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Re: Rumination at Lightspeed [Pregame, Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:03 am
by Galen Panteer
"Not quite." he shook his head. "I've hunted in cold climates, but it sounds like conditions on Hoth may be more extreme."

Re: Rumination at Lightspeed [Pregame, Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:27 pm
by Omandri Rist
Omandri shook his head "Not quite like what I've heard about Hoth. Like Galen I've been some cold places but not die from exposure with survival gear cold. Or entirely frozen."

"We came pretty well stocked though so I'm sure the survival factor won't be too much of an issue." He said with a hopeful attitude "more worried about the pirates than anything else, these White Maw sound like a rough bunch from what Intel I was able to get."

Re: Rumination at Lightspeed [Pregame, Open]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:00 am
by Katarzyna Panteer
"I've heard mostly hearsay and rumors... what did you find out?" she asked Omandri, curious if he had learned anything of more substance than what the official reports had.

Re: Rumination at Lightspeed [Pregame, Open]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:40 pm
by Omandri Rist
Omandri shrugged "Not too much more, further from Alderaan we get the harder it is for me to get Intel, our information network was designed mostly around Alderaan and near by systems. The Republic told us pretty much everything in the official reports. Plus the usual rumors you get with these things, summary executions, cannibalism, hangings, heads on spikes probably about fifty fifty on whats true out of that."

He leaned back on the cargo box taking a sip of the caf "but three crews banding together, all with different MOs, putting aside those differences to work together. That's dangerous. The good thing about pirates is they're usually fighting eachother as often as they are the Republic or Empire. But if they start working together that makes things far more complicated."

Re: Rumination at Lightspeed [Pregame, Open]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:44 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
"Hm, that is troubling, yes," she agreed with some concern. "I've dealt with pirates before... very rarely do they team up, at least for more than just the moment. In my experience, if they did team up, it was only for short-term, and shortly enough afterwards they'd be at eachother's throats again thinking they could get the upper-hand on the other by betraying first."

Kat shook her head at such destructive behaviour. Not that it was unique to pirates. Politics often worked that way too.

"Hopefully we can learn more when we land. Information is vital to deal with the problem at hand."