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[Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:25 pm
by Aurilie Alde
With the Rimma Roundabout docked, Aurilie took a moment to meander somewhere that had more walking space and breathing room than Riss's ship. It was very likely that The Valorian only had more space by a small margin, considering the large crew here and the number of visitors who were filling out parking spaces. Never underestimate the value of a free ride. Aurilie's walk soon took her to one of the Valorian's cafeterias, one of them that found quick popularity with the visitors with the numerous characters about and the vending machines that dispense more junk food than army rations.

Bubble blue milk tea. Kapow energy drink. Gassy Water. Crazy Cola... Aurilie frowned to herself as she studied the offerings here. Everything but bonafide tea, apparently...

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:22 am
by Breela Po
A hooded figure enters the cafeteria, looks around, contemplates leaving, then maneuvers over to a vacant table. Once seated she pulls a flask out, sets it in front of her and stares at it quietly.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:39 am
by Garth Thul
"Frakkin' 'eck Bree, ah use less abrasive stuff ta clean Tallulah's manifold." A familiar voice critiques as its owner slumps in a chair and kicks his feet up on the table.

"Ain't nothin' good ta be found at th' bottom o' that flask."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:56 am
by Breela Po
"Garth Wayne Ulgo..." she smiles, "it's good to see you." She lowers her hood, having given up on keeping a low profile for the time being. "Your wisdom is sound and the flask can keep a while longer." She closes and stuffs the flask back into her pockets. "How have you been keeping?"

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:13 am
by Garth Thul
"Busy," Garth admitted freely with a warm friendly tone.

"An it's jus' Thul now, Garth Thul. Managed t' convince th' Baroness she could do worse'n me fer a husband."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:18 am
by Nudimsu
His arrival to the fleet came with little fanfare, which is what he was hoping for, if he were being honest. It was best to save his supplies for the actual planet when this place offered some sort of nourishment of some sort. Unfortunately, most of the vending outlets merely offered carbonated caffeine products or something equally as vile. Pushing the water button, he grabbed that and nodded politely to the...he was sure that this was a human woman, but there was also some lingering did not matter, really. He paused to examine her and once again nodded politely, as he was taught to do such things when meeting new people whether or not they intended to talk to him or not. It would put them at ease around a stranger.

After which, he grabbed whatever would pass for a meal and sat himself down on the the table and started to eat. He was already focused on it when his eyes caught wind of two people he was rather not expecting. Could do just as well not to deal with them right now as well. His eyes immediately went down to his meal and kept his head down.

Hopefully if either saw him they would just confuse him for some other blue skinned, red eyed individual with his exact physical description and not make contact.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:28 am
by Breela Po
Garth Thul wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:13 am
"Busy," Garth admitted freely with a warm friendly tone.

"An it's jus' Thul now, Garth Thul. Managed t' convince th' Baroness she could do worse'n me fer a husband."

She looks surprised for a half a second, "Congratulations are in order then! Several accounts told me that you two made a cute couple. My gossip beyond that is dated." She grins in memory, "I was... very wrong about the Thul's back then." Not so wrong about certain Ulgos, but she omitted that part. "I'm glad, very glad for both of you."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:42 am
by Garth Thul
Garth doesn't miss the surprise in Breela's reaction, nor does he fail to notice the familiar blue figure and their eyes fix for a tense moment.

"Don' take it hard, there's no ill will there a lotta th' galaxy has taken a surf'ce view o' the family. Les' just say appearances c'n be deceiving. Never thought t' see you in these sorta climes. Figured ya'd prefer some warmer spots?"

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:44 am
by Jub'Lub
Standing tall, he entered the cafeteria. His lekku swung against his back as he scanned the place. His eyes fell on the vending machines and his mouth curled into a smile, making his cheeks puff out and his eyes small. Once he strolled over to the machines, his smile faded as he saw no hot food dispensers. "How can they call this a cafeteria without any soup," he sighed under his breath. "At least they have bubble blue milk tea," he shrugged and his cheeks swelled again. Jub'lub ordered his milk, and a pack of dehydrated wheat crisps and turned to notice the other patrons for the first time. He walked over to the only other blue guy in the room, "Mind if I join you, kind fellow?"

