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Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:48 pm
by Riss
Finding the whole morning to be a whole lot more than she signed up for, Riss hadn't really stopped moving until partway through the middle of the afternoon. From one check in to the next, she'd been busy on her feet since she arrived at Echo Base. Always seeing to the needs of whomever she might find in her path, and connecting people with those that might be able to help them best. It was an often unsung part of the recovery effort but Riss would be damned if communication between parties broke down now. Many of the faceless members of the Republic efforts would find some solace in her efforts, that would be sure, because they wouldn't have to worry much about the question of "How" to find what they needed most.

What Riss needed most right now however was a quick breather. After that? Well, whatever happens after that she won't need to stop long enough to think about and can just get right back into it.

Finding a seat proffered by one of those very soldiers who with their new destination set in mind had no further use of it. Taking the seat Riss could finally think long enough to remove her hat for a moment and feel out the wound on the back of her head. Touching to Kat's bandaging of it before pulling back from the sting with a hiss. Looking out across the moving bodies shifting through the common area she lets out a long sigh that only barely is warm enough to still leave a trail of mist in front of her face.

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:12 pm
by Jan Melmoar
Riss wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:48 pm
A voice from behind Riss: "Oh dear, that looks quite painful." The voice then materializes into a woman wearing what looks like the luxury version of cold weather gear, even the protective glasses over her eyes were designer, glinting slightly in the light as she circled around to in-front of Riss.

"Rough landing, was it?" She cocks her head and tuts sympathetically. "If there's anything I can do to assist you or your crew, you only need to ask."
Sticking out a dainty gloved hand. "Jan Melmoar, I'm with Czerka."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:31 pm
by Riss
"Can Czerka come and pick us all up off this ridiculously large ice ball? Not really keen on finding myself in the galaxies largest whiskey glass," she says, her voice a little hoarse from all the cold permeating everything. Riss accepted the woman's hand alike a lady, a proper lady even -her mother would be proud- and came to a full stand for that very greeting.

"Countess Riss Lanar, I'm a good bit of the reason why you will find so many Alderaanian's here," she says, a bit of a showy smile. "Now, if there's anything you need don't hesitate to let me know. I can probably find someone."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:33 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth strides into the common room, his crash suit unzipped to the waist. He'd just spent the last few hours helping Miyi look over the damage the Sparrow had sustained, and it wasn't as bad as he had thought.

Spotting the two women in talks, he offered a polite nod before settling down in what passed for a chair - would it have killed them to spring for a cushion - and opening a candy bar he'd found in a vending machine. The fact it was several years out of date didn't discourage him.

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:40 pm
by Jan Melmoar
"Oh we could evacuate about say....20 of you?"
Jan's smile gleams for a moment before she covers it.

"But that would get awfully complicated, all sorts of fighting over who goes first."
Making a show of looking around her.
"And well, we're close enough to actual fighting as is. Not that I mind of course, but if simply everyone dies it will get a bit too quiet around here."
Jan's stance tenses very slightly at Riss being a countess, but then she turns the motion into a polite bow.

"Your offer is very kind Countess Lanar. Do Alderaanians just follow you or are you a collector?"
She shoots a grin over to Garth as he passes before her eyes narrow at the candy bar in his hand.

"Is that Go Nutz Choco Bar? I thought they discontinued the brand."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:51 pm
by Garth Thul
Jan Melmoar wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:40 pm
She shoots a grin over to Garth as he passes before her eyes narrow at the candy bar in his hand.

"Is that Go Nutz Choco Bar? I thought they discontinued the brand."
"Ah think they did," Garth replies with little confidence before he breaks into a little sample of the old jingle.

"All the kids still go nuts fer Go Nutz." He sings with no regard for key. "This 'uns def'nitly seen better days. Any delicate con'stution should 'void the machines in D wing."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:55 pm
by Riss
Riss may not have known Garth too individually, but operating in somewhat similar social circles brings you into knowing more often than not. Considering the closeness of their families it was hard not to be aware of one another over the years. Which meant that seeing his face did soothe her soul in an imperceptible way.

"What a fine way to show casual disregard for the lives around you," she says cheerfully on Jan's first point, the stinger well coated in sugar.

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:03 pm
by Jan Melmoar
Jan clamps a hand over her mouth, muffling an almost instinctive Ooohohoho.

"Damn it Luci."

Her smile doesn't waver at either the jingle or the sugar.
"Yes, that's it. I simply loved Go Nutz as a child, so many happy memories. We didn't have much. Do let me know if you find any more around."
Looking back at Riss.

"It's an interesting question, is it casual disregard because it seems so easy? Or calculated because of how I've considered it as to what would benefit me the most? And which would be worse?"

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:07 pm
by Garth Thul
Garth had definitely seen Riss at some of the fancier parties his Baroness wife had dragged him to back on Alderaan and knew that tone in her voice well enough.

After that space battle, he could do with a good chuckle so he moved a little closer though he doubted the Countess needed the backup.

