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[D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:47 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
There wasn't really any good place to meditate in this base for the Jedi, but Kat felt like the hydroponics-area was about the best option there was. Here she could feel the presence of life, growing and nurturing. The smell of earth. The soft sounds.

Near the plants, she sat down and closed her eyes, allowing herself to drift with the tune of the Force. There was darkness there, but she focused in on the spots of light that was present throughout the base. People putting aside their differences, finding common ground, helping eachother, new friendships budding...


D4 MA Fluff roll for meditation: 2eF 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
Ignoring the Dark Side pip.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:02 pm
by Garth Thul
The hydroponics area was...well it was inadequate, but the closest Garth could find to the forests of Bankor on this miserable rock.

That was where he had felt most in tune with the Force, do that is where he coincidentally found himself, seeking to attain the same peace and wisdom his cousin was looking for.

But the peace didn't fact the stupid plants caused Garth to let out a large sneeze.
D4 MA force meditation: 3eF 3 Dark Side

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:04 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
The sudden sneeze pulled Kat out of her own trance, and she snorted out a chuckle. "Allergic, cousin?" she asked, grinning as she opened her eyes and regarded him. "Didn't think that of someone who's so found of the outdoors."

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:11 pm
by Garth Thul
"Llergic t' something, might jus' be sittin' still." Garth snarls in frustration before taking a few intentional deep breaths to calm himself.

"Ain't helpin' tha' a can't seem t' find mah centre on this frozen rock." He remarks honestly.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:15 am
by Katarzyna Panteer
"Hmm," Kat maintained her meditative posture. "Something is weighing on you?"

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:38 am
by Garth Thul
Rubbing the back of his neck Garth lets out a sigh.

"If ah were t' say ah got a bad feelin' bout this, how likely am ah t' get slapped wi' copyright infringement?" He joked lightly, still playing his cards close to his chest.

"Ah know we got the Beagle out, but ah get th' feeling this is gonna be done well before reinforcements arrive, an not in our favour."

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:50 am
by Katarzyna Panteer
She chuckled softly. "Yeah, it's... hard not to have 'bad feelings' about it all. Sharing space with the Empire and Sith, the dangers on the horizon facing us all. It's important that we acknowledge those bad feelings and the warnings they give us, but also not be consumed by them. Don't let fear run your thoughts, but rather analyze and focus on what we can do." While Garth wasn't part of the Paladins thus not a student of hers, Kat did try to approach these conversations in the manner of a teacher.

"The Beagle's mission wasn't about reinforcements for us. Rather to warn the galaxy at large that a greater threat is coming for us all; Republic and Empire alike. If we get reinforcements, we are lucky, but I don't expect them to come." Her shoulders rose slightly with a sigh. "But I have faith that we can pull through. We all must share that belief."

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:00 am
by Zayne Rist
Strolling through the hydroponic for the first time, Zayne was studying his Datapad and looking around to see what had been done so far. Wearing his Rist noble suit as was what had been doing inside the base. Hearing a familiar voice, "And, do not forget that there are good people in the Sith Empire, as well. They may just be miss guided is all. Do not choose to dislike them just, because they are Sith."

He put his Datapad away. "A pleasure to see you again Kat." He gave a nod to the Thul. "Hello, I am Zayne Rist, I do not think we have met before." He said.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:20 pm
by Garth Thul
Katarzyna Panteer wrote:
Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:50 am
She chuckled softly. "Yeah, it's... hard not to have 'bad feelings' about it all. Sharing space with the Empire and Sith, the dangers on the horizon facing us all. It's important that we acknowledge those bad feelings and the warnings they give us, but also not be consumed by them. Don't let fear run your thoughts, but rather analyze and focus on what we can do." While Garth wasn't part of the Paladins thus not a student of hers, Kat did try to approach these conversations in the manner of a teacher.

"The Beagle's mission wasn't about reinforcements for us. Rather to warn the galaxy at large that a greater threat is coming for us all; Republic and Empire alike. If we get reinforcements, we are lucky, but I don't expect them to come." Her shoulders rose slightly with a sigh. "But I have faith that we can pull through. We all must share that belief."
"Is it selfish of me t' hope the Republic still sends a force fer us?" He asks genuinely. "Ah've served with th' Republic Navy an' this sort o' rescue mission seems lahk th' sort of thing they'd jump on. A properly armed force should make short work o' these pirates, the 'mmediate threat."

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:23 pm
by Garth Thul
Zayne Rist wrote:
Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:00 am
Strolling through the hydroponic for the first time, Zayne was studying his Datapad and looking around to see what had been done so far. Wearing his Rist noble suit as was what had been doing inside the base. Hearing a familiar voice, "And, do not forget that there are good people in the Sith Empire, as well. They may just be miss guided is all. Do not choose to dislike them just, because they are Sith."

