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Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:38 am
by Sylvain Torsin
He nodded, "When we were young I thought I was the glue that kept the three of us together... But in the end it seemed to be Kristal."

He paused before continuing, "But I share your sentiment... Perhaps the reason the Force did not bring her here is exactly that... her safety..."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:45 am
by Zeno Thul
"I don't know, I would say it was probably still you that was the glue, but when a group loses someone it is hard. Everyone in the group is reminded of what was lost by the other folks. I don't think it's a failure of glue as much as it is that something unfortunate dissolved it. Just gotta remake those bonds if you want them. You're not a Jedi, you know the truth, that the bonds we have give us the drive we need to succeed."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:51 am
by Sylvain Torsin
"The glue that lost its solvency then..." He said with a chuckle.

"If I ever get off this icy rock... I'll have to let my daughter see her auntie again it seems."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:07 am
by Zeno Thul
Zeno nods in approval. "I think that would be good for both of you. I've always been a proponent of strong bonds. We did not evolve to be solitary. Nearly every instinctual drive we have demands interaction."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:30 am
by Sylvain Torsin
Sylvain nodded.

"I'll have to tell her you say hello as well..."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:40 am
by Zeno Thul
"Please do. It would be great to learn how she is doing. Have you noticed so many of us from class have had daughters if we had children? The lack of obvious purpose would lead one to believe it's a coincidence, but that would suggest coincidence is a real thing," he says with a smirk.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:42 am
by Sylvain Torsin
He chuckled, "Perhaps the Force is correcting our mistakes... Perhaps none of us were meant to cross-pollinate..."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:52 am
by Zeno Thul
"Or perhaps one of the many great events and occurrences there had an impact on us? I imagine that there could probably have been some side effects from the Void Engine ritual," he says with a shrug.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:41 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"Maybe..." Sylvain simply replied.

"The Force works in mysterious ways..." He said with a deadpan tone.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:46 pm
by Zeno Thul
He looks at Sylvain and thinks for a bit. "Zash was on Ziost and helped with the whole emperor thing. I haven't heard much from her since then. How did that all pan out?" he asks.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:51 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"Killing the Emperor? We thought it had gone quite well... until recently." He replied.

"Jun-tsu gathered a group of conspirators... of which I was one... who crafted a weapon that could kill the Emperor. They confronted him in his throne room when Darth Malgus staged a coup for his own purposes... I am unfamiliar with what Zash did or did not do in that circumstance. From what I could tell she had her own business on Ziost... I was occupied with saving the populace of Ziost from the Emperor's final 'fail-safes' during the confrontation..."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:54 pm
by Zeno Thul
"Ah. Layne was mentioning that she, Zash and the Wrath were all trying to convince folks the emperor was a threat. Not surprised though, she likely used everything as cover to accomplish some secret goal nobody was aware of," he says with a nod. "Very like her."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:57 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
Sylvain nodded, "I wouldn't expect any less..."

He then asked, "I hear Alderaan was subject to some political upheaval of its own not too long ago... Followed by some crusade against a Clever Person or some such... Baras lamented how it hurt his contacts among the Republic..."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:13 pm
by Zeno Thul
"Yes, some anti force user organization and someone called the Clever Man. I usually would not have cared about them, but their actions led to the attempted assassination of my family. So I did all I could to drive a task force along with others to hunt them down. The fact that we had happened upon some of Baras's people in the process made me smile a few times."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:29 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"I'm sure he'd be most appreciative if you were to mention it in conversation at some point..." He replied with a masked smirk.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:32 pm
by Zeno Thul
"Undoubtedly. A true Sith thrives on conflict no? We just let him know which of his agents were useless," Zeno says. "I have no doubt that he'll be thankful for my assistance."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:34 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"Most certainly..." He replied with a nod.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:37 pm
by Zeno Thul
"She does seem to like showing up when shit goes down, you know. I wouldn't be surprised if she's present or will be," he says of the earlier mentioned Zash. "This many gathered?"

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:40 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"Maybe... I know Layne is looking to kill her given the chance... It might be best to stay away for now." He replied.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:46 pm
by Zeno Thul
"Probably, but she has always done whatever she wants without regard for others. And I would guess she's probably not afraid of anyone here. Just keep eyes and senses open. Pretty sure everyone knows how dangerous she can be."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:48 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"The list of dangerous people is long on our side Zeno... Help your Republic friends remember that in the days ahead." He replied.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:57 pm
by Zeno Thul
"You know that she's not on anyone's side right?" he asks with a chuckle. "But yeah, they will be wary for sure. Not a whole lot of trust even if there's acceptance. But hey, Jedi do dangerous stuff too. Some of them helped out in a project where we drove a sentient hive mind to start murdering itself in mass. Exciting day."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:03 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"Sounds... like they bugged the wrong Jedi..." He replied.

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:10 pm
by Zeno Thul
"They definitely dug their own graves," he agrees with a nod. "Baesal hasn't been the same since. She was trying to communicate with them and I think it messed with her head a bit."

Re: Legacies and Lounging (D2, LN)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:13 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"She always has been a strange one..." Sylvain replied.