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:53 am
by Nudimsu
His red eyes darted at the man who clearly needed to be eating...less of what normally would be eating while not on duty and gave him nothing blue blank stares. His eyes quickly darted to Garth and nodded politely at his motion before looking back at the Twi'lek and nodded his head as well. Politely, of course.

"I have heard no restriction preventing anyone from sitting anywhere they wish to in this establishment. If it is something you want to do, far be it from me to prevent you from doing it."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:59 am
by Jub'Lub
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:53 am
"I have heard no restriction preventing anyone from sitting anywhere they wish to in this establishment. If it is something you want to do, far be it from me to prevent you from doing it."
"Excellent!" He sets his milk down on the table and gives the Chiss a gentle yet present slap on his shoulder blade, flourishes his coat over the seat and grunts slightly as he sets into a seated position. His hand extends towards the somber man, "It would be my privilage to gain your aquaintance, fellow transient. My name is Jub'lub, you can call me Jub, Jubs, Jubby, whatever you'd like, just don't call me late for supper!" His cheeks make his eyes even smaller, his pristine white teeth nearly glowing.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:09 am
by Breela Po
Breela traces Garth's eyes to Nudi, then she sees Jubbs and waves.
Garth Thul wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:42 am
"Don' take it hard, there's no ill will there a lotta th' galaxy has taken a surf'ce view o' the family. Les' just say appearances c'n be deceiving. Never thought t' see you in these sorta climes. Figured ya'd prefer some warmer spots?"
"Believe me I'd rather not be here, but..." Her smile loses a lot of warmth, "Let's join Nudi. I'll tell you all about it."
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:18 am
Hopefully if either saw him they would just confuse him for some other blue skinned, red eyed individual with his exact physical description and not make contact.
No confusing this sour drink of water. She gets up and walks over, "Hiya Nudimsu, long time no see." She says with a vicious grin. "What was it, a year or two ago when I last saw you?" She looks at Jubbs, "This is an old friend of mine Prirnu'dim'suazzo," her grin extends knowing she's butchering the pronunciation, "or Nudimsu for short. Nudimsu, this is my buddy Jubbs."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:15 am
by Nudimsu
He gives a long look at the large man as he is touched, much less pushed with some impact. His eyes matched his for a long moment as he introduced himself to Nudimsu, as if he were sizing him up and nodded. "I have no interest in calling you for a meal. Besides, you seem more than capable of remembering when to eat." He took a bite when he ate, though did not break his sight of Jub'lub. "As for you name, Jub'lub will do fine. I have no personal connection to you as of yet, so using a nickname of some kind would feel rather strange to do without that feeling of familiarity."

He paused once again and stared at Breela for a lingering moment, his full name being butchered in speech patterns, the annunciations completely off. Like her claws on a chalk board. He didn't show his reaction to it, however; he could remain calm under such dire circumstances. "Yes, Nudimsu will do fine, Breela. I will give you credit for having some memory of my full name after all this time, but it will be better for you to stick with my Core Name, please."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:37 am
by Garth Thul
Garth extends a hand to Jub as he follows Breela over to the boys in blue.

"Cap'n Garth Thul, Blue Squadron Leader fer th' Tenacity."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:54 am
by Jub'Lub
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:15 am
He gives a long look at the large man as he is touched, much less pushed with some impact. His eyes matched his for a long moment as he introduced himself to Nudimsu, as if he were sizing him up and nodded. "I have no interest in calling you for a meal. Besides, you seem more than capable of remembering when to eat." He took a bite when he ate, though did not break his sight of Jub'lub. "As for you name, Jub'lub will do fine. I have no personal connection to you as of yet, so using a nickname of some kind would feel rather strange to do without that feeling of familiarity."
Jub'lub keeps his hand extended, flexing his fingers slightly. "I never forget to eat!" He skillfully opens the wheat crisps with one hand, and crunches down on the sawdust treat. "As for names, you insist on calling me by my full name, yet at the same time that your own friends only use your nickname. Strange logic, that. But alas, by the light my name is Jub'lub!" Realizing that Nudimsu has no desire to shake his hand, Jub'lub reluctantly retracts it. "Beauty does not season soup," he says under his breath.
Garth Thul wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:37 am
Garth extends a hand to Jub as he follows Breela over to the boys in blue.

