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Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 4:20 pm
by Tethys Carrack
The book Riss finds to turn over is a slim volume of Mon Calamarian poetry. Lots and lots of ocean imagery.

Tethys sighs, a sympathetic frown breaking across her face for a moment. "I understand that worry. This..." failing to find exactly the right descriptive word, she half-shrugs and settles on "organization Ms. Rist belongs to has shown itself to be very good at going to ground. It is also very willing to sacrifice agents who are no longer useful, though. And many people like her have overestimated their own imperviousness, in the past. Especially once they have earned the attention of both the Jedi Order and Republic law enforcement."

"So... you want to see this person brought to some kind of justice. But your fears are at work, telling you Republic justice is too uncertain. Perhaps that a field execution, Sith-style, is the only way to be sure." Tethys opens one hand, continuing to sort through what Riss has told her. "And you still feel the anger and fear of the violence you witnessed, very intensely, and thinking of certain people and things bring it back all the more." She opens her other hand, as if each of these two problems is an object she's now holding. Then she looks up at Riss, with steady inquiry. "Do I have it, more or less?"

Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:43 am
by Riss
Riss eyes focus in on that imagery, following the almost gentle construction of it. For a brief spell she might even allow herself to be convinced of the idea that it brought on the same calming effect of looking out into an ocean, or any other body of water really. Was a momentary distraction to remind her how few major bodies of water she's actually been near in her life-

"It's not like the Sith- well, it is. Just.. not where I get the idea from. Maybe it's not super just and good, not at all what a Countess should be about but.. in certain kinds of circles if you hit you get hit," she says, and glances up from the book to look at Tethys.

"Just giving her what sets things right," she shrugs. "Might sleep a little easier knowing she's taken care of- but really I just kinda wanna hurt her for what she's done. Seems.. fair."

"But yea, sure. That doesn't sound wrong."

Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 10:09 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"Countesses come in a great many varieties," Tethys says, lips quirking wryly. "The title alone doesn't predict much. Not what an Alderaanian Countess should be, possibly, but even then... no, not the most useful standard." She half-shrugs, lifting a hand. "Much more useful to ask what a person should be about, in my opinion."

Tethys sighs. "The universe isn't fair. I've... learned that sometimes it surprises people to hear a Jedi say that. People will believe such odd things about the Order." She shakes her head slightly. "If you were a Jedi, Countess Riss--my peer, or my student--I know how I would advise you on your two problems, more or less. I can give you that advice, if you want it."

Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 10:22 pm
by Riss
"Can't hurt," she chuckles with a tinge of uncertainty. That kind of uncertainty you get when someone offers you advice and you're super unsure if you'll actually take it.

Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 11:16 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"All right." Tethys nods. She hears the uncertainty, and notes it; at least she's delivered her caveat emptor, so whether or not her advice is ultimately welcome, at least she can't exactly be accused of lecturing the unwilling.

"So, on the one hand." She holds up, in fact, her left hand--palm up, slightly cupped. "Your feelings on the loss of someone you cared for, and the violence that came too close to you. You can't make them go away with more violence." She opens her fingers wider, flattening her hand as if to let something held there launch itself and fly away. "I suspect that you won't make them go away with a fair trial either. Or with never seeing Duke Rist again, or seeing him more and pretending not to feel them." She shakes her head sympathetically. "Those emotions began from something someone else did, but they live inside you now--it's your mind that sustains them. Over time, they may fade, if you let them, or let others help you. But I think, if you were a Jedi, what I would most urgently tell you is that you don't have to hold onto fear and anger in honor of the person you lost. Your suffering doesn't help that person, or his living family."

She lets her left hand fall back to her knee, and lifts her right instead. "On the other hand. The Star Cabal, and Duke Rist's sister. Hitting back at her can't erase your past suffering. But you can still ask yourself, how would the person you want to be see her dealt with? I'd tell a Jedi that taking her life leaves a dark stain in the Force, while bringing her to justice in the Republic might ease, in some way, the pain of the many people she has hurt. There aren't enough of her for every one of those people to get a punch in, anyway," she adds, lips twitching a little. "That's why sentient societies invented collective justice." Tethys lets her right hand drop back to her lap as well. "And even if, somehow, she escapes that justice... her organization is still shredded. The Jedi and SIS will never let her rebuild it. She can't wreak the same harm any longer. And you won't have let her do one last harm to you, by poisoning yourself with revenge."

Tethys inhales, lets the breath out slowly. "That is what I'd tell another Jedi."

Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:23 pm
by Riss
Riss' eyes dance around a little with the thought, looking at one thing and then the other. Though the book wound up back where it belonged it was hardly kept to mind exactly when she put it back. Turning and walking into the center of the room, she pauses and simply stands for a moment.

"I'll.. I'll have a lot to think about. Thank you, Master Carrack," she says, and then makes for the door.

Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 6:18 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"You're welcome." Tethys tilts her head to watch Riss go with an enigmatic half-smile. "Any time. And borrow the poems, if you like."

Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 6:22 pm
by Riss
Stopping by the door, she turns around and collects the poem book. Offering a little smile to Tethys, though there is that look in her eye that she's not entirely sure why she wants it. Still, an unspoken bit of thanks on that regard and then Riss left without anything else said from her end.

/exit Riss, thank you ever so much!


Re: A Word? My Word! [Day 4, LA, Carrack]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 6:25 pm
by Tethys Carrack
