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D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:12 pm
by Tethys Carrack
((Expecting, but obvs open.))

While there are some people at work over by some of the ships that had come in intact, Tethys is on the opposite side of the hangar, tucked into a relatively sheltered spot by the unshielded bay doors. The blizzard is howling outside, and without the energy gate it's howling (albeit at lesser volume) inside as well, which makes this an especially uncomfortable spot to keep watch, but it's also the easiest entrance to the base to spot from outside and therefore the place where most of the crash survivors have been coming in.

Tethys's sealed armor is keeping her tolerably warm, but her helmet visuals aren't much help in these white-out conditions. She draws on the Force to sharpen her vigil, reaching out for any hint of living beings out there...

D1 LM--fluff Sense life forms: 2eF 2 Light Side

Sense anyone/thing alive outside, up to medium range (1 pip activates basic power, 1 pip for range upgrade)

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:43 pm
by Soren Haicen
Walking through an icefield for hours hadn't been fun, but Soren had managed to make it intact, and honestly little worse for the experience. Sure he was cold, and a little miserable but at least someplace perhaps a little warmer was in sight.

The yawning entrance to the hanger was his goal and he'd be inside it any minute now.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:47 pm
by Dapper Dog
Soren Haicen wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:43 pm
Walking through an icefield for hours hadn't been fun, but Soren had managed to make it intact, and honestly little worse for the experience. Sure he was cold, and a little miserable but at least someplace perhaps a little warmer was in sight.

The yawning entrance to the hanger was his goal and he'd be inside it any minute now.
Along with the mercenary were some Imperial field scientists and a woman that held a light lightsaber of crimson. But no one seemed under too much duress besides the weather.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:45 pm
by Tethys Carrack
Tethys steps out further into the wind and waves her glow rod around, in case that helps. "Almost there!" she shouts by way of encouragement, not sure whether they'll actually hear her.

The red lightsaber suggests at least one of them is Imperial, but she's over being surprised by that. Nothing can beat the strangeness of being snowed in with Darth Baras.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:53 pm
by Soren Haicen
"Hey, we're almost there." Soren replied to his companions as he heard the voice calling from the yawning portal that was the hanger. There was perhaps a touch of sarcasm in his tone, but that wasn't unexpected. Not really, right? Nevertheless, with a roll of his shoulders he continued forward helping the imperial soldiers along the way.

"Don't suppose they have Whsikey and Pazaak in there by chance?" He called loudly enough for whoever greeted then to hear.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:50 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"Only what you brought with you!" Tethys calls back, a ruefully amused note in the voice that echoes out of her helmet. "We found the emergency caf, though!"

As soon as she says this, Tethys realizes her mistake. If the people out there have tasted Republic Navy survival-kit instant caf powder before, they might well turn around and walk back into the heart of the blizzard...

"Ah, it's a little complicated in here, actually. But warmer than out there, I promise."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:58 am
by Dapper Dog
"Anything is better than that storm," she said helping her people into the shelter.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 6:33 am
by Soren Haicen
Soren wasan't as certain, and as the word complicated was mentioned one could notice he took a look back towards the snow storm. Still he'd promised the Imperial snowgirl that he would help her get her people inside so he marched on himself. At least more warm bodies promised a bit more heat.

"Seems I might see in i can manage to invent a still then." He replied to the tall woman who had greeted them. Sadly the odds weren't good he'd manage. "Though that will have to wait until after we all get warmed up a bit."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:37 am
by Dapper Dog
"I am glad your priorities are in place," she said relieved to be out of the cold.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 12:20 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"We need all the power we've got just to keep warm right now," Tethys agrees ruefully as she waves them in. "This place needs considerable work. Base systems will function, but they aren't yet."

She grabs slightly scorched thermal blankets from a battered crate to hand to any of the group who look worse off.

"A warning, though. There were Empire and Republic beacons broadcasting here. Which means there are both Empire and Republic castaways here." She catches the eyes of Sith and soldier. "We're still working out terms, so don't do anything you might regret."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:16 pm
by Dapper Dog
"I am a team player," she said with a sweet if mischievous smile.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:18 pm
by Soren Haicen
"So don't just cuddle with anyone to keep warm. Gotcha." He replied with a smirk though such was hard to see under his helmet. Before adding. "I generally work for the highest bidder. So i'll be polite to both sides and try to stay out of the way of any arguments."