"Cap'n Garth Thul, Blue Squadron Leader fer th' Tenacity."
Just as his hand is in motion of closing, elbow cocked at a 90 degree angle, he brings his hand back down and shakes Captain Garth Thul's hand. "A pleasure! I am Jedi Jub'lub, always nice to meet another man of blue," he turns to wink at Nudimsu.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:08 am
by Nudimsu
Jub'Lub wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:54 am

Jub'lub keeps his hand extended, flexing his fingers slightly. "I never forget to eat!" He skillfully opens the wheat crisps with one hand, and crunches down on the sawdust treat. "As for names, you insist on calling me by my full name, yet at the same time that your own friends only use your nickname. Strange logic, that. But alas, by the light my name is Jub'lub!" Realizing that Nudimsu has no desire to shake his hand, Jub'lub reluctantly retracts it. "Beauty does not season soup," he says under his breath.

He shakes his head at him, not paying any mind that his hand went away. "It is merely a convivence for myself and those of my people. Nudimsu explains my family name, which is Prirnu, my core name, which is Dim, and and my adopted name, Suazzo all within it. Not to mention, with your species are incapable of speaking my tongue, so it allows you a chance to speak my name without any difficulty or chance to offend." He turns and looks at Garth and stares at him. "It is good to see you are alive and well still, Garth. A new last name, I see? Congratulations are in order for you. But, I will say, if there hard feelings about our previous encounter, I can assure you those went away as the holes in my ship were repaired. Now, I am only left with embarrassment thinking back upon that day in the hangar Not to mention, your actions saved many lives, including Durasay."

He stood up and looked at Garth in the eyes. "So, I do apologize for my outburst to you, then. Given the situation, such actions could not have helped things during a what was undoubtedly a most difficult time before my arrival."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:18 am
by Breela Po
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:15 am
"Yes, Nudimsu will do fine, Breela. I will give you credit for having some memory of my full name after all this time, but it will be better for you to stick with my Core Name, please."
Her tail flicked absently, but her smile didn't waver. "Of course Nudimsu, I apologize."
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:08 am
He stood up and looked at Garth in the eyes. "So, I do apologize for my outburst; given the situation, such actions could not have helped things during a what was undoubtedly a most difficult time before my arrival."
"What happened?" She looks from one to the other.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:08 am
by Garth Thul
Jub'Lub wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:54 am

Just as his hand is in motion of closing, elbow cocked at a 90 degree angle, he brings his hand back down and shakes Captain Garth Thul's hand. "A pleasure! I am Jedi Jub'lub, always nice to meet another man of blue," he turns to wink at Nudimsu.
Garth laughs at the coincidence of it all. "Well ah guessthat makes me an 'onorary blue man, mebbe we should form a group. D' you fly as well Jub?" He asks as he shakes vigorously.
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:08 am
He turns and looks at Garth and stares at him. "It is good to see you are alive and well still, Garth. A new last name, I see? Congratulations are in order for you. But, I will say, if there hard feelings about our previous encounter, I can assure you those went away as the holes in my ship were repaired. Now, I am only left with embarrassment thinking back upon that day in the hangar Not to mention, your actions saved many lives, including Durasay."

He stood up and looked at Garth in the eyes. "So, I do apologize for my outburst to you, then. Given the situation, such actions could not have helped things during a what was undoubtedly a most difficult time before my arrival."
"Yeah, Miyi has tried t' make a civilzed man o' me, but ah'm still a work in progress and as far as th' personal clash? Can't say ah would've acted no different if someone took th' Sparrow out."

"Ain't no 'pology nec'sary. Game' respects game, as they say, and ah'lladmit there're few ah'd trust t'handle mah girls either, but if push come t'shove, yer one of 'em."

