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Relationships and the Jedi

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:46 am
by Dapper Dog
Relationships and the Jedi

This is perhaps one of the more complicated areas for the Jedi Order, especially young members of the Jedi. Jedi often seem to be distant and according to the Sith passionless which is very much not true but they do tend to subdue their emotions and refrain from acting based on a purely emotional response. Logic, patience, and calm tend to be the ideal which can be confusing because often the Jedi will respond with a young Jedi or Padawan trusting their feelings.

Basically emotions and feelings are not inherently bad. Relationships and connections to individuals are not bad, it is only when those attachments supercede good judgment that the Jedi see issues. Friendships and even close relationships are fine but a Jedi must be mindful that the attachment does not stray from trust and companionship into the territory of possession and envy. When a relationship, positive or negative becomes a distraction that poses a danger for a Jedi to be swayed into drawing on their more base or darker emotions to force an outcome and tread a path to the Dark Side.

So in short a Jedi can have relationships but they must be measured and always balanced with the knowledge that it should not guide or force their own actions. Jedi opt for a non-specific compassion, a love of all things and not specific individuals. It can be difficult to achieve and few Jedi, even Masters, ever reach that level of balance and understanding. Most struggle with detachment all their lives and in fact this is expected.

One caveat of relationships is that Jedi can and do engage in intimate activities such as sex, some casually others as meditation but always with a mind free of attachment or that is the ideal. Deep meaningful bonds are discouraged as those are the relationships most likely to turn a Jedi to darker emotions relying on their lust, envy, or jealousy to drive them. By the same token it is possible for a Jedi to be married but it is not an easy process and must be approved by the Jedi Council, in general it is discouraged in this era.

If a Jedi is found to have an inappropriate relationship they are usually counseled, more severe issues like a secret marriage may result in expulsion from the Jedi Order. Padawans have slightly more leeway as they are felt to not have full understanding of this issue but even so it is an open secret that some Jedi get pregnant or father children, these are usually handled on a case by case basis; but in general expulsion is rarely exercised.

So in short relationships are complicated for Jedi.