Large hangar for space and land based vehicles, plus basic maintenance equipment.
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Dapper Dog
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[Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Dapper Dog »

General Zholyeva frowned at the sludge, the smell was made it so bad. She got the troops, Republic or Empire together and started handing out hydro-mops. This was not up to spec, not up to spec at all.

Get in there soldier and get the mission done.

Clean or Death.

Event Type: Side
Participants: All
Timeslots: Early Morning

Description: The hangar and maintenance area is covered in a layer of sludge, some has been cleaned off by an industrious chadra fan but still much of the area needs work done. General Zholyeva is leading the efforts to get this area cleaned in order.

This is dirty work, but with all hands on deck she hopes to get it in order.

Rules: Players that join this thread/event will gain a modifier for the rest of the day, see below.

Sludge Stench: Player suffers a setback and difficulty increases, by one, to all social rolls except Coercion. The player just smells bad, but is used to it and will wear off by Day 3. Persists through use of a refresher.

Players may choose one skill from the following list and make a roll, and want to accumulate successes, we want 40 successes for cleaning it and if reaching 55 successes then an additional reward can be unlocked. Players should keep track of successes and any Triumph rolled generates Three successes, success or fail. Despair though subtracts three successes, success or fail.

Also for every 3 Failures on the roll, reduce the total successes by 1. Every 2 Advantages can be used to boost the next ally and every 2 threat adds a setback to the next roll.

Skills that can be used: Athletics, Cool, Coordination, Discipline, Perception, Resilience, Skullduggery, or Vigilance. The difficulty for the roll is Average, plus an increase due to current Power boosts that to Hard, and two setback dice for the smell.

This works out to be (3eD+2eS) at base. GM will flip Destiny for each roll, so the total roll is (2eD+1eC+2eS). Due to the work of Pipka, the players start with 5 Successes, for the work he did over three time slots.

Rewards/Outcome: Hangar is cleaned up and orderly.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Katarzyna Panteer
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Katarzyna Panteer »

Kat was super-tired after her night-watch, but there was no other choice but to trudge on for a couple hours more when the situation in the hangar was revealed.

Grabbing a mop, she started helping out, though was incredibly exhausted and wasn't able to be as effective as she hoped. Darker thoughts did go through her mind of what she'd do to the idiot responsible for this, but she dismissed them instead of letting it fuel her or make her do anything stupid.


D2 EM Event. Hoth Sludge Winter. Athletics/Brawn. Enhance in effect.: 3eA+2eF+2eD+1eC+2eS 1 failure, 2 advantage, 3 Dark Side

No Successes. 1 Boost to the next roller!
Alderaanian Royal | Human | Jedi | Master | Paladin | Noble Protector | Hero | Heightened Awareness
Description | Theme | Art

Has: Lightsaber, Ulgo-pin (Cascader), belt with pouches (with stuff), thermal cloak, Jedi battle armor, medical gear, breathmask, goggles, explorer's knife.
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Zayne Rist
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Zayne Rist »

Zayne got to work in the hanger to hydro-mop. While he wore things befitting of a Noble or Arbiter, his was very well built. But, he was not having a good time with the mop. It might have been bad, maybe. He wasn't sure what he was doing wrong, as hard as he tried.

[D2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter - Resilience Check - 4 Brawn + 3 Force + 1 boost from Kat: 4eA+3eF+2eD+1eC+2eS+1eB 3 failures, 1 advantage, 3 Dark Side

2 failures, 1 advantage
Last edited by Zayne Rist on Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Agents of Jedi Council of First Knowledge | Human | Hero of Battle of Alderaan | Jedi Arbiter |The Peaceableness - Dynamic-class Freighter
Jedi Fighting Style 5 - Shien, and Djem So with Rist Assassin techniques

Gear: Lightsaber, CR-2 Heavy Pistol, Cortosis Shield, P-14 Hazardour Suit, Mercantile Datapad, Comlink, Hunting Googles
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Hacha Tsuko
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Hacha Tsuko »

"I just...cannot believe that someone wrecked the hanger." Hacha surveys the damage. "There's no way I am bringing my ship into this."

The Duros throws himself at the problem. Of course, in doing so he causes problems for everyone else in the process.

Hoth Sludge Winter-Coordination/Hard-Destiny flipped by Dapper-2 setbacks from smell-Boost from Kat-rolled dice without difficulty: 3eA+1eB+1eC+2eD+2eS 2 successes, 4 threat
(Kat's boost was used but it came up blank anyway)
2uccesses to event

7 running total sucesses

2 setback to next roll
Last edited by Hacha Tsuko on Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Duros | Faction: The Turtle (ok, so Unaligned) | Schmott Guy (or so he likes to think) | Bankor Vet
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Dapper Dog »

OOC: Please note where the third Success came from as I see 2 for Hacha.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Soren Haicen
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Soren Haicen »

There was a lot of sludge being thrown away, which didn't make things easier... Luckily perhaps for Soren his years on Dantoonine had goten him used to some of the worlds horrible smells. His progress was good, apparently it wasn't his first time muckign out... Well something that needed mucking out.

