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by Garth Thul
Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:38 am
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: [Day 2 - ME] Sermon of the Unknowable Dark
Replies: 92
Views: 12723

Re: [Day 2 - ME] Sermon of the Unknowable Dark

"Nor did I, she has been struggling particularly hard lately. The attachments she has with her family is... dangerous. I must admit, I admire here drive to save them, but her methods are fringe and I worry what path she will walk when the moment presents itself." "Then we should make sure she don' ...
by Garth Thul
Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:42 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Are y' capable of speakin' fer th' entire Empire, Mr Shyyylo?" Garth asks, a little more impressed than he was a moment ago.
by Garth Thul
Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:31 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: [Day 2 - ME] Sermon of the Unknowable Dark
Replies: 92
Views: 12723

Re: [Day 2 - ME] Sermon of the Unknowable Dark

"In any case," she adds, thoughtful again now, "I think we're no higher on anyone's list than we already were before this. I sense their tattooed hierophant over there is more surprised that any of our crew actually participated." The smile is gone again at that thought. "They ain't th' only ones s...
by Garth Thul
Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:15 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

Garth's smile turned into a wince. Reaching into a pocket on his pants he pulled out his lightsaber hilt and placed it on the table. "That thing pinches horribly." He comments off handedly. "But ah mean, are y' enlightened 'nuff t' understand anaccept there's no right path no wrong path, only right ...
by Garth Thul
Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:02 pm
Forum: Icy Wastes
Topic: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)
Replies: 46
Views: 3995

Re: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)

Garth smiled, Luth might not have been as much of a lost cause as she thought.

"Well ah'm a Baron now, though ah still think ah got a better deal than Miyi did." He chuckles.

"An we got a son an twin daughters t' boot."
by Garth Thul
Fri Aug 19, 2022 7:37 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"So how d' ya feel on that? Last bunch of Imperials ah ran int', they was tryna destroy th' locals. Didn' fit with their galactic view."

Garth's tone wasn't accusatory, but it had slipped a little way from jovial.
by Garth Thul
Fri Aug 19, 2022 7:26 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Culture o' sensitives on Bankor. Helped me un'erstand mah power an' mah place. Not all light, not all dark, a mix o' both as the galaxy is meant t' be, as life is meant t' be."

"Or at least tha's their view on it, an it made th' most sense t' me."
by Garth Thul
Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:08 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Ah guess she ain't th' only one if so many follow her as part o' the Empire.

Ain't no light without darkness though tha's what th Aznuri taught me."
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 7:17 pm
Forum: Icy Wastes
Topic: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)
Replies: 34
Views: 2592

Re: Preying at Dusk (Day 2, LE, Hunting)

Garth approached from the rear jumping around and flapping his arms like a giant loon, relying on his size and big movements to shoo the penguins along.
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 7:15 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

Garth nodded in assent. "Mmm hmm. Got a li'l intense fer me at th' end though." He admitted unashamedly.

"Ah prefer mah meat more well done."
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:55 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Don' worry bout pur side, ah'm pretty sure we mos'ly brought Navy or Jedi...with a few specialists thrown in."

"They all know bout teamwork, even if this aint none of our sepcialties. Speakin' of specialties, y'all hear bout that goat sacr'fice las night?"
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:26 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Masks jus' carry a connotation 'f secrecy, sets some on edge ah guess. Mos' the people ah work with are in full helms in their cockpits. Don' bother me none ah guess."

"So how's it lookin', power wise? Ah hear we managed t' get a few systems back online."
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:10 pm
Forum: Icy Wastes
Topic: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)
Replies: 46
Views: 3995

Re: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)

"Life's compl'cated." Garth agrees simply. "Ah mean, life ain't exactly peachy fer us unaligned forcers." He throws out freely, secure in his place in the verse as he was. "Very few of us 're all of one and nowt of th' other. Ah just need t' be able t' look m'self in th' mirror at night." Garth move...
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:00 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"True," Garth conceded with a shrug. "Ah get th' feelin y' ain't much fer small talk though."

"Important bus'ness?" He asks casually gesturing to Shyyylo's reading materail, careful not to look at it directly, just in case it was.
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:30 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Decidedly lackin' in a gift shop. Ah always try t' bring mah kids a souvenir home from mah engagements. Maybe somethin'll present itself...since ah don't think noone's got th' slightest frakkin' clue how long we'll be here for now."

"What bout you? Much family waiting at home?"
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:18 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Real talk'tive type ain't ya." Garth commented with a wry chuckle before sipping at his kaff.

"How're y' finding this icy ball o' shit?"
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:10 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Ah, mah bad. You come in on th' Spear, Shee-o?" Garth asked trying to fix his pronunciation.

The man hadn't objected so Garth took a seat, one hand reaching down to rub his left leg.
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:05 pm
Forum: Icy Wastes
Topic: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)
Replies: 46
Views: 3995

Re: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)

"I don't think... I regret it, exactly. I was doing the best with the knowledge I had then, and it seemed like the only choice to keep the people I loved safe. I don't hate my younger self for that, but I recognize my responsibility for the consequences and that I was wrong about it." A beat passed...
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:58 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

"Ah've def'nitely seen yer face around a time or two." Garth agrees as he glances to a seat in silent request.

"Ah'm a shocker fer names though... Mr Shylo?" He asks tentatively.
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:14 pm
Forum: Icy Wastes
Topic: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)
Replies: 46
Views: 3995

Re: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)

"Betrayer. I could come up with a myriad reasons or excuses, but that's the fact of that matter. I made that choice and it hurt people." She could sense the attention of the masked man, a small smile behind her mask at the reassurance that brought, a little sad though it was. "We've all caused pain...
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:07 pm
Forum: Echo Base Common Area
Topic: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)
Replies: 28
Views: 3668

Re: Shyyy Guyyy (D3 LM)

Taun taun herding had been something, but the recent swell he had felt when trying to access his talents, and the conversation with Luth had Garth's mindset distracted, which could mean only one thing... But the base had no beer, so kaff it was. Garth's distraction even precluded noticing Shyyyo unt...
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:02 pm
Forum: Bookkeeping
Topic: Session 1 Destiny Pool
Replies: 68
Views: 9979

Re: Session 1 Destiny Pool

Flipped in tauntauns

Light 17

Dark 22
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:10 pm
Forum: Icy Wastes
Topic: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)
Replies: 46
Views: 3995

Re: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)

"Sordid tale of blackmail, manipulation, murder, and betrayal. The kind of story that's great to tell, but less fun to live." Garth is silent for a few long, uncomfortable moments as he digests the information. "Imperial's one thing, mah wife's got strong ties t' that part of space an' done unforgi...
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:44 am
Forum: Icy Wastes
Topic: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)
Replies: 46
Views: 3995

Re: [Day 3 - MM] They Weigh a Tauntaun (Challenge)

Luth Khalan wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:10 am
"... I'm surprised you didn't hear," she admitted. "But I guess it's not that surprising. I arrived on the Empress' Spear."
"Huh, well..." Garth mumbles, a little taken aback. "Is there a cool story t' go 'long wi' that? Ah know we had some ind'pendents on that tour..."
by Garth Thul
Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:51 am
Forum: Bookkeeping
Topic: Destiny Pool Generation Session #2
Replies: 25
Views: 4847

Re: Destiny Pool Generation Session #2

Session 2 destiny: 1eF 1 Light Side