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Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:21 pm
by Jan Melmoar
"Well done Bobb....Bob...which one of you did that?"
"We both did it together Miss Melmoar!"
"Yes Miss Melmoar, teamwork makes the dream work."

Jan stifles the instinctive urge to aim her turret at the bridge.
"Well....keep it up you two, and bring us closer! We can't let her tear our ships apart before we get into range!"

((Bobb will use his maneuvers to close to short range with the pirate fighters))

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:36 pm
by Baesal Zyn
Baes sliced their systems!

OOC: Minion group #1 has lowered front shields for 2 rounds. But the threat gives Minion group #1 a boost die.

Baes Slice enemy systems Minions 1: 2eP+1eA+2eF+3eD 1 success, 2 threat, 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

Top of the Round now.


PC 4 successes, 1 advantage
PC 2 successes, 2 advantage
NPC 2 successes, 2 advantage
NPC 2 successes, 1 advantage
NPC 2 successes, 1 advantage
NPC 1 success, 2 advantages
NPC 0 successes, 4 advantage
PC 0 successes, 3 advantage
PC 0 successes, 3 advantage
PC 0 successes, 2 advantage

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:48 pm
by Jan Melmoar
"Excellent work engineering...wait, which Bob is in engineering?"

Jan shrugs, far more excited by the prospect of Ultra violence as The Bottom Line banks hard and unloads an absolute torrent of fire on the fighter group supporting the crazed force user. Hopefully if they could keep her focused on jumping ship to ship she'd be less likely to just kill them with the force.

Day 5 EA, she flies now, Round 2, Jan shooting at minion group 1 with lowered shields, short range, one increase from silhouette, one upgrade from sniper shot, true aim: 7eP+1eA+2eB+1eC+1eD 7 successes, 6 advantage, 1 Triumph

(( hit minion group 1 for 12 damage, triumph and 4 advantage to activate linked 3 more times for a further 3 hits of 12 damage on the group, last two advantage to heal the strain for the double manoeuvre))

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:17 pm
by Vaylin
The fighters are destroyed by her accurate fire sending Vaylin into the air and into free fall through the explosions. For the moment the crew have lost sight of her in the fighting.

OOC: Minions 1 destroyed.

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:23 pm
by Pipka
Did she just... and the Sabot... into the Bottom Line...

Tears start to well up behind Pipka's targeting goggles as he calls out, "Hacha, I'm so sorry, she... she... SHE JUST STOLE OUR CANNON!"

Sadness turns to rage as he quickly switches to the controls for the Auto Blaster. It is well out of typical range, but he wasn't going to let that go unanswered. He angrily lines up his shot on the group of fighters the lady is riding, but the Bottom Line engulfs them in consecutive salvos of Heavy Twin Cannon fire, wiping them out. Quickly adjusting his aim, he fires on the next available targets, laying heavy fire into the first fighter, but unable to score any secondary shots in his haste.

Maneuver 1: Sniper Shot 2 increase range bands twice, upgrade difficulty twice.
Maneuver 2: True Aim 4 (+2 Strain)
Action: Attack

D5, EA, She Flies R2, Gunnery AutoBlaster, Minion 1, AutoFire, True Aim 4, Sniper Shot 2: 8eP+1eB+2eC+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
D5, EA, She Flies R2, Gunnery AutoBlaster, Minion ?, Setback added if not attacking Minion 1: 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat

First hit damage 3(AutoBlaster) + 4(Deadly Accuracy) + 3(Successes) = 10 damage
1 Triumph to activate a critical hit.
1 advantage to boost next PC roll.

Wounds 0/13
Strain 2/13 (down 1 from obligation)

[OOC] I was blind and didn't see that Jan had already rolled against Minion Group 1. I have added a setback die for the defenses being up on the next Minion group available to attack.

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 11:02 pm
by Vaylin
Vaylin was actually enjoying this or maybe it was because the savages were much more cabale than she had been led to believe. Still this was just delaying her from the inevitable confrontation with her mother. She closed her eyes as she fell through the cloud reaching out and pulling massive glaciers nearly the size of freighters from the land below.

She landed one and used enough momentum to propel it upward, breaking the cloud cover. Just as two more go flying towards the ships one at the Turtle and the other at the Bottom Line.

The savages had been entertaining but this was growing tiresome.

OOC: Ranged attack versus both ships, both will take 8 hull trauma and the Turtle will suffer a Critical Hit due to Triumph, players have 2 Threat to use.

Vaylin Move for Silhouette 4 for 3 objects: 4eP+2eA+2eD+2eC+9eF 4 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph, 4 Light Side, 6 Dark Side

Vaylin Move for Silhouette 4 for 3 objects: 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 11:10 pm
by Dapper Dog
The one lone pirate decides to try and make a run at the Turtle but is unable to find purchase on the nimble ship.

OOC: Minion group 2 has only 1 member left. it missed. Minion 2 moved to Close of the Turtle but missed. I will roll the rest after the group decides on the Threat.

Minion 2 on the Turtle.: 3eA+2eC+1eS 1 failure

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:58 am
by Garth Thul
Setback to next check please.

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:54 pm
by Dapper Dog
The fighters swoop in and strike at the ships, two on the Turtle and one on the Bottom Line, but only the Bottom Line suffers any real damage from the ion cannons.

OOC: First missed, boost die to the next. Second missed. Hit the Bottom Line for 7 system strain, used 3 advantage to remove defense for next round and boost next ally.