"Best way to stay healthy, at least as far as I'm concerned."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 10:09 pm
by Tethys Carrack
Tethys's lips quirk wryly at that. This might not be very obvious with her helmet on, but as they make it back into an area with more shelter from the wind she reaches up to pull the helmet off. She's still partially muffled up in a scarf and the thin hood of her helmet liner, but more of her face is visible now.

"You may need to work on IOU for a little while, we've no interplanetary communications at the moment," she says with a touch of humor. "For credit transfers or anything else. Unless someone's brought a stash of precious metals in their emergency supply chest, anyway."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:12 am
by Soren Haicen
"I thought everyone did that?' Soren replied as he reached up to take off his own helmet. "Never know where life might take you after all." Or what kind of money they might take.

"Guess we'll figure out something though, when and if it comes to pass." Who knew if he would actually even find any work.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:37 am
by Tethys Carrack
"You and I might move in different kinds of circles," Tethys says equably. Her own go-bag is, as it has always been, sadly devoid of any easily liquidated portable treasure.

She cocks her head, hearing his voice a bit more clearly now that helmets are off and they're out of the wind. "Dantooine, right? Or one of the daughter colonies?"

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:45 pm
by Soren Haicen
"You're probably right about that." Soren replied with a nod, though it had been his father that taught him about keeping some cash on hand in case of emergencies. "Figure we have three or four different circles here already." He finished gesturing towards the small group.

"But yeah, born and raised on Dantooine, surprised you recognize the accent. It's a bit out in the middle of nowhere."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:21 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"I've spent some time there," she says easily. "Mostly Khoonda town, but also the temperate farm zones. About four or five years ago now with my apprentice at the time, Knight Byron Mik."

Not that she especially expects any of the newcomers to recognize Byron's name, but you don't leave your buddy cop out of your war stories. And Soren, at least, would recognize that date as around the time of the civil unrest during the last big Republic-Empire conflict.

"I'm Tethys Carrack, by the way." She doesn't add Jedi Knight, but it's not that subtle either.

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:24 am
by Soren Haicen
"Ah." He nodded a bit at her explanation. "It's a pretty boring place most days, but it has its charms. Or at least it did when I left it. That's about eight years back though." So, she had most certainly been there more recently.

As she danced around the fact that she was a jedi Soren's eyes shifted to his temporary? Sith friend. Jedi and Sith always seemed to get into fisticuffs, at least from what he understood, and if it was going to come to blows, he wanted to be well on the sidelines. "And I'm Soren Haicen." He gestured towards the Sith. "That's Miss Triss, didn't catch her last name."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:33 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"The planet has such beautiful natural ecosystems," Tethys agrees with evident sincerity. "It seems like a good place to grow up. All else being equal." That is, in the absence of rebellions, invasions, and more personal hardships...

"Soren, Triss," she repeats the names so as to remember them. She's rather good with names, through natural aptitude plus years of practice. It usually doesn't take her more than one try to learn them. That Triss is a Sith was already pretty obvious, considering she'd been waving a red lightsaber around on the hike in; while Tethys hasn't entirely let her guard down around the group of newcomers, Soren will probably be able to tell she's not spoiling for a fight either. "Did you all come down from the same ship?"

Dantooine is a Republic world (with some unfortunate recent interruptions), but Soren had identified himself as a mercenary, so he could still have been working for the other side...

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:56 pm
by Soren Haicen
"Nah, I was on the Republic vessel on the way in. We met out of the snow fields when we were all trying to get here." He glanced back the way he had come. "Likely a whole mess of rescue pods out there that we didn't seen on the wya back in." Hopefully they were all empty and not soon to be full of corpses.

"Might have to try an have a look for them soonish."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:11 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"Oh, I see." She nods. "Yes, people have been coming in from the pods and smaller ships all morning. No life-threatening casualties so far." Of course, anyone with a life-threatening injury would have a much harder time traveling across the ice sheet to find this base. "I understand search parties are going out as soon as the engineers who made it in can get a vehicle ready to run out there. Something about the cold playing havoc with normal repulsorlift settings."

Re: D1 LM--Open Sesame

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 4:19 pm
by Soren Haicen
"Weather can be like that." Soren replied. "And it's not like marching around on foot is going to have you finding many people if any at all." He shook hsi head. "Hopefully they get something ready in the next few hours. Otherwise I don't think there will be much point in a rescue operation at all."

In these kind of tempatures severly wounded people wouldn't last too long after all.