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Re: One eye open. (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:12 am
by Garth Thul
"Ah do undercover bout as well as a gamorrean at a twi'lek lingerie party. If y' need some air support or boots on th' ground y' got whatever support ah c'n muster."

Re: One eye open. (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:18 am
by Jan Melmoar
"Well, usually I wouldn't work for just favours, no offence.....buuuuut."
Jan pauses for a moment as her mind works to delete the image of a Gamorrean at a lingerie party.

"It has been pretty quiet here recently, and if I grow bored my edge might dull. Allow me to second Garth's offer of help. I can't wield a lightsaber or lift things with my mind, and I am but one woman who would die to any sort of concentrated fire. But I am the best shot on the planet...well, maybe equal best, I haven't had a chance to test Pipka 1 on 1."
She pauses.

"Oh and I'm pretty fine to kill whoever if that's a worry. I don't know what the Jedi policy is on forgiving the people who stole your kids, but if you're not allowed to kill them maybe they try to escape and I have to shoot 'em? Things happen, what's important is you find your kids safe and sound."

Re: One eye open. (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 5:54 am
by Soren Haicen
"Well, if you need another gun I can throw my hat in as well." Soren replied to Breela. "I may not be the best shot on the planet, but I am a fair shot and I've got some pretty decent armor to boot." He glanced at the others. "As for payment, likely as not I can find something on the pirates that keep my pocket book happy."

Sometimes you just had to throw a few blaster pistols in a bag to help pay the bills after all. He glanced towards Jan. "Well, if that trial is any indication... Maybe your blaster should 'accidently discharge' before they get the chance to surrender?" He patted the pistol at his side.

"These things are known to have hair triggers after al."

Re: One eye open. (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:00 am
by Garth Thul
Garth glanced to Breela and raised an eyebrow, silently questioning how far beyond the line she was willing to step.

Re: One eye open. (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:06 am
by Breela Po
She smiles warmly at the offers. "Id welcome your help gladly. All of you, and when the time comes I'll let you know."

When the conversation turns to the trial she nods, "I'll admit the trial is a waste of time. I'm not sure what they're trying to gain by having it." She sighs, "The soldiers who want justice for the officer that was killed aren't going to get it. Short of taking her behind the base and shooting her Layne can't be stopped from leaving if she chooses to. And the honest truth is that I don't believe she killed anyone. My money is on Baras or what's-his-name?"

I know she was acting during that meeting. To what end I still don't understand. But I believe she's still a good person. Maybe a self-centered obnoxious person, but a good person none the less.

Re: One eye open. (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:45 am
by Jan Melmoar
Jan shoots Soren a nod of understanding, he gets it.

"I try not to involve myself in the matters of my betters. I imagine most of the time was spent determining if the defendant was a sith or a jedi this week. Either way I don't even know what legal system we're all operating under, it's something of a grey area. Coincidentally that is my favourite kind of area."

She flashes a smile of her own.

"And Breela, from the sounds of it you have a small army at your discretion. I hope that at least has helped cleared your head, or perhaps fill it with more comforting thoughts?"

Re: One eye open. (Day 4 Mid Evening)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 6:40 am
by Soren Haicen
"Do Jedi and Sith really swith sides that often?" Soren asked as he glanced towards Jan. Or was this at least something a little bit unusual? "You do get a lot of grey areas of law out here on the outer rim though." He added a moment later.

"A lot of times it makes my job easier... Other times not so much."