Pirate Minions x2 verus Turtle: 2eP+1eA+2eC+1eD+2eS 0 successes, 1 advantage

Pirate Minions x2 verus Turtle: 2eP+1eA+2eC+1eD+1eS 0 successes

Pirate Minions versus Bottom Line: 2eP+1eA+1eD 1 success, 4 advantage


PC 4 successes, 1 advantage
PC 2 successes, 2 advantage
NPC 2 successes, 2 advantage
NPC 2 successes, 1 advantage
NPC 2 successes, 1 advantage
NPC 1 success, 2 advantages
PC 0 successes, 3 advantage
PC 0 successes, 3 advantage
PC 0 successes, 2 advantage

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 5:21 pm
by Jan Melmoar
Day 5 EA, she flies now, Bobb roll, fire discipline 2nd round, hard leadership,: 2eP+3eD 2 failures, 2 advantage

Bobb fails to convince everyone that the power of friendship makes for the best fire control (he does pass on a boost though)

Day 5 EA, she flies now, Bob co-piloting roll, boost from bob average piloting: 2eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

Bob meanwhile pulls up his old flying manual and starts scanning for 'glacier avoidance' instructions.

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 5:30 pm
by Garth Thul
As Garth whizzes around the battlefield dodging the fire of the pirates, but unable to dodge the glacier, he turns the Turtle's own blasters towards the last remaining ship from Minion wing 2.

Gunnery v Minion 2: 4eP+1eA+1eD+1eC 4 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Triumph used to destroy minion, advantage used to heal strain.

Under a hail of blaster bolts the remaining minion is destroyed.

"Let's mop up th' last of 'em and head home." Garth calls out.

Before any more bits fall of this ship...

Action: Gunnery
Maneuver: Evasive Maneuvers
-1 strain for keeping up Intuitive Evasion

Wounds 0/14
Strain: 3/11

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:56 pm
by Hacha Tsuko
"Nice flying Count Alderaan. Boss would be impressed if he was here. Damage report coming in: Hull is at 70% integrity, still Code Green.

Turtle critical hit: 1d100 51

"Some minor issue with our physical countermeasures but I'll cycle the system. All that's left is to route power to the sabot -"

There is a pause.

"KRIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!" The shrieked curse devolves into incoherent smaller words, the upshot being that the one responsible should take one for the team and do their part in creating a species hybrid in Pip's section of hydroponics. "

" Pip! Blow the spooky witch lady out of the sky! "

Hacha pulls up the targeting yoke and takes aim at one of the circling figher groups before letting out a stream out autofire that clips one of them.
Gunnery attack on Minion group 3-Rear Auto Blaster-3 upgrades and boost from Aim with ATA-increaded difficulty from autofire, upgraded difficulty from Evasive Maneuvers: 4eP+1eB+1eC+2eD 2 successes
Hit for 4 damage

Turtle hit reduced from 8 to 6 by Armor 2
Turtle Hull Trauma: 6/26

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 7:20 am
by Baesal Zyn
The Jedi Master was deep at work, patching and redirecting power to sub systems, the Force revealing the very flow of energy of the Bottom Line...

"This should work for a while. There should be an increase of power for the next few moments, use ot well."

Repairing Strain, Bottom Line, easy: 4eP+1eA+1eD+2eF 5 successes, 3 advantage, 3 Light Side
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage Light pip to get two extra successes and one extra avantage.
Healed 7 Strain and 2 boosts for Jan's next roll

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 9:12 am
by Vaylin
The pirates start to break off as their forces are being decimated by the two ships. Vaylin frowned and leapt to one of the fleeing ships, while smashing two together in anger at their cowardice.

They were in disarray as the woman forced the fighter downward through the clouds towards the icy landscape below.

Somewhere, out there Captain Syrian was cursing the day that Durasay had crossed his path when he finds out the Turtle was involved.

OOC: Obligation completed and pirates routed. Damn those fine ships and their big accurate guns.

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:03 pm
by Garth Thul
As the ships broke formation, Garth let out a small sigh.

"Thank y'all fer flying Air Thul, we hope y' had a non-lethal exp'rience. Please stow yer tray tables and r'turn yer seats to their upright positions." He called over the internal comms.

D5 EA strain recovery Cool: 2eA+1eP 3 successes, 2 advantage

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:02 pm
by Hacha Tsuko
"Ok I've got her sealed up as much as I can...which ain't much better. Oooh those are the things that had Ion on them!"

Damage control - She Flies now- Easy Mechanics: 4eP+2eA+1eB+1eD 1 success, 7 advantage

1 HT Gained, Advantage to easily scrap the downed fighters?
Why trollokos, why?

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:41 pm
by Pipka
Seeing the fighters blow up did a great deal to calm Pipka down. He was still saddened by the loss of the Sabot cannon. It was a masterpiece.

Well, maybe they could rig up an outboard harness for Pipka to use for atmospheric encounters... that would be the coolest.

D5, EA, She Flies, Cool strain recovery: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 advantage

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:28 pm
by Jan Melmoar
"Wonderful work everyone, especially whoever is in engineering. If you don't work for me, you should at least consider it, the Bobs aren't the best with mechanics."
On the bridge the small army of Bob's were popping champagne and complimenting eachother on gosh darn nice work.

Re: [Day 5 - EA] She Flies now… yep she flies now

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:30 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''Only doing my work, Ma'am'' the engineering department replied