"Baron Thul," he introduced himself to Jan "Most folk j'st call me Garth though. An' thanks fer yer help up there. Them s'pplies 'll come in real handy."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:55 pm
by Jan Melmoar
"Oh a baron, I'm going to need N'Zzi to record all these titles, there's ever so many, very impressive.
Jan takes a moment to focus on Garth, looking him up and down.

"I was happy to help. So many of our ships seemed to be making...expedited landings I thought someone should stay behind. And I've been wanting to test out those quad lasers for a while. I can hardly market products I've never seen in action, hmmm?"
Placing a hand over her chest.

"And you were up there in your little sparrow? A tough ship, but something only needs to go wrong once...I was impressed to see it in action. I'd offer to hire you but most barons make more than me. Officially at least."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:00 pm
by Riss
Jan's easier questions for only a stern look from the rather generally welcoming woman. A warm openness turned all just so slightly hostile but she buried it under the complexities of politeness. With the conversation shifting more toward a focus on Garth, Riss took the moment to re-acclimate and take her seat back. Needing the restful moment among all this chaos, regardless of present company.

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:07 pm
by Garth Thul
"T'be fair, ah ferget mah title half th' time." Garth answered with a grin.

"Looks like them quaddies were a right success though, blew through them pirates licketysplit."

"An ah 'ppreciate the offer, but active Naval Officers ain't 'llowed t' freelance. Sparrow's seen plenty of action an' ain't lemme down yet."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:24 pm
by Jan Melmoar
"Licketysplit indeed."
Jan smiles at the both of them.

"Well Garth, I'm disappointed but I understand. And I hope when the next procurement round for the Alderaanian defence force comes round you'll remember those quads and just how delightfully effective they were. One can't be too well armoured in times like this, can we?"

She seems to find this funny and chuckles at her own joke.
"Oh, but I would be remiss to ask you two. What exactly was it that brought the Republic to Hoth of all places? Not that I mind meeting new people but I rarely do it in places like this...from this range anyway."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:53 am
by Garth Thul
"Mah wife is XO on th' Tenacity, ah'm certain we could put in a good word fer yer products to not just the Alderaanians but th' general Republic Navy." Garth conceded to the point.

"Course a test model to try out wouldn't hurt." He sneaks in with a good ol' country grin.

"Me personal, ah'm here as a rep fer th' Imperial. Some senator requested aid, an we came. Can't speak fer the mot'vations of others though, ah imagine a sales woman out here is a rare thing, unless yer market share includes yeti an wampas?"

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:57 am
by Jan Melmoar
"Garth, you and your wife put in a good word and you can have all the test models you like. All Czerka ship weaponry comes with a 4 cycle money back guarantee minus travel, removal and repair costs, conditions apply. I have complete faith in our product."
Jan smiles so wide and so sharply it's like the side profile of some kind of shark running for senate.

"So you're help to help out? Well, isn't that impressive? I think the Imperial representatives were doing something similar, but with more violence in mind. It's a microcosm of galactic politics, wouldn't you say? Are you two experienced in this sort of thing? From what I hear mediation was a talent lost and found again on Alderaan."

Jan's eyes dance at Garth's last question.
"Wampas have as much a right to self-defence as anyone else. Should one wish to purchase quality armaments they know where to go. Sadly, I think they'll merely end up generating weapons sales in others. But you're quite right, I prefer the corporate sector for my usual circuit. But duty and all that, I'm sure you understand."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:04 pm
by Galen Panteer
"I'd wait until we all leave, before arming wampas." Galen suggested as he entered. "Hey, Garth. I'm glad you finally made it down."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:18 pm
by Garth Thul
"Ah though improvin' the lives of th' indig'nous life force were totes a Jedi thing ol' friend." Garth laughs before his face turned a little serious.

"Someone had t' buy time fer those escape pods t' reach atmo' or them a-holes woulda jus' blown y'all outta the sky."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:23 pm
by Galen Panteer
"It's appreciated." he nodded. "I trust you and Miyi are alright?"

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 5:03 pm
by Garth Thul
"Yeah, she's a lil shook up. Too used t' space battles in 'er comfy officers chair o' late. What of you? Ah've heard some didn' 'ave so gentle a landing?"

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:04 pm
by Galen Panteer
"I rode with Baesal. We made it through." he explained. "There are search parties out there looking for crash survivors. I didn't see the Turtle."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:08 pm
by Garth Thul
"They made it out of combat," Garth confirmed. "Nudi plotted a different path t' surface though. But he's one th' better jockey's ah've met sure'n they're fine."

"Startin' t' think ah should've left the missus at home fer this mission though."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:15 pm
by Galen Panteer
"I understand that feeling. I'm glad Jameela didn't come. But, Miyi's pretty tough. She'll be fine."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:12 pm
by Garth Thul
"Yeah, yer prob'ly right, ah've a bad feelin' bout this one." He replies cryptically, but if Galen had been having the same tug from the Force he likely knew what Garth referred to.

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:15 pm
by Galen Panteer
He nodded. "Yeah, I think many of us do."

Re: Breather [Day 1, MA]

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:26 am
by Garth Thul
"We got some good peep here, but a bunch o' people who need protecting. D' we know if any of th' leadership survived? Someone should probably try and reach out for reinforcements to help evacuate th' non essentials."