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Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 5:46 pm
by Aurilie Alde
"You're more than welcome to, of course," she couldn't help but smile fondly at that prospect, taking Rhia's hand again in hers seeing as she wasn't so preoccupied with work now that she had taken up her attention. "It's not a competition, of course. I hope that you don't think I spoil them to the point that they can't be reasoned with. That would be a disaster on both our hands and that won't do. That said, it seems only right to reward them kindly when they're all acting like proper darlings."

"I think he did mention that he was aiming to make a return sometime around the first thaw or after the first valley berry harvest. We'll be sure to have a sizeable cast waiting for him either way."

She laughed in good humour and nodded a few times. "It seems that I've cornered myself with that particular analogy. Very well, I'll concede to your point, then. Thankfully, I have a lady who was more than fit to scale the treacherous and unforgiving path up the mountain."

After a beat of consideration, she gave a shake of her head. "No, I don't think that quite it. I don't think of myself being treacherous in the slightest."

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:03 pm
by Cynella Alde
"Oh I do hope that they continue such proper behavior when you aren't around then," Rhia said, unable to resist the prodding. She, of course, didn't see much of a drop in demeanor. Indeed, perhaps it was her domineering motherhood that would make them even more well-behaved.

"I do hope that he will let us know much ahead of time." Though she was more than glad to accommodate his visits, such an individual required so much planning. It was one of the few times where she really felt like the castle needed whatever food they could get their hands on.

Maybe she needed to learn more about Hutt caloric intakes. Seemed rather intensive, though...

"Yes, I would not think of yourself as treacherous. Perhaps trepidation may be a better word? Oh but what will a fair maiden do if something triggers an avalanche during the hike?" Rhia dipped back, much like in a dramatic tango, with the full intention of her beloved catching her. Maybe in her younger years, she could have maintained it on her own. Now, well, impressive callisthenic tricks didn't come so easily.

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:30 pm
by Aurilie Alde
Aurilie raised a brow at Rhia momentarily, feeling that subtle bit of chiding from her. "Well, I'll be generally around the mountains more upon our return at the very least. I doubt it would happen but just in case there's an unlikely revolt from the children, I'm sure two parents are better than one when it comes to being proper role models."

"I think Ser Keyhote is rather self-aware of the special cases when it comes to hosting his stay. I suspect that's a part of the reason why he has his loyal squire Sando follow him around on all of his journies. That said, we would be horrible hostesses if we didn't at least attempt to accommodate him directly. No honoured guest should be staying all the way in the valley when we have room at the castle. Knowing this, I'm sure he or Sando will inform us weeks in advance." She nodded surely at that.

She was caught by surprise by the sudden dip but even though she wasn't in her dancing suit, she quickly maneuver to catch her before anything should happen. Her reaction was more immediate than trying to risk more for a tango maneuver as if she had been fearful of Rhia hurting herself, they were in cramped inventory quarters here and not a ballroom. "Only the careless would risk such a thing, my dear. I think you're far too skilled of a climber to end up in that situation."

Carefully, she would return Rhia to her feet and turn her so that she was holding her from behind. "That said, I find myself wondering where we are on this analogy now. Are there many actual avalanches on this mountain?"

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:53 pm
by Cynella Alde
"Again Carlotta comes to mind. If anyone is going to stoke the flames, then it will be her." Rhia pursed her lips. "But as long as fortune favors us, then she'll be too tired to make a fuss." Or be excitable about her mothers both being present, though that was a problem in its own.

Of the two, it would definitely be Sando. To this day, she was still too afraid to ask exactly how they had come to this arrangement. Certainly, it wasn't slavery, and yet bizarre nonetheless.

Once in the dip, Rhia thought more on how ridiculous the whole thing was. Her cheeks developed a tinge of red, though that was the only hint of embarrassment. Her features remained otherwise as cheerful as always. "The analogy has gotten rather messy, hasn't it?" She reached for Aurilie's cheekk with a devilish grin. "It takes much to rile the Prince, at the very least. In that way, I'd say an avalanche is an exceptionally rare occurrence."

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:48 pm
by Aurilie Alde
That was perhaps the second time that Carlotta was mentioned with some cautious regard, which made her feel a little bad for her getting singled out by the stricter mother. "I can see that she might be rambunctious from time to time but still a far cry from someone legitimately being someone who is plotting to raise the pitchforks at us. A bit too young for that. Her heart is in a good place, she just might have some issues with expression. We could consider signing her up for something early? Perhaps tending to thranta and eventual riding lessons?"

There was indeed a slight glint in Aurilie's blue eyes when she caught that hint of a blush on Rhia. Once she was on her feet she would then carefully twirled Rhia around so that they could be facing each other once more. "But how about when the sun flares up enough with bits of red to make it seem like it's blushing? Not quite, probably, but the illusion of one. That's likely a catastrophic comic occurrence if it were actually true...and an equally rare occurrence but one that I'm happy to see from time to time."

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 6:10 pm
by Cynella Alde
Poor, poor Carlotta. Ever since the incident, she had been forever in Rhia's sights. "I can't imagine she'd do well with an animal," she said, not realizing the hypocrisy in it. "But an outlet would do well for her."

