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[Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:20 pm
by Hacha Tsuko
Hacha has lost all track of time in hyper. He has inspected each part of the ship he can three times that day, his work still as he left it each time. To those observing, he is a Cathar on spice trapped in a small room, so when people come to him with potential work he not so much agrees and leaps upon the opportunity.

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:52 pm
by Nudimsu
In this time, Nudimsu enters away from prying eyes. That Chadra-Fan, as eager as he was to help, didn't really need to know about some of the things he needed. Problem is he he had the knack to pop up unexpectingly, much like he did.

Which means getting Hacha onto the task at hand quickly while Pipka was distracted was key.

"Hacha." Nudimsu said as he entered into the ship, closing the door behind him. "I'm going to need you help with a few things."

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 5:01 pm
by Hacha Tsuko
"Oh thank kriff!" Hacha spins. "What do you have for me?"

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 5:13 pm
by Nudimsu
"Few things." He laid a small box of things for the Duros to look over. His stealth suit, his X-30 Blaster, and a peculiar looking blaster, likely one he's never seen before.

"I've been waiting for everyone to be distracted and you free to help me with them. Wanted to get it squared away now than when we arrive with the fleet or, well, when Pipka isn't distracted. I'd rather have him not ask too many questions about some of this..."

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:12 pm
by Hacha Tsuko
"Say no more" Hacha pounces on the part like a starving beast. He can't help but focus on the unusual weapon first...knowing Nusisumu, this was the one that his boss wanted kitted out. The device had a unique emission frequency, but the basic energy flow was the same, to increasing output was no terrible hardship. Ok, perhaps it was slightly inaccurate, but there were ways around that. Hacha attaches a holographic sight, and uses some of his programming expertise to transfer over the compensation from the Turtle own targeting system.

Chiss gun mods
Blaster Actuater Module (installed for +1 Damage, Inaccurate 1)
+1 Damage (First) (50 credits)
Pregame Crafting - Blaster Actuator Module-+1 Damage Mod-Hard Difficulty due to first mod, Mechanics/Intelligence, Boost from tools: 4eP+2eA+1eB+3eD 3 successes, 4 advantage

+1 Damage (Second) (100 credits)
Pregame Crafting - Blaster Actuator Module-+1 Damage Mod (second)-4 Difficulty due to first mod, Mechanics/Intelligence, Boost from tools: 4eP+2eA+1eB+4eD 2 successes, 2 advantage

Electronic Sighting System (Aim as an incidental once per round at short range. Decrease difficulty of Perception checks to locate the shooter in low light conditions by one.)
Pregame Crafting on Chiss gun-Electronic Sighting System-+1 accurate mod-Mechanics/Hard: 4eP+2eA+1eB+3eD 4 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
+1 Accuracy mod (50 credits) (cancels out inaccurate)

Telescopic Optical Sight (No mods)

(200 credit cost)

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:38 pm
by Hacha Tsuko
The other gun in a simpler design, but adding more firepower is always a win in the Duros' book

Blaster Actuator Module +1 damage, Inaccurate 1
+1 Damage Modifier Mod #1
Pregame Crafting on non-chiss blaster pistol - Blaster Actuator Module-+1 Damage Mod -Hard Difficulty due to first mod, Mechanics/Intelligence, Boost from tools: 4eP+2eA+1eB+3eD 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
+1 Damage Modifier Mod #2
Pregame Crafting on non-chiss blaster pistol - Blaster Actuator Module-+1 Damage Mod -4 Difficulty due to 2nd mod, Mechanics/Intelligence, Boost from tools: 4eP+2eA+1eB+4eD 4 successes, 1 Triumph
+1 Pierce Mod #3
Pregame Crafting on non-chiss blaster pistol - Blaster Actuator Module-+1 Pierce Mod -5 Difficulty due to 3rd mod, Mechanics/Intelligence, Boost from tools: 4eP+2eA+1eB+5eD 7 successes, 3 threat

(300 credits)

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:12 pm
by Nudimsu
Nudimsu looked at the Charric very closely. He knew Hacha could be trusted with it, but it was a weapon that he'd likely never come across again out here. His people kept it under tight control, and the only means he found to get it he had placed a helpful tip out for the Ascendency to prevent others from getting their hands on. Even if he was no longer with them, he still cared for his people.

"Thank you. I'd like to test it out first, but..." He nods a bit. "...It's not something I would want to do in a sealed compartment." He then took the time to look over his old standby, the X-30, examining the scope. "Anything to stop anything from getting too close is a good thing."

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:20 pm
by Hacha Tsuko
Hacha puffs up his chest "Oh, it'll work. We'll just figure out how much when you fire the first shot into someone's chest."

Re: [Pregame] Stir-Crazy Diversions (The Turtle)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:24 pm
by Nudimsu
"Hopefully I never have to put down someone, but at least it will do the job when the time comes." He smiled and placed it down. Was rather shocked he didn't try to ask any questions; a notch to his professionalism. One of the many traits he had come to like about Hacha. After which, he grabbed his old faithful and looked thru the scope. "Perfect. Going to be easier to hit now with this. I've never been the best shot; Ascendency felt that ground combat would never come up in my training. Suppose if I stayed within the Expansionary Defense Fleet, they would have been right."