Hoth Sludge Winter! Lets get smelly! Athletics, Hard Gm upgrade, 2 setback from smell, 2 setback from hacha - 2 setback from outdoorsman, -1 setback from custom fit, player destiny: 2eP+1eA+2eB+2eD+1eC+1eS 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

+4 Successes. 1 Boost to next player.
Human | Green | Violence for Hire | Bounty Hunter | Tough

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Galen Panteer
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Galen Panteer »

"This is a very unpleasant way to wake up." The Prince Consort sighed before getting to work. "Let's get this cleaned up."

- - -
[Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter, Average Coordination, Power, Smell, DM Destiny: 2eA+2eP+2eD+1eC+2eS 3 successes, 1 threat
[Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter, Boost from Soren: 1eB 0 successes

3 Successes
Alderaan Nobility | Paladin | Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Veteran | Dad

Wears: Cargo Clothing, Second Skin, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Lightsaber, Sharpshooter's Rifle, Explorer's Knife, Datapad, Comlink, Hunters Goggles, 5 Stimpacks
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Pipka »

After six grueling hours of scraping sludge with his body, Pipka was ready for another six, and it seemed like it might take at least that many more at this rate. It had become a battle of wills, his persistence versus the sludge's, and he never lost a battle of wills... except when he wasn't motivated or when he changed his mind.

The tedium of his task was ended when the General came in the morning and others shortly followed suit. The equipment was different, but he'd give it a short. Wringing out his mop suit and setting it aside to dry, he picked up a hydro mop and got to work. He saw some adapting quickly to the work and making steady progress, while others struggled with the stubborn sludge. Perhaps the smell was getting to them, he was used to it at this point.

Doing his best to set an example, Pipka scrubbed with his hydro mop.

D2, EM, Hot Sludge Winter, Coordination, GM & PC Flip: 1eP+5eA+2eD+1eC 2 successes, 4 advantage
2 successes and 2 boosts to next

16 rolling successes.
Chadra-Fan | Turtle Crewmate | Former Slave | Big Bangs in a Small Package | Goat Dad
Carries: FC-1 Flechette Gun, Gundark Scav-Suit, Pack full of the essentials
Speaks: Basic, Binary, Chadra-Fan, Cheunh(rudimentary), Durese, Gamorrese, Huttese, Pantoran, Rodese, Sith, Twi'Leki
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Jub'Lub »

Jub'lub knew that without the hanger up to snuff, The Turtle wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon, and since a group of his friends had decided to go to Junktown, and rather wouldn't like to walk, this seemed like a good effort. He was impressed how much the little Pipka was able to accomplish and decided to grab a mop and bucket. Jub'lub kept his head down and held his breath as best he could.

[D2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter, Cool, GM + PC Flip: 2eP+1eA+2eB+2eD+1eC 4 successes, 1 threat
OOC: Forgot to say I used Pipka's bonuses

OOC: Also forgot setbacks: Hoth Sludge Winter setbacks: 2eS 2 failures

2 Successes 1 Threat

18 Rolling Successes
Jub'lub | Twi'lek | Jedi | Republic | Jovial | Hungry | Got Soup? | Blue Chungus

Gear: Armored Robes | Heavy Cloak | Double-bladed Saber | Various survival gear | Dehydrated fish rations
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Breela Po
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Breela Po »

For the same reasons as Jubbs, Breela rolls up her sleeves and grabs a mop. "We who are about to stink. Salute you."

Clean Up: 2eP+2eA+2eD+2eS+1eC+2eF 4 successes, 3 threat, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

6 success, sorry about the setback next guy.
Jedi Knight | Armor underneath a Heavy Coat, and Cloak | Hooded, Gloved, Nice Boots!

Equipment: Always wears a utility belt, various items stuffed away including two or three concealed weapons, a few stim packs, and a flask/canteen.
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Remmington Balmung
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Remmington Balmung »

Remmington heads back into the hangar first thing in the morning to help clean up the mess that he had a hand in. With her scanner goggles and respirator in place he grabs a cleaning tool and gets to work.

/ Clean up. Athletics/Brawn. DD Destiny. Destiny. +1eS from Breela. Conditioned -1eS. Enhanced. Upgrade from General. Zash Knowledge boost. Ally assist. Power @ Inadequate +1 Difficulty. 5eP+2eB+2eF+2eD+1eC+2eS =
2 successes, 1 advantage, 3 Light Side
Turning Light into Success
+5 Success

29 Rolling Successes
Sith | Human | Duelist | Mechanic | Slicer | Scar | Exp 3
"My life for the Empire."

Carries: Backpack, Datapad, Glow Rod, ARC Trooper Armour, Lightsaber - Gram (White-Red), Lightsaber [Disguised] - Hrotti (White), Load-Bearing Gear, Respirator, Scanner Goggles, Thermal Cloak, Utility Belt

Ship: Skidbladnir. Ally - Hild Godslayer
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Garth Thul
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Garth Thul »

Small Miyi.jpg
Small Miyi.jpg (25.16 KiB) Viewed 4027 times
"I am not coming down this ramp until that mess is cleaned up Garth. These are designer shoes all the way from Toydaria."

