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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

"Rookie mistake, but kriff happens." He shrugged. "At least you killed them all."

He looked at Omandri. "What do you think Doctor Rist? Is the leg salvageable?" He could cauterise it if needed.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

The Duke-consort gives the doctor space so he can work and sits far enough to not be crowding them all, but close enough to help out if needed. Probably not needed though.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri watched Riss go, part of him wanted to go after her but, he'd need to settle for checking in on her later.

For now he had an Oath to uphold and returned his gaze to the woman. He scowled a bit more openly at the talk of slaughtering people.

But he looked back at the wound "it'll be fine." His tone was terse. Indeed it may have been a rough wound but a few applications of bacta and some synthetic flesh and it would be fine "should get better in a few hours."

"Next time you need my help refrain from talk of slaughtering defenseless people." He said sternly as he put his supplies away.

D1 EE V crit average increased by 2 upgraded reduced by 1 from shock blanket hard medicine boost from medpac: 2eP+4eA+1eB+1eC+2eD 1 success, 4 advantage
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

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"They came at me first, I simply finished the job," she said. "You do good work, Doctor."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Omandri Rist »

He snapped the medpac closed sharply "If they were in an escape pod they were more likely republic soldiers, scared soldiers on an inhospitable world that find a Sith. Maybe they should have tried to talk first but when they fled and hid, when they begged for mercy you didn't have to kill them like animals."

"We all make mistakes, death robs us from growing from them." He paused remembering a conversation with Layne earlier "and how is you made it back with a leg like that. Master Hoshin said she helped a Sith to camp. Would that be you?"
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

"Giving an enemy quarter just allows them another chance to destroy you," she said. "I think that was the Jedi's name, yes Master Hoshin aided me."

It was a bitter pill to admit that a Jedi gave her succor.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hoshin?" Joren laughed. "Master Hoshin?! Ahahaha....wait, you're serious? Classic Layne." The big Sith was practically beaming with amusement.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

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"Ugh, my shame is amplified," she said angrily.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

Zeno just smirked. "So is she the one that actually did that to you? I feel like she's the one that actually did that to you."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

"No, she did not," she said with annoyance. "Who is this Master Hoshin?" She tested her leg out, it would take time but she did feel better and the pain would make her stronger.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Zeno Thul »

"Former classmate of ours turned Jedi. Her fuse has gotten longer since she went to the light, but it's still not a very long fuse. And I think she enjoys being curmudgeonly," Zeno says, chuckling.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

"The Jedi did not kill her? How has such a weak willed enemy provided so much sport?" she said with mild confusion.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Jo'ren Rath »

"Layne's survivor. An old friend I guess. We worked together back when she was a Sith." He also smiled much like Zeno. "Never thought I'd see the day the Jedi trusted her. Interesting. I'm amazed she hasn't flipped out on them yet."

That gave him plenty to think about.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Omandri Rist »

Dapper Dog wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:16 am
"The Jedi did not kill her? How has such a weak willed enemy provided so much sport?" she said with mild confusion.
Omandri sighed he got the sense he would be talking to a brick wall with this crowd on the merit of mercy "perhaps because redemption exists?" He said addressing Viyuti

"Forgiveness, compassion. It is not weak to turn an enemy into an ally and if they are strong the way Layne Hoshin is you have only made yourself stronger in the process. And mind you without these virtues held by people like Layne and I you would likely be dead and we would all be made weaker for it. Think on that."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Dapper Dog »

That was an alien concept to her, and she scrunched her nose in annoyance. She said, "I don't see the point once something has no value it should be eliminated, why keep weakness. It begets only more weakness."

"Sounds like Jedi and Republic lies."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Omandri Rist »

Omandri frowned putting his medpac back in his backpack "If they were lies answer your own question from earlier. How is it we fought the Empire to a stand still if we have such ideals that breed weakness?" He asked raising an eyebrow "we work together, we raise each other up, and we make each other stronger."
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

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She simply glared, her hatred evident in her yellowing eyes.
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Re: The Evening Shift [D1 EE, Open]

Post by Omandri Rist »

He gave her a flat unimpressed look "keep your intimidating stares. I'm only speaking my truth. Whether you agree or not I don't really care, I'll patch you up either way cause it's what I do. Just actually think about it without dismissing the ideas out of hand."

He shouldered his pack strapping it across his chest "Think about what would have happened if your friend Drascovina would have found you instead. Not sure she would have taken the effort to help."
Alderaanian |Republic Veteran | Duke Rist | Spy Master | Human | Doctor | Traveler

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