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Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:54 am
by Aphr Ahaya
(On Aphrs ship at least to begin with)

While most had gone to the common area, Aphr knew her ship would allow her some privacy to look to the Force. After the visions of recent days, coupled with her dream of the previous night, and learning that Remmington had a reading that also seemed to hint towards the same path, Aphr knew she needed to learn more. She sat in her room, wrapped up still, and closed her eyes. Calmed her breathing. And reached out.

(ooc: D1 LE Foresee to look deeper into the dream/disturbance: 2eF 3 Light Side
Flipping destiny and 3 strain to use the light side pips - 1 for power, 1 for greater detail, 1 for further into the future

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:34 am
by Dapper Dog
She feels herself submerged in a deep ocean of future events swirling about her, she can see two people. No three people in a twisting cavern complex, glowing crystals growths scattered about this area… an area of darkness.

She hears snippets…

The man, “Emperor… is alive… I had a vision…”

The woman, “No… he is dead… I made sure of it… did they fail?”

The Old Man, “The Emperor is neither living… nor dead… merely an echo or laceration festering in the Force…”

She is pulled from that place to what looks like a settlement covered in ice, most of the structures are made of crashed or salvaged space craft. She sees armed men… pirates maybe escorting a scarred woman and some republic crew men towards what she surmises could be a palace.

Her view brings her inside and she sees a meeting between two woman, one is of long dark hair bundled up in heavy clothes sitting on raised dais and throne. The other stands below, with a hood up and yellowed eyes, she is tall and lithe in build with three implants in her forehead but definitely human…

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:42 am
by Vaylin
In the vision Aphr could see the women discussing some kind of truce when the woman turned and reached out a hand suddenly Aphr feels her vision self pulled into the woman’s grasp. Was she…

The woman smiled, it was cold, cruel… she canted her head slightly trying to make sense of what she was looking at. She finally spoke, “I know you can hear me, savage. I don’t like to be spied upon. Tell mother, I will be waiting. She will come to me and beg for mercy.”

She ignites her lightsaber and strikes, ending the vision.

Was that the future… it was not now…

OOC: Aphr needs to make a Hard Fear check, Cool or Discipline. GM will flip a Destiny to upgrade.

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:11 pm
by Aphr Ahaya
Aphr was focusing on every detail she could, so when she was literally grabbed by someone who knew she was looking had her incredibly surprised!

"Wait!" she cried out, her curiosity somehow winning out over her fear as she was struck by the saber. She wasn't sure if it was her vision self or if she had actually shouted out in the real world, but everything felt too real.

Her heart was racing as she tried to put everything together. For the first time since landing she actually felt warm enough to consider taking the thermal cloak off...but as soon as she lowered her hood and the cold slapped her it was back up.

"I don't know who you are...or who your mother is...but I'll find out. Somehow..." Aphr said out loud, although quietly. Looking up towards where she assumed the sky would be.

(Unless Dapper would like to drop something else here, I think that's /scene)

(ooc: D1 LE Hard fear check - cool being used. Dapper upgrade on dif: 2eA+1eP+2eD+1eC 1 success
ImageImageImageImageImageImage Aphr ain't afraid!

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:13 pm
by Dapper Dog
OOC: Willing to suffer 3 Conflict and commit a Force die... this can continue.

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:16 pm
by Aphr Ahaya
Dapper Dog wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:13 pm
OOC: Willing to suffer 3 Conflict and commit a Force die... this can continue.
(ooc - Yes)

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:23 pm
by Vaylin
A moment passes and then her thoughts… their thoughts come together. “Speak savage, and if I like what I hear, maybe I won’t kill you.”

She can see and feel her but no sense of where this other is, and perhaps the same for the other side.

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:11 pm
by Aphr Ahaya
That was unexpected. Aphr however was used to reacting to the unexpected from her many years of dealing with Zhorrid.

"I don't think I'd be an interesting or satisfying kill, I'm more useful alive trust me" Aphr relied, taking a moment before speaking again "I don't know who you or your mother are, yet the Force continues to direct me to you and I've never been one to doubt the Force. So...who are you?"

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:30 pm
by Vaylin
"I can play this silly game, savage. For now."

She then added, "Vaylin, now start listing why you would be useful to me."

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:59 pm
by Aphr Ahaya
Aphr considered that. She was pretty certain this was dancing a far more dangerous line than keeping Zhorrid happy.

"Well I create a far smaller splash in the Force for one. There have been so many unusual, uneasy feelings across the Force, many around have been looking at it, trying to feel what it is, where it is. My looking into it today brought me to you, others will look as well. I know you're strong in the force, incredibly strong. I imagine there are plenty that would sense your arrival. Better to know where what you want is so you can take it and do what you need before alerting others right?"

There was a pause before she added "and I'm Aphr. Not Savage, I'm pretty far from Savage."

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:45 pm
by Vaylin
“As you say savage, Aphr, was it. I don’t like wasting my time, so help me find my mother, her name is Senya, when you find her tell her that I am waiting for her. Simple.”

She added, “No I won’t tell you where to find me, she will know, mother’s intuition, surely. Oh you probably want something for the trouble, you savages like money, yes?”

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:01 pm
by Aphr Ahaya
"Senya, got it. I would assume it's the scarred woman? Hmm...and I suppose a finders fee would be the usual yes, but in time I'm sure we could come to a better arrangement" Aphr offered with a smile to herself as she assumed that the other woman couldn't see her either "after all not everything needs to be instigated and resolved by blowing up things and big fights right? It would certainly save you more time in the long run."

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:07 pm
by Vaylin
“She didn't have scars before, but it has been a long time,” Vaylin mused. “If that matters to you, fine, we can discuss your greater reward when I have what I want.”


Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:30 pm
by Aphr Ahaya
"That sounds acceptable" Aphr said with a nod "I have a suspicion I won't need to reach out to you once Senya has been located and has delivered herself to you, but in case I do how best should I contact you?"

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:32 pm
by Vaylin
"We are connected now, though don't be annoying," she replied.

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:53 pm
by Aphr Ahaya
Aphr wanted to ask what that meant, but decided not to for now.

"Oh I won't, don't worry" Aphr said with a nod "I prefer to live. Though if you are intending to be on Hoth soon, I would assume you are aware of the forces already here. You might get to enjoy the show."

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:55 pm
by Vaylin
"I hope you savages don't disappoint," she responded and the connection they had seems to vanish.

Re: Looking forward.... (D1 LE)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:02 am
by Aphr Ahaya
With the connection broken, at least for the moment, Aphr takes a deep breath.

"And our parents thought Moyr was the troublemaker" she said to herself with a small laugh "well, time to play a dangerous game."

Finally standing up and stretching her legs, she walked around her room a few times with her data pad. Noting all the details from first the vision and then the conversation. Joining things together. Once this was all done she put the datapad away again and sat down on her bed. Taking out a little round chip she had and spinning it.

I wonder which way the chips will land this time... she thought idly to herself, watching the chip slowly stop spinning...

/scene (and thank you!)