Properly inspired, Garth rolled up his sleeves and joined the cleanup effort.

Hoth sludge winter, athletics: 2eD+1eC+2eS+3eA+3eF 1 failure, 3 Light Side, 2 Dark Side

Convert LS to successes.
2 successes.

Naval Officer * Human * Pilot * Force User * Blissful Betrothal * Massive Dork

Languages: Basic, Aznuri, Binary
Gear: Racing suit, DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, Aznuri Necklace, Lightsaber, Thermal Cloak
Vehicles: Orosini Sparrow, Tallulah

Often seen with Major Miyi Thul.
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Omandri Rist
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri yawn and immediately regretted the increased intake of breath with the foul odor in the air.

He rolled up the sleeves on his cheapest clothes he brought and got to scrubbing off ships. Harder with one arm certainly but the nullcaine kept things from being too painful.

As he was scrubbing he pushed a little too enthusiastically and a whole mess of sludged rolled off the ship he was scrubbing "Look out below!" He called in warning hoping he didn't ruin someone's day.

D2 cleaning Athletics hard Dapper upgrade, 2 setback player destiny: 2eP+2eA+1eC+2eD+2eS 3 successes, 2 threat

+3 success next roller gets a setback

Total: 34
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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Lucinia Malveaux
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Lucinia Malveaux »

Her expression almost as dark as it could get, Lucinia did her part, more or less.

Well, actually, she wasn't great at the mopping. Mostly she did her best to point out parts other people had missed. They only sometimes took notice. "Ugh! If everyone would just listen to me, this would go much better! As usual!"

Angrily, she shook her mop sorta into the disposal unit, spattering sludge all around as she did so.


D2EM Clean Sludge, Vigilance, +1b Uncanny Reactions, -1s Keen Eyed: 1eP+3eA+1eB+2eD+1eC+2eS 1 failure, 1 advantage
Force Sensitive | Sith | Human | Noble | One of Those Malveauxs
Oooohohoho count: 13
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Avieri Ciamber
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Avieri Ciamber »

He'd smelled worse. He'd seen worse. The General wanted it cleaned though, and today he kinda thought of the General as a reincarnation of his Great Aunt. The one that used slaves as tables and liked Rodian Opera.

So he 'cleaned'. Well, he started cleaning at first but then got distracted . . . very distracted. Instead of removing the sludge he started . . . arranging it . . . in a little vignette that reminded him of said Aunt.

Something like this . . .
SLUDGE!!!! Athletics, Dapper flip, Avi flip (code copied direct from Dapper's Post for diff): 3eA+2eP+2eD+1eC+2eS 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Despair

I'M SO SORRY. :cry:
Sith * Human * Noble * Unstable * Cuckoo * Form VII

Wears: Heavy Sith Armour
Carries: Light Pike, communicator
Often seen: hosting tea parties for inanimate objects
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Baesal Zyn
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Baesal Zyn »

This was not the work she like but it was work she knew how to handle and knew that it must be handled.

It was not her first workplace hazard clean-up.

After getting her tools out to clean the area she found it frustratingly harder to remove then anything she ever worked with before. Ruminating on the nature of this problem she noticed something odd in the composition of this sludge which get her a flash of inspiration

She began doubling her efforts to fill buckets of the thing she would seal and keep...for reasons

Hoth Sludge summer: Discipline, GM Flip: 2eA+2eP+1eC+2eD+2eS 0 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph

Back up to 34!
Jedi Master - Togruta - Student of Master Raji Xen and former Sith Apprentice - Mistress of Artifices - Maverick of the Order - Killik?
Notable: Sleek alien cyberarm (left), Jedi robes, Silver coils around her lekkus
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Darth Baras
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Darth Baras »

Suitable Mood Music

The dark lord of the Sith feared nothing, be it Jedi, deadly plots, or foul smelling sludge. The Dark Side would always prevail and he turned with an army of mops at his beck and call and it was a glorious march even if his overzealous mops knocked over other workers, or cleaned the dirty folks, or even if they just outright scraped the paint jos of ships it was a small price to pay for his show of power.

Darth Baras was glorious.


OOC: God damn it Darth Baras... that takes you to 41.

Darth Baras - Discipline + Downgrade Upgrade: 4eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 4 successes, 3 threat, 1 Triumph
Dark Side | Human | Massive | Deceitful | Survivor | Treacherous | Sith

*Played by Dapper Dog
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Jan Melmoar
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Jan Melmoar »

Jan tries to help as much as one can...while trying to use a very long pole and stepping from raised platform to raised platform. Unfortunately the sludge is simply too powerful.

Day 2 EM, Hoth Sludge Winter, Coordination, hard difficulty with GM upgrade, 2 base setback and 1 extra from Baras (god damn it Baras): 7eA+2eD+1eC+3eS 1 failure
Czerka Corp Director | Human | Strictly Neutral | Decorated Veteran| Got What's Hers | Sharpshooter | Has a deputy |
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Dapper Dog
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Re: [Day 2 - EM] Hoth Sludge Winter

Post by Dapper Dog »

The hangar is in working order now. No more terrible sludge and smells... for now.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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