He put his Datapad away. "A pleasure to see you again Kat." He gave a nod to the Thul. "Hello, I am Zayne Rist, I do not think we have met before." He said.
"Garth Thul, formerly of House Ulgo," He clarifies and extends a hand. "Ah've met a few, but ah've found fer the most parts, ideologies don' align. Ah'll admit t' judging th' culture harshly, but assessin' each ind'vidual on their own." He adds in reference to the Imperial/Sith point.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:38 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
"It's not selfish to hope for help," Kat assured him, raising a hand to touch something unseen in the Force. "But I suspect the navy might have their hands full if the Star Beagle's mission is successful. We can but hope that aid will come to us eventualy, so for the moment, we make the most of the situation we are in and find opportunities in it." Her voice was calm and soothing as she spoke, the kind you could listen to during meditations or just relaxations.

Through the Force she felt Zayne's presence before he spoke. "Hello again, Zayne. How are you faring?"

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 8:18 pm
by Zayne Rist
He took the hand of Garth offered him. "It is good to meet you, sir. I have ties with the House of Rist myself."

"Oh, I am doing very well today, thank you Kat. Being blown out the hatch of an exploding ship was a few days ago was interesting. I am still still a bit sore, so I think a little more meditation would be great." He said with a calm and measured voice.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:54 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
She nodded gently. "It does help to take a moment to center oneself. Especially in such uncertain times."

Kat looked between the two of them. "Shall we attempt to meditate together the three of us?"

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:39 pm
by Zayne Rist
"Very well." Zayne eases down to a Lotus position. He wiggles around with his noble's suit for a minute, then settled his arms. Letting his prim and proper Arbiter facade fade away, "I'm really..."

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:09 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth nods earnestly. Perhaps in the presence of these Jedi, he could find the tranquility that has been avoiding him.

Garth's pose was far less precise than Zayne's; his back his straight, the angles of his wrists weren't matched.

But as he closed his eyes, the furrow in his brow tightened for a heartbeat then started to smooth itself away.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:30 pm
by Katarzyna Panteer
As the other two settled down, Kat breathed in deeply and closed her eyes.

"Let your breath guide you first. Inhale and accept it like an embrace, hold it... and exhale, gently letting go." Her voice was soothing and guiding, speaking to her experience in leading others in guided meditation. "Take a moment to let your surroundings sink in. The smells. The sounds. The warmth. The sensation of the ground beneath you. Feel them, but don't linger on them... simply let your senses wander."

Peaceful silence lingered for a few moments, letting the two have their time. "As we let our senses wander, begin to extend your senses. Feel the connections between us, between us and the plants, and between the plants and the earth. Feel how we all connect, and join together in the Force... be like the plants, feeling the nourishing earth beneath you and the warmth of the lights on your leaves."

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 6:15 pm
by Zayne Rist
Zayne closed his eyes and breathing slowed. He may be slightly in the force, he was not too proud to learn from a wise Jedi and friend. As he reached out in the force, he gave Kat a tiny pat on her shoulder. Then moved out to the surrounding area and plants. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 6:30 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth took his time slowly regulating his breathing, he'd had sessions like this with Kat in the past and synchronised with her fairly easily.

Zayne was a new experience though and was taking a little longer.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 9:41 am
by Katarzyna Panteer
Time did not matter in the Force, or in this guided meditation. She found her connection to the two of them, and smiled a bit as she felt the figurative tap on her shoulder.

"As you let yourself be part of your surroundings, allow yourself to look towards yourself again, and your feelings. Acknowledge your feelings, both the good ones and the bad ones, and know that both are part of being alive."

A deep breath.

"Look to the bad feelings and troubles, and consider; why are they here. As living beings, we carry with us burdens that we could have let go of. Take a moment, to be the advocate for your own well-being, to release yourself from these bonds of troubles that are weighing you down."

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:17 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth listened to the words and let them wash over him, let them carry him through the stream of consciousness they were sharing. He mentally walked the thin line that he struggled with.

The pride he felt in doing his duty and serving the republic, weighed against the guilt of sending so many enemy pilots to their deaths.

The love for his wife and child, balanced with his fear that tragedy may tear apart their happy family.

Deep breaths...focus on the good...release the negative thoughts and emotions.

Re: [D4, MA] All Things That Grow (Open)

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:13 pm
by Zayne Rist
Under his breath, Zayne starting chanting, "The trance is the motion." a few times. Then went quiet with the chant in his mind. It is the main lyric of a song listened to as a few years old on Alderaan.

It was time to let his mission to find the dark relic and training with his ligthsaber go. Focus in the here and now. No distractions.

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.
There is no contemplation, there is only duty.

He breathed out deeply.