunt. Riss would explain the entire story of her recent experience starring the moment of, "They apparently wanted me as a bride, in some strange tribal exchange of deals kind of way. Anyway, once that mistake was cleared up we eventually found ourselves a bit of an agreement. Given the chance on the way home I can probably talk them into sharing a little extra foodstuff for us but- well, let's just hope Aurilie's hunt goes better yea? I don't really wanna find out what Ortolans eat much," she says on a half chuckle.

However, when it came time to do the talking there was something off about the way things went...

Day 2, LA | Opportunity: Charm, Kill it with Kindness x2, Cascader, vs Daunting, Setback from Cynella, Setback Broken Cascader: 4eP+4eD 0 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph

Passing on that Setback again, apparently!

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:58 am
by Katarzyna Panteer

Kat nearly fell off from her thranta as she was overcome with shock and laughter. "Are you telling me that we missed out on the only chance we get to see you as a bride, Riss?" she managed to say between bouts of giggling.

That information thoroughly distracted Kat from identifying some tracks that she dismissed as Ortolan-tracks, but she did fly near enough for something of interest perhaps...


D2 LA Opportunity (Hunting). Xenology/Intellect. +1B from good food. +1S from Riss. Player Destiny: 1eP+4eA+4eD+1eS 3 failures, 3 advantage
D2 LA Opportunity (Hunting). Xenology/Intellect. Forgotten Boost: 1eB 0 successes

Sheesh. :lol: 1 Boost to next roller!

4 out of 7 rolls. 2 out of 4 needed successes. 1 Triumph for something or upgrade?
Skills used: Survival, Negotiation, Charm, Xenology.

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:43 am
by Aurilie Alde
"It won't be the only chance, I sincerely hope?" She would add further scrutiny to the matter. It was perhaps a bit of a curiosity that Riss was surrounded by married friends and she managed to dodge that completely. Maybe they haven't helped her enough to change otherwise. It would a disservice to her friend if that were the case. Of course, she wondered if that was something Riss continually dodged herself. "We should do something about that."

Speaking of dodging, Aurilie continued to dodge the harsh terrain of Hoth, leading the way to a trail she found earlier. There weren't exactly too many herbivores wandering the surface of Hoth, so they needed to be careful.

Day 2, Late Afternoon, Opportunity - Hunting: Coordination with 2 Boosts and 1 more Boost from Kat: 1eP+3eA+3eB+4eD 1 success, 3 advantage

5 out of 7 rolls. 3 out of 4 needed successes. 1 Triumph for something or upgrade?
Skills used: Survival, Negotiation, Charm, Xenology, Coordination

1 Boost to the next roller!

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:05 pm
by Riss
Being helped to not make a complete ass o herself around some of that harsh terrain, Riss took that moment en route to look among her friends and offer a brief smile. Dearest Cynella whom she spent so many occasions trading praise with in pursuit of the possibility of affections from and toward a man neither of them wound up wanting. Kataryzna whom has always been there for her in times of strife, and is ever the paragon to which all Jedi should strive. As well, and not last or least, dearest Aurilie whom was there too when she was young and perhaps saw some of the very first moments of the woman whom Riss would become, a woman herself whom is the very example of Alderaanian nobility.

"There's no rush, Aurie," she says on a light laugh. Looking among these three, "Though this little spill onto Hoth is better for the three of us, mm? Whether it come to getting me married off to someone who isn't an Ortolan on the edge of livable space, or maybe just getting off this rock without having a bunch of pirates still buzzing around hurting people? We got this," she says, with that charismatic smile that would inspire a legion.


Day 2, LA | Opportunity: Leadership, Kill it with Kindness x2, Cascader, Boost from Aurilie vs Daunting Setback Broken Cascader: 3eP+1eA+1eB+4eD 1 success, 4 advantage

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:00 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
Kat could practically hear that smile through the comms in her helmet as she swooped over them on her thranta. "We got this. The Force is with us."

From her higher vantage point, she could point out what seemed like promising hunting grounds for them, especially Aurilie, to make sure they'd bring back some meat for the cooks. "Almost look like banthas. Big, wooly, slow-moving. At two o'clock... five clicks from us, give or take." She paused a bit. "The whiteness of the snow makes it harder to eyeball the distances here."

Taking another sweep, she got a better look. "They are most likely not carnivores, so high chance that their meat is good."


D2 LA Opportunity (Hunting). Education/Intellect. +2B from Riss: 1eP+4eA+2eB+4eD 1 success, 2 advantage

Opportunity Successful!

7 out of 7 rolls. 5 out of 5 needed successes. 1 Triumph to improve relations with Ortolans!
Skills used: Survival, Negotiation, Charm, Xenology, Coordination, Leadership, Education.

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:25 pm
by Aurilie Alde
"No rush at all, of course." She nodded soundly in acceptance at first to Riss's reply. "There's no doubt that we're making good on the situation. I don't think those pirates will be so lucky if they face us on our terms here. At the very least, they have more to lose here than us. You're most certainly not getting married to an Ortolan here...But there could be potential contenders we could amuse ourselves with considering. I believe Doctor Rist is still unwed?"

Aurilie might have been too focused thinking about wampas to consider the giant bantha-like creatures that roamed the tundra landscape. She nodded at the communication from Kat as she brushed the snow from her rifle, double-checking that it wouldn't seize up in the cold. Just one of the few downsides of wanting to hunt the old-fashioned way, but a small sacrifice for class. "Hm...Icetrompers from the sound of it. Those will do. Very fortuitous that we've found their migration path."

She turned and smiled at her wife. "Did you want to take the first shot, my dear?"

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:39 am
by Cynella Alde
Rhia kept up pace as she was likely to do. When prompted on the whole affair, she gave a sidelong glance at her wife. "Why would I ever take that away from you?" At least, her understanding was that that was a high honor. She barely even still liked hunting! She just liked the prospect of eating literally anything a heck of a lot more.

Re: If you have a problem, maybe you can get The A-Team (D2 LA Opportunity)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:03 am
by Aurilie Alde
Aurilie couldn't help but give a glance around to see where everyone was situated at the moment. She hoped their friends wouldn't mind that some part of this venture was having quality moments with her dear wife.

She would return the look before giving her a small smile. "My lovely Rhia, I think there are very few things you can truly take away from me, only shared. This is especially so when you've given me so much and graced me with your presence here. I can't think of a greater honour than seeing my dear wife take the first shot."

After given her rifle another glance to ensure parts are frozen, she presented her rifle to Rhia.