Turning to Breela, Garth just grins. "Ah'd explain to ya, but Nudimsu's got such a way with words, ah thought he'd paint a better picture."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:22 am
by Nudimsu
There's a long stare at Garth, but he allowed this form of penance to continue. Apparently, a slightly larger display of public humility was required Garth.

"When the attack occurred on Alderaan, Garth here used the Turtle in a rather unconventional defensive maneuver. It put my ship at risk, but it also saved several lives, including Durasay. I was in a rush to there and found out about what he had done it. After which I...had used some rather colorful Basic words to express my shock about the state she was in. Afterwards due to the sudden rush and adrenalin of being prepared to assist out there, I had expressed my displeasure of my ship to Garth in an inappropriate way."

He looked at Breela. "But, as I said, the matter is settled: I have learnt from my mistakes, his House covered the damages. It is behind us."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:46 am
by Breela Po
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:22 am
"When the attack occurred on Alderaan, Garth here used the Turtle in a rather unconventional defensive maneuver. It put my ship at risk, but it also saved several lives, including Durasay. I was in a rush to there and found out about what he had done it. After which I...had used some rather colorful Basic words to express my shock about the state she was in. Afterwards due to the sudden rush and adrenalin of being prepared to assist out there, I had expressed my displeasure of my ship to Garth in an inappropriate way."
Breela's tail continues twitching. Her eyes bright with mischief, "In other words," she said, "the mask slipped momentarily. Which is not necessarily a bad thing Nudimsu. Us more... emotional species. We know there's a broader logic at work when we wear our emotions. At the very least you might benefit from finding - let's say an outlet," she grins, "for your own pent up emotions."

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:50 am
by Nudimsu
Nudimsu gave a very long look at Breela and kept quiet. His face didn't change much from her words, but he stood there and kept quiet before finally sitting down and returning to his meal and water. "I will keep your...advice in mind."

His eyes looked down at his blaster, and a small temptation crossed his mind to give a full demonstration of what it was he was apologizing for, but he resisted.

He was better than that, after all.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:08 am
by Breela Po
Nudimsu wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:50 am
Nudimsu gave a very long look at Breela and kept quiet. His face didn't change much from her words, but he stood there and kept quiet before finally sitting down and returning to his meal and water. "I will keep your...advice in mind."

His eyes looked down at his blaster, and a small temptation crossed his mind to give a full demonstration of what it was he was apologizing for, but he resisted.

He was better than that, after all.
Her tail thwaps, but she remains grinning silently. (Always next time :D)

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:03 pm
by Aurilie Alde
Aurilie was sure to nod back in greeting in return to the blue fellow who stopped momentarily beside her. It seemed that most of these items were an easy choice for the visitors here, the flashy brands and designs were sure to catch the attention of those who were familiar with them. They weren't exactly so common around her remote estate, especially when they've made the conscious decision to exclude overly sweet manufactured drinks from the kitchens. Nevertheless, Aurilie decided that she should take her chances with this Crazy Cola. One drink wasn't going to kill her, hopefully.


The bottle was unceremously dumped into the vending slot and she picked it up, offering the item careful scrutiny. Over how many calories now? How many sugars? Oh no, Rhia mustn't know about this now...

She meandered over to the table that was congregating with a few people and there were two faces that stuck out. "Good...evening, Miss Breela and Mister Garth. Do you mind if I join you for a bit? Prince Aurilie Alde of the kingdom of Mount Joral." She would offer as an introduction to the others.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:49 pm
by Garth Thul
"Course not, yer highness." Garth welcomes the Prince enthusiastically, before second guessing himself.

"Errr, tha's th' right term yeah?" He adds in a whisper before sliding out a chair for her.

Re: [Pregame] Tea Time...? (Open)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:51 pm
by Nudimsu
There was a long stare at the human, his eyes widen as he glanced her over once more. The previous words of Breela still making his face a bit less approachable than it was when he saw her there.

Still he would nod politely once more and then go back to eating at a even faster pace than he had before. "Nudimsu." was the words he said to the Prince, his voice still managing to maintain control of its tone.