The blush deepened even if Rhia maintained a straight face. "Sometimes there are solar flares," she said without any idea of the science behind them. Indeed, science seemed to rarely be consistent in the galaxy. "We probably don't want any strange cosmic occurrences around Alderaan."

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:05 pm
by Aurilie Alde
"Very few people take up a hobby and become an expert on the first try. It will likely be the case for young Carlotta. They won't let her ride a thranta until she masters handling and taking care of one, which I'm sure will give her something to focus on and a goal toward the future. Our children will have to take up thranta riding lessons even eventually but it might be more fitting to have Carlotta start off earlier. It's worth a try, at least? Less potential incidents at home, hm?" She reassured Rhia of her idea with an encouraging look.

"Oh, no, of course not. The comic occurrences, I mean. It would wreak havoc on the mostly arboreal landscape of Alderaaan. My apologies for the tease, my dear," she said before giving her a quick peck on the cheek where the blush was found. "The shade of red subtly finds its way to your cheeks is all too adorable and I couldn't help but point it out."

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:08 pm
by Cynella Alde
"I shudder at the thought of what could happen if incidents started happening outside of home." Rhia shuddered. Her neighbors on Kuat had been much less polite about, well, anything compared to Alderaan. "But yes, they will need to be acclimated to thrantas at some point or another." She let out a soft sigh. "I hope that Susette doesn't suddenly display a fear of heights."

Rhia pressed her lips together as the kiss grazed her cheek. "A hunter must always look for vulnerabilities." She rolled her eyes, a thousand thoughts running through her mind, all of them in good humor. "Oh but now my analogies are sounding so absurd. Truly, you do not relent. How am I ever supposed to recover around you?"

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:44 pm
by Aurilie Alde
Aurilie couldn't help but let out a small sigh and placed her hands on her wife's shoulders, massaging her muscles as she suspected she was feeling a bit tense. "We should give a little credit to our children, my dear. Very much our little children. Ashley is the eldest of the lot and he's barely five...I suppose they could stand to mature faster but that might be a little much to ask for their age. Carlotta should do well. An early hobby will do well to give them some more structure to their routines without making it seem like a chore in the slightest. As for Susette, considering how high our estates are on the mountain...she might have a difficult time at home if that were actually the case."

"It's not my intent to exploit them in the slightest, only accentuate them so that it exposes more of your beauty," she chuckled as she gave her shoulders a gentle pat of reassurance. "Perhaps this is where I should make my leave, considering that you still have a few things to do and it seems that I might be more of a distraction than any help."

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:31 am
by Cynella Alde
If there was anything that made Rhia tense, it was her children's misconduct. That and exercise. Different type, though. "Time has just passed us by so quickly," she admitted, her hands naturally going to her wife's waist. While others would have made the gesture to be more sensual, Rhia still lacked that carnal drive most of the time. "I've had to change so much for all of it and I just expect the same from them." She pursed her lips. "Not that my parents were so strict when I was their age."

Rhia's features finally calmed. Weakness in this field, whenever it came about, seemed to wane due to her upbringing. "Let's hope that you don't try to accentuate my beauty in such ways when we're in good company, yes?" She shuddered to think how Riss would react to this exchange. "You're not bothering me in the slightest, darling. Nonetheless, if you have other tasks to attend to, then we should attend to our separate ones."

Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:14 am
by Aurilie Alde
Aurilie's hands would remain on her shoulders, although one hand of would brush the length of her arm in hopes that she could continue to grant some therapeutic relief from thoughts that haven't quite materialized yet. It was a bit much to worry about, even if the signs were undeniably there.

"And they are still changing," she said as she gave herself a little more height to kiss her on the forehead. "Growing is changing. I'll concede that their particular ebb and flow is much to be desired but that'll come with time, especially when we'll encourage a little more structure to their lives. As you know, my parents are very strict...I suppose I understand it might be all too easier to drop into that pitfall. We don't break so easily if we allow them a little compromise."

"Oh, of course not," she said with a small smile on her lips. While she would never, the thought was amusing enough to find some humour in the possibility. It was true that Riss would likely have a field day and it was best to not encourage her. Another semi-connected thought. Was Carlotta going to be a future Riss? Hm, probably a thought for another time. "You're already pleasantly radiant on your own. But yes, I should return to being a standing figurehead. Terribly hard work but someone has to do it around here. I shall see you later."

With that, she gave Rhia a quick kiss and made her way out.


Re: (D0 Expecting) Alde Reasons to Go

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:56 am
by Cynella Alde
This certainly wasn't the first time Rhia had expressed concern over her children's future. Nor would it be the last, though her wife's support certainly made it easier to manage. "I'm more surprised when I hear of nobles who aren't strict. There's lineage and such to worry about! Otherwise, a child runs the risk of becoming a layabout. And that, darling, certainly won't do." Not that any of their children were at risk for that. The closest would be Susette but... she was far too young to fret about in that way.

"A standing figurehead? There are far worse choices out there," Rhia said with her signature wink. "I suppose I will continue my boring job of tallying all this stuff." Little did she know how little it would really matter. Nonetheless, that didn't diminish the kiss they shared before parting ways. Maybe I should have tallied those up. No, no, that